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In the morning taekook take their leave. Everyone were happy for them expect both mother and daughter duo.

Lisa did try to stop tae from going with kook but our kook didn't even glance at her.

Even if someone said to leave tae here he'll not, not after he saw how his baby was crying for him to not leave her.

That does increase more love in his heart for her. Both have travelled 2 hours distance. They leave from madhupur at 7 o'clock after having breakfast.

Kook's meeting is tomorrow so, they have time of day to rest or have a small date in the Evening and as jimin said, kook is determined to stay in Mumbai for 4-5 days atleast.

Afterall they will not going to have an opportunity like this all time. He want to make these days special memories for their future.

Tae is sleeping right now, kook is driving with a grin on his face one hand on the staring while other is busy caressing tae's soft hands who have a strong grip around his rough ones.

Kook stop the car in front of a restaurant and turn around to wake tae up but stopped abruptly admiring her face.

Those long lashes brushing over her soft bread cheeks, those tinted tempting plumpy lips, his bite marks are still on tae's collarbone which is little visible from the blouse.

Marks are little faded but anyone can tell those are bite marks. A proud smrik crept on kook's lips he can't stopped himself and steal a quick peck from tae who stir in her slumber feeling the intense stare on herself.

Tae slowly open her eyes adjusting the sunlight which is directly falling on her face. She looking surreal, an angel because a human can't be this beautiful. Now can someone?

Kook smile and caress her cheeks who smile back at him and lean to kiss him and who is kook to reject he attach his lips with tae.

Both are moving their lips in sync before pulling away kook peck her lips twice.
Both rest their foreheads against eachother, eyes closed loving the silence in the car with sunlight creeping in through the windshield.

"I love you" "I love you too"

Both open their eyes and look into eachother's orbs.

"Are you hungry love?" Kook broke the silence, tae nod with a pout, kook steal a peck and step out of the car leaving tae inside.

Tae was about to open the car door when kook open it for her making tae smile at his gentleman gesture.

"Come out princess" tae come out like a princess that she is for kook. Kook held tae's waist and both proceed towards the restaurant.

Kook pulled a chair for tae to sit tae thanked him and sat comfortably.
Kook sat opposite to her.

"What you wanna eat?" Kook ask looking in the menu.

"Something light please" kook nod at her.

A waitress came to take their order but her looks seems a little uncomfortable to tae. Should a waitress smile like a pervert towards her customer and most her male customer like she is doing right now towards kook.

Kook is busy looking for a perfect light meal for them while the flirty waitress is checking him out infront of his fiance.

Before tae can say something kook spoke "we want jeera rice and dal fry" "okay sir" with that she walk away while swaying her hairs.

Tae is continuously looking at her. Kook put his hand over tae's.

"What happen love?" Tae look at kook with a sad pout, brows furrow.

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