Guys how the frick frack I gots 1k views?????? (。_。) THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING AND FOR ALL OF THE SUPPORT!!

Guys I just found out that Oklahoma banned trans kids from going to their chosen gender's bathroom and instead have to go to the bathroom for the gender they were assigned at birth. A kid followed the rules and went to the girl's bathroom and didn't realize that she was being followed. She is dead now. These two videos will be able to explain it better than I can.      Stay safe everyone!!! Also, Idk if this is new to people or anything. I don't really pay attention to politics. 

The last two days had been relaxing. Nico had went shopping with the Waynes and watched movies with Jason and Dick, but now they were gone. Alfred had said that they'd be back later today. Apparently, they had taken some time off to help Nico get more comfortable with living in the manor but now there were some problems that had popped up during their absence that they needed to take care of. 

This meant that Nico was alone in the manor, well almost, Alfred was still cleaning. All of his anxieties came rushing back to him now that there wasn't anything to distract him. He thought about his dream and what it could mean, and he thought about his powers that were slowly draining away. 

He was pretty sure he knew who the message was from, but that did little to calm his anxieties. He had barely survived his last encounter with the goddess, how was he supposed to defeat her with his depleted powers? There was also the fact that his powers were being drained. This hadn't happened to him before. Sure, he had been unable to use his powers but that was from overuse, not from an outside force. 

He knew who the message was from but he was painfully aware of the fact that he had know idea what he was up against. At least he wasn't in Tartarus this time. 

Nico didn't know what to do. The message hadn't given him a single clue that could help him figure out what his next course of action should be. It had been meant to scare him. He needed advice from another demigod. 

Nico quickly got out a drachma and locked himself in the bathroom. He found an empty spray bottle under the sink. It had probably been full of cleaning chemicals. He filled it with water and used it to make a small rainbow. (all I could think when I was typing the rainbow was 💅)

Nico flipped the drachma, and it landed on the rainbow. "Oh, goddess accept my offering. Show me Annabeth Chase." Annabeth might be able to tell him what he needed to do next. 

Annabeth's face appeared in the mist. Next to her was Percy. They seemed to be studying. "Oh, hi Nico. What's up?" Annabeth asked. "Uh, it this a bad time?" Nico asked. "Not at all! What do you need?" Percy said. He seemed a little relieved. 

"I had a dream last night," Nico started to explain. Percy and Annabeth winced. "Don't worry it shouldn't affect you, but I was hoping that Annabeth could give me some advice?" Nico said. Percy gasped and pretended to be offended, "You don't want my advice too?" Nico and Annabeth ignored him. 

"Of course, Nico. How about you tell me what happened?" Annabeth said. Nico told her as much as he was comfortable with. He left out certain, personal parts of the dream. He also told her about his slowly draining powers. 

Annabeth had a thoughtful look on her face when he was done. "I don't know what the cause of your powers draining could be. I don't remember anything in Greek mythology that could do that. I guess it could be possible that you aren't just up against things from Greek mythology. As for the dream, that has to be Nyx. It seems like she wants you to know that she's coming for you." 

A Part of The Family (Nico Di Angelo meets the batfam)Where stories live. Discover now