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"Life is unexpected, it'll throw challenges at you in every chance it can get."

Kaira's POV

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Kaira's POV

I was literally not interested in anything, anymore apart from finding my brother. He left us but I won't let him be away from us more than he did till now.

It's been three years. THREE. FUCKING. YEARS. And I was determined now that whatever shit went down hell in this last three years, I will change everything.

I have became stronger than before, more than I should have. And I know that too, if my brother was with us I wouldn't have to become what I am today. I would have been still his bubbly Lily. But I'm not that Lily anymore. Time changes people and it's true.

Oops, did I forgot to introduce myself?

I'm Lily.. anhaa not for you, just for my brother. I'm Kaira Singh, a 20 year old University going student. I'm from Mumbai but I just moved to NYC for my further studies. I'm the youngest child in my family, the most pampered by my brother.

He was, sorry, is my world and always will be. There's no way in hell someone can take his place in my life. No one.

"Kai, are you done? We're getting late!!" Here comes my dear bestie, I wouldn't accept that infront of her though.

"KAIRA SINGH!!" Hazel shouts at me again followed by banging on my door.

"Yes bitch. I'm ready, wait a minute." I yell back, as I grab my bag and put my shoes on.

"Come soon, Marcel is waiting for us." She yells and I heard her foots retreating, indicating that she left.

Hazel and I met 2 months ago when I came to join Columbia University for my CSE major and she was a business administration student and we only had one subject in common that was risk management.

I passed my 1st and 2nd year from online mode and came now and Hazel was here from last year, since she was a year younger than me.

We just bumped into eachother one day near cafeteria and she apologized, I was rude, so I just brushed past her but she won't stop blabbering and she was literally dancing on my head so I had to practically shut her mouth with putting a bunch of fries that I had in my hands in her mouth.

After that she stopped and I finally thought I'm free but she followed me to my table and started talking again even when I ignored her. Then the next day she was in same class as me and since then I finally started talking to her. That's how we ended up together in one appartment near campus, cause we both didn't wanted to stay in dorms.

Marcel was Hazel's only friend and since I was living with her, Marcel also joined us. I was irritated with him at start but now he's also my bestfriend.

Hazel was an orphan, while Marcel's parents disowned him. That's their own story. And now they're an irreplaceable part of my life.

"Kai! Are you coming or not?" This was Marcel, and I knew that I pushed his limits.

KAIRA: QUEEN OF HIS HEART Where stories live. Discover now