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Next day, in morning :

Tae come in guest to call kook for breakfast after talking with her mom. Her mom is pretty relaxed with the fact  that tae is with kook which is justified.

Kook is in the balcony on a call. Tae sat on the bed and waited for him to finish, she is looking here and there and something catches her attention. She walk near and pick it up in her hands.

"Baby" kook's voice startled her as he snakes his veiny arm around her waist. Kook kiss her cheek while a small sweet smile crept on tae's face.

"What are doing?!" Kook ask as he saw a book in her hand. "nothing I came to call you for breakfast but saw this book, you read this book?"

"No bub I didn't even know where it comes from" kook took the book from her hand and turn few pages. It's a fictional book.

"You know I really wanna read this but can't find it anywhere, can I have it?" Kook look at her in amusement.

"Ofcourse love you can have it" he gave her that book who jumps in happiness and hug him. "Thank you kookie" she said as she kiss his cheek.

Kook peck her forehead as she turn few pages with a bright smile. For that smile kook is ready to open a big ass library then what a single book is.

"Firstly let's eat our breakfast then you can read this book" "ya" tae place the book and the table. Both came downstairs for breakfast and sat on their respective chairs.

"Bub" kook said grabbing her attention. "As you know my meeting is over and mom herself said that we can stay 1-2 days" tae surprisedly look at him with a hint of excitement.

"So I'm thinking of going on a date, what say?" Kook had made his mind from the start that he'll take tae for a date but tae's consent is all that matters.

Tae nodded excitedly as kook place his hand over her's. "But what about Rosie's marriage?" "Hmm...today is her haldi, mom told me that tomorrow will be her mehendi and then marriage so we can leave by tomorrow"

Tae nod agreeing with him. "So should we go?" "Ya" kook peck her head and start eating his dosa.

Both had breakfast and went to get ready as kook said they have to leave now.

"Why are we going this early?" "Because we'll visit alot of places" kook choose his outfit and told tae to get ready.

Tae tried few dresses as she didn't bring something according to a date. At last she get frustrated and sat on the bed with a pout that's when kook knock at the door.

"Door is unlocked" tae shouted but in a low voice and kook entered with a smile but seeing tae in her previous clothes sitting on the bed his smile took place with a furrow.

"Love, why didn't you get ready yet?" Kook ask as he held tae's hand in his and sat infront of her on one knee.

"Look how handsome you're looking koo, and then me I didn't bring anything for a date" she pouted more melting kook's heart.

"Look how handsome you're looking koo, and then me I didn't bring anything for a date" she pouted more melting kook's heart

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