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"The eyes,
His deep brown eyes,
Met with her own chocolate brown ones,
And then there it was,
The spark that will create its own story."

Kaira's POV

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Kaira's POV

Oh god.

I finally got back home where me and hazel live together. I knew it that they must've came back home after waiting for me for hours.

I opened the door and saw them both who's looking relieved after seeing me fine.

"Where the fuck you've been gone for this long? You made me worried." Hazel came to me saying, pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged her back immediately relieving all that fuckin' bullshit I came dealing with. Then I pulled away from the hug.

Marcel was staring at me worriedly. Both for me and his dearest McLaren. He ran to me, asking if I was okay and the car too. I sighed and reassured him making him finally breathe.

"Where were you, Kai??" Marcel asked.

"Dealing with some bullshit." I replied.

They both looked at each other then me. "What's that??"

I told everything that happened with and they were shocked and why I don't know but they seem scared. I looked at them not knowing why they seemed so scared than shocked.

I tried to ask them but all they said was "it's better if you don't know and please keep yourself away from them."

I was confused. Why are they acting like this. Whatever. I got up and went to my bedroom for freshen up.


I woke up and went to the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and looked up at mirror. I looked at my cheek where that 'bhadwa' kissed.

I came back to my room and searched for my phone. I took a deep breath and opened it. Then started to dig in with all my might for finding that number and I got it.

I got my laptop and tried to track the number and found out that it's in Italy. CITY OF MAFIAS. By others opinion. I can't believe this bullshit because I lived in a country where there was nothing like mafia and all. It's just some gangsters.

When I got the number's owner name. IXTAL EMPIRE . I thought for some time that this doesn't seem a name of person but a group or something and then started to hack his phone. And after few try I get the hold of his phone. Well I cracked into it and looked for all the information I can get.

Well I don't know what to then I started to check the emails in the phones and I saw this was all about some business things. Then I just stayed still after seeing the videos there. And I was blank. How can someone kill anyone mercilessly.

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