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"The emotions are there,
But we don't wanna acknowledge it,
Thinking of it as our weakness,
But we forgot that the emotions will never leave you,
We can stay in denial all we want,
But there will be a time where
We're forced to accept them solely."

Kaira's POV

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Kaira's POV

"Who the fuck does he think he is. Doesn't he have some common sense about how to behave with people." Hazel said a bit angrily looking at me.

"He's the mafia leader of the most powerful mafia babydoll!" That son of bitch spoke who's responsible for everything until now.

"Who asked you bitch?" My voice started to growl in the cell.

"Well, Hello!! I'm Levi Hernandez. Younger brother of Erix Hernandez. Second heir of IXTAL EMPIRES." He introduced himself.

All the time he was looking at Hazel. I'm damn sure he has crush on her by the way he looks at her.

"Hello, I'm Dante Carlos. Erix's bestfriend. And the second-in-command." The other guy introduced.

By the time a girl with almost my age came into the cell. She has a fair skin. Blue eyes. Light brown, below shoulder length hair. Good figure. And she was a bit shorter than me. But she looks damn cool by her body features.

She took her hand out to shake with me, "I'm Cristina Greco. This three are like brothers to me. I mean Levi, Dante and Erix took good care of me ever since I'm 15." She said smiling.

She was a very sociable person. Anyone can tell by the way she spoke to me.

"Kaira Singh." I replied, with no emotions obviously. This must've felt harsh to her. But now I can't change myself the way I'm now.

"Hey, I'm Hazel." Hazel spoke to her for divert her mind from the way she felt because of me.

"Sorry for the way she speaks to you. But she is always like this at first. It takes time to her to be comfortable with anyone. It took us almost the month to make her comfortable with us." She explained to Cristina. Well the two guys as well.

"Okay, I can understand." Is all she said and lead us the way out of the cell.

Me and Hazel closely behind her.
Dante, Levi and Marcel followed us.

A few moments later

We got out of the car to see a very grand house infront of us. Well not house but MANSION.

Me, Hazel and Marcel was mesmerized by the view.

They still not that mesmerized the way I'm cause they're born in US and ofcourse they lived in a great house. But I'm a Indian girl. A middle class Indian girl. Who just have seen this view in her dreams. Not even in her dreams. It was just so damn beautiful.

KAIRA: QUEEN OF HIS HEART Where stories live. Discover now