Chapter 1

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The moon hung high above, its silvery light cascading down upon the world below, painting the falling snow with an ethereal glow under the starry canopy of the night sky. Despite the serene scene unfolding outside, my mind churned with worry, each falling snowflake a reminder of the uncertainty surrounding my missing sister. Even though I knew deep down that there was little more I could do to find her, the ache of her absence lingered, a constant shadow haunting my thoughts.

With a heavy heart, I tore my gaze away from the window and forced myself to focus on the task at hand. My older sister Nesta and I had responsibilities to tend to—preparations for the upcoming wedding of our younger sister, Elain, demanded our attention.

Rising from the comfort of my bed, I resigned myself to the fact that sleep would evade me once again. The chill of the night air greeted me as I made my way to the bathroom, catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. My weary blue eyes, a mirror image of Feyre's, stared back at me, yet it was the single white strand amidst my brown locks that served as a stark reminder of the differences between us.

With a resigned sigh, I donned a dark blue gown, its high neckline and long sleeves providing a sense of comfort and security as I prepared to face the day ahead. Concealing the white strand of hair beneath the fabric, I descended the stairs, the murmur of voices from below signaling the bustling activity already underway.

Nesta's commanding presence filled the room as she orchestrated the final preparations for Elain's wedding, her voice a constant stream of instructions to the maids. Despite my weariness, I leaned against the wall, exhaustion weighing heavily upon me as Nesta's gaze landed upon me with a mix of concern and admonishment.

"You should eat, sister," she chided gently, her eyes taking in my pallid complexion and tired expression. "You wouldn't want to appear as a ghost at our sister's wedding, would you?"

I responded with a scoff, my irritation bubbling to the surface. "Of course not, Nesta," I retorted, sarcasm lacing my words. "But have you remembered to send an invitation to Feyre? She should be here for Elain's special day."

Nesta's brow furrowed at the mention of Feyre, her expression unreadable. "There's no need," she replied curtly. "Feyre knows she's welcome anytime. Besides, you have other tasks to attend to. Go into town and ensure the final arrangements for Elain's dress are in order."

Reluctantly, I obeyed, my steps heavy with the weight of duty as I ventured into the town to fulfill my sister's wishes. Despite the chill in the air and the lateness of the hour, I pressed on, my thoughts consumed by the looming wedding and the absence of my beloved sister.

As I step through the threshold of Mrs. Mandray's quaint shop, I am enveloped in a delicate fragrance that instantly transports me to a field of blooming tulips. There, standing behind the counter with a warm smile, is Marie, the embodiment of grace and hospitality.

"Hello, dear," she greets me, her voice as soft as the petals of the flowers surrounding us. "Are you here for the arrangements of the dress?"

Returning her smile, I nod gently, feeling a sense of calm wash over me in her presence. "Yes, I've come to ensure that everything is on schedule for the wedding." My words carry a hint of anticipation, mingling with the scent of the floral arrangements adorning the shop.

As I step into Mrs. Mandray's quaint shop, the delicate aroma of tulips envelops me, instantly lifting my spirits. Marie, with her warm smile, approaches me gracefully. "Hello, dear," she greets, her voice as soothing as her fragrance. "Are you here for the arrangements of the dress?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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