chapter 3: stitch

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a/n: doctor tw?? if anyone needs that idk.

sorry if there's any typos i don't feel like fixing it


Miyano led Sasaki into the doctors office.


'I'm cold...' The doctors office was cold. They always are. Good thing Sasaki always wears that cardigan. The cardigan that was now covered in dirt, and had blood on one shoulder. He and Miyano made their way up to the front desk where the lady working there wasn't even phased by Sasakis beat up look as she has seen all kinds of people before, "Hi, what can i do for you gentlemen today?"

"Um... do you guys allow minors..?" Neither of them really knew how to ask without making it sound awkward. But the lady understood what they meant, "We sure do! At this location, parents aren't required to show up with you for you to have an appointment here. will you both be needing a form to fill out, or just one of you?" The boys were both relieved that the lady understood them, "Just me, he's just here with me." Sasaki answered and pointed at Miyano. "Alright then fill out your form and come back up when youre done!"

So they took a pen and went to go find some empty seats in the lobby. Sasaki continued to fill out the paper until he got to the payment section and hesitated, 'shit i forgot about this part... what am i supposed to do...' He stared at the page for a few seconds until Miyano realized why he paused. Miyano nudged him a little to get his attention and whispered, "Just put your parents information, they can bill them later." Sasaki lightly palmed his face, "Right, forgot about that."

'Man i hope my parents care about me enough to let this slide... i'm sorry in advance mom...' Sasaki continued to fill out his parents billing information despite how nervous he was about his parents finding out. He didn't exactly plan on going home right after this. 'I hope Miya will let me stay at his house for a bit i don't really wanna be berated by my family right now... i'll ask him later...' He slowly finished filling out the payment section.

As soon as Sasaki finished filling out the form he and Miyano took it back up to the front desk and handed it back to the lady, "Alright, everything seems to be in order and filled out. You're welcome to sit back down until your turn." And the boys did just that.

'i wonder how long this will take...' Sasaki pondered. His hands were still a little shaky from everything that had happened today. Miyano of course noticed this and placed one of his hands on Sasakis and lightly whispered to him, "it'll be okay Sasaki." Miyano lightly rubbed his thumb across Sasakis hand. 'Oh my gosh i'm so glad he came with me i love him so much...' "thanks for coming with me Miya... i genuinely don't know what id do without you..." He spoke quietly. Miyano was so touched at this, "Awww no it's okay! I don't mind this at all!" He smiled at his boyfriend.

Sasaki felt a little better. They continued to wait.


A doctor holding a clipboard walked out from a hallway and called out, "Shuumei Sasaki?" acknowledging it was time for his appointment. Sasaki started walking over to the man, Miyano following him. "Right this way Mr Sasaki." The doctor proceeded to walk back down the hallway he came out of, the boys following him, eventually into a room. "Sasaki you can sit up on the examination table here. and you sir can have a seat on one of the chairs over there." The boys did as the doctor said.

'The doctors probably gonna ask me to explain why i look like this right now but i really don't want to...' And not having anytime to prepare himself, the doctor asks, "So mr Sasaki, would you mind telling me what happened, and where all your injuries are?" Sasaki went vague with it, he really wasn't in the mood to tell someone this story already, "Uhh well some guy at my school beat me up and ripped out my earring. that's mostly why i'm here [he pointed to his ripped ear], and uhhh i have bruises is a few places, mostly my stomach..." that's all he gave the doctor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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