Chapter 1: Rip

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A/N: hellooo i am once AGAIN writing a hurt-comfort where sasaki is hurt... this would be the 3rd time 😭. dont worry guys ill write miyano hurt one day 🙏🙏🙏 im half joking, ofc ittl come with sasaki comfort. i like light angst not devistaing stories. 😍

also for time context: this takes place in the small time frame between sasamiya getting together in the actual story but before sasaki graduates. so probably during some sort of testing week idk. idk if japanese students graduate early or if they get out with the rest of the grades 😭 but either way this is like right before he graduates bc they got together in january and i believe the school years there end in march 😀 this time frame is small but im using it !! let's just say this goes down in... mid february? after valentines day.

um also potential trigger warning for violence and maybe graphic content? i plan to make the fight very descriptive and detailed and it's not just a couple of punches... (i say potential because i make my first author note before i actually write the story)


'I hope Miya finishes up soon... i am more than ready to hangout with him...' Sasaki was pacing the school grounds out front waiting for his pronounced boyfriend, kicking rocks, shuffling dirt and gravel, average waiting activities.

Until a seemingly timid guy spotted him and decided Sasaki would be his target for today. This guy has seen Sasaki around before and, for whatever reason, hated his guts. 'i finally fucking found him AND he's alone?? i thought he was usually out being gay with his little friend.' Ahhh there's a reason. Classic outrageous homophobia.

'Huh, the front of the school is a terrible place to fight someone... i gotta get him behind the south building...' The classic fighting spot. 'i cant tell him where though, that's the average fight spot... it's a good one... he probably knows about it... i'll just have to lead him there...' Ahh the south building, where Kuresawa got his shit rocked a while ago.

So the guy puts on his best stressed-looking facade and slowly walks up to Sasaki who was still kicking dirt around. Sasaki noticed someone walking straight toward him, 'Hm? do i know this guy? is he in my class? i don't recognize him why is coming toward me?' "Hi sorry to uhh bother you, i was was just looking for someone to help me with something around the south building but the schools pretty empty at this time i didn't see anyone on my way up here so uhm would you mind coming the help me real quick??"

'Well, since im still waiting for Miya i guess it wouldn't hurt.' "uhh sure what did you need help with?" Before going to find him, this guy purposefully scattered his papers and stuff everywhere and cut his backpack open so it looked like everything dropped so he would actually have a visible reason.

So he held up his "broken" backpack so Sasaki would see, "Well my backpack busted open and all my papers and stuff scattered everywhere, like EVERYWHERE, i- i probably shouldn't have left it alone actually some of it's probably gone now-" Sasaki was actually sold on this. Poor guy. "Sure i'll help you, i'm still waiting for someone so i have a few minutes." Sasaki no!!!! someone warn him!!! Too late, they're heading to the south building...


"Oh wow you weren't kidding, your stuff is everywhere..." Sasaki walked into the trap. The guy started cracking his knuckles, "would you mind grabbing the stuff by the wall over there please, i'll try to get the stuff out here." His voice was more flat and a little angry toned, god he hated Sasaki, he hated talking to him all nice like that, but he wouldn't be doing that much longer, he sent Sasaki over to the wall so he could smash him against it. Speaking of which he's walking over there now! oh no...

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