{Chapter 4}

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Thomas Williams

''Pass me the pepperoni pizza Isaac'' I pleaded after taking a bite of the slice of tuna pizza that Eric ordered. The thing was pineapple on it. Still, to this day, I don't get the obsession some people have with putting pineapple on pizza. Maybe there is something I am not seeing. Or maybe I just have good taste. ''Don't know how you eat pineapple on pizza dude. There must be a law in Italy that forbids you from doing this''. I commented, directing my gaze towards Isaac.

He just rolled his eyes at me and said ''Maybe you should stick to the bland pepperoni pizza you always eat- '' He pointed to the pizza me, and Eric asked for and continued ''and leave this one for me. You always try it, don't like it, and always judge me for it''. He concluded annoyed by my comment. To be fair, he does have a point.

''Don't want to distract you from your pizza drama, but I need to figure out how the hell I'm going to pass Algebra 2, or my dad will send me to boarding school, in Russia.'' Eric stated. Eric has been having trouble with some of his classes and we decided that we should come and grab a pizza, before going to a party, to maybe blow off some steam. No problem is ever not solved with a slice of pizza and some beers, am I right? ''And it's not even an exaggeration. He has warned me that I need to get my shit together this semester''.

''Your old man is saying that he is going to send you to boarding school since you were twelve.'' Isaac intervened, with a deadpan look on his face. ''And still, you're here, eight years later, and annoying my ass all the time''.

I beamed. ''Valid point.''

''No guys, seriously. I need help.'' Eric continued and both me and Isaac just leaned back on our chairs.

''Have you thought about tutoring?'' I inquired, picking up the napkin to clean my mouth. ''I heard that you could ask for help at the office that deals with students. They just assign you a tutor and that's pretty much it.'' I informed.

He shrugged his shoulders. ''Do you think that will honestly help?'' He asked, truly interested in my opinion, before turning his face towards Isaac, giving a small grim. Oh no, here we go, again. ''Because last year, that didn't go so well for Isaac, am I right, lover boy?'' He added mocking the living soul out of Isaac.

If Isaac's stare could kill anyone, that would be it. Game over. ''You're a complete dickhead, you know that?'' He hissed, clearly not very fond of the course of the conversation.

Eric smiled and decided to change the mocking tone. ''You're still not over that girl?'' He asked and he could tell, the question was genuine. ''Her name was Maria, right?

''That's none of your business''. He fought back, not too keen on answering the question, to which we all knew the answer. He fell hard over heels for a girl, last summer, but things didn't work out, because she caught him, cheating with another girl. Typically, that sort of thing doesn't bother him, but in this particular case, it did. But Isaac is not a man to show his emotions, so this topic is sensitive.

I was about to respond when I looked to the door and saw Alan walk in, with a couple of his friends. Deciding to give a hand to Isaac and finish this conversation, I said: ''Look who's here.'' I announced, making the both of them, turn their heads towards the direction I was looking. ''It's Alan.''

Eric smiled and waved at him. They are close friends. They both play for a sports team in college, and we have been with him a couple of times. ''Maybe we should invite him here?'' Eric questioned, looking for us for approval.

''Hell no''. Isaac pleaded, turning his face towards us while leaning forward. ''There is no way on this Earth we will invite Alan and his friends to sit with us, am I making myself clear Eric?'' His manner changed. He became agitated and he never gets agitated, with anything. I frowned, intrigued.

Decided to contribute to his misery, sorry Isaac, I shouted. ''Alan, come here.''

He waved back at us and turned around to face his friends. They talked for a bit and then made their way towards us.

''Hey guys, how are you guys doing?'' Alan greeted us. Me and Eric smiled and nodded. Isaac just stood there, looking like a rude idiot. Under the table, I stepped on his foot, making him shift on his seat. He then beamed, more forced than anything I made him do.

You know that awkward time when you meet new people, and you have to break the ice? Yeah, I hate that. Now I'm questioning why I placed myself in this position in the first place. ''I guess we all had the same idea to grab a slice of pizza, right?'' I questioned.

''Actually, we are here to eat the lasagna. The pizza here sucks.'' A girl responded, leaving Alan looking double-founded at her. ''Especially the pineapple one.'' She added, directing her glaze of pure disgust towards Isaac and his pizza.

There was an awkward moment of silence after that. Thankfully Alan decided to break it. ''Guys, this is Jeremy, Anne, Maria-'' He introduced, making us all greet them, once again. ''and the intense pineapple hater is Mia.'' She greeted us, her smile leaving no apologies behind. Quite a way to make an entrance. I internally chuckled. I feel her.

I never meet Alan's friends, but then again, I'm not that social. Don't get me wrong, I know that my reputation precedes me, and I might have the fame of being too close with the ladies, but that pretty much sums up all the interactions I have with people. But I do sometimes like to make an effort. ''Are you guys going to the party at Alison's house tonight?'' Eric inquired Alan, bringing me back from my thoughts.

''No, we were thinking about having a slow night and maybe just chill.'' He responded, right away.

''Come on, you have to come''. Eric pleaded, making Alan starch his head and smile awkwardly. ''It would be so much fun.'' He added.

Isaac intervened, sifting uncomfortably in his seat. ''Don't be so pushy dude, maybe they have other planes.''

''Actually no, we don't have any planes. It would be awesome to join you guys, at the party.'' The girl, that I now know is called Maria said, turning her full attention towards Isaac. The tension was palpable between those two because after hearing her speak, Isaac started to blush. And that's when it hit me. Maria ... could it be her?

I internally chuckled. Seriously dude, of all the girls in the world, you have to mess with a friend of your friend. Not that that should stop anyone from following what their hearts desire, but still, risky move. I turned my chin up and saw Mia looking at me. Once she knew I was looking, she looked away. Sorry, Mia, you're pretty, I give you that, but we can't have another fiasco on our hands.

Alan looked at his friends and all of them just gave him a look permitting him to accept Eric's offer. ''OK then.'' Alan responded. ''We will eat something and join you guys there after then.'' He informed and all of us, me, and Eric, because Isaac was still acting like an idiot, nodded. Maria and Mia walked away without saying a word and Jeremy, Anne, and Alan waved goodbye, before making their way towards the table.

''Eric, if your father doesn't send you to a boarding school, I will.'' Isaac hissed, his fist clenching. ''Or maybe I can draw you a map so you can go to a place where the sun doesn't shine''. He continued, grabbing his wallet to take a 10 dollar note and place it on the table, before getting up.

''Where are you going?'' I inquired, almost as he got up.

''I need some air. I'll meet you there.'' He responded, directing his gaze to me, and ignoring Eric. Before any of us, could say anything, he was out of the place.

''Dude, not that I don't mind them coming, but seriously-'' I pointed at the table they were sitting at, ''Maria? And the way he was acting all weird? It's her.'' I pointed once again. He looked at me, confused at first. But then, it hit him.

''Shit Thomas''.

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