{Chapter 5}

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Mia Dawson

Alan decided to take his car to Alison's party. The only thing that is making up the fact that I'm on my way to a party right now, is Alan's music choice. On his Spotify list is playing Hope Leaves by Opeth and right now this song couldn't speak more to me.

It's a beautiful thing how music always has a special spot in everyone's heart. At least in mine it does. ''I can't believe I, Mia Dawson, I'm going to Alison's Morgan party.'' I interrupted my thoughts, refusing to dwell on my problems at this moment. I don't have anything against parties. I usually like them. The problem here resides in the host of the party itself. Alison is probably the rudest person I have ever known.

''You can blame Maria for that.'' Jeremey answered me, making an unapologetic look at me while drinking a beer that we bought at the store. If I learned anything from my Erasmus in my first year of college in Barcelona was to always come prepared and always arrive late. And when I say late, I mean parties don't start until one in the morning. Which in my opinion, doesn't work with my London brain. ''I would honestly like to get you girls sometimes. You completely hate them and you said we should come. Are you by any chance bipolar Maria?'' He added mockingly, making Maria snort in annoyance.

She crossed her arms and leaned back on her seat. ''Sometimes women are not supposed to be understood Jeremy.'' She answered and he just nodded in agreement, refusing to speak anymore. That's the good thing about Jeremey. He is amazing at pissing someone's balls, but he knows when to stop. Besides, Maria spoke facts. ''Besides, from what I could tell, they don't own the party.'' She added, resting her case.

Before anyone could continue the conversation, we arrived at the location. Alan had trouble parking the car because all the spots here were taken across the street, so he chose to park five walking minutes away from the party.

College parties are different than high school parties. In college, everyone gets hammered at three or four in the morning, so I hopefully won't have to wait much longer, before leaving.

''You guys!'' Someone shouted far away. All of us directed our gaze towards the direction where the voice came from. It was the three musketeers. For someone who never had an interaction with them, during the whole three years of college, they keep popping up today. Like a computer virus, determined to corrupt us all.

Thomas, Eric, and Isaac made their way towards us. You could see the awkwardness in Thomas and Isaac's face. The weird cracked and forced smile they gave when they saw us, was visible, loud, and clear. But to be fair, I felt the same. It's like when you have to interact with that one cousin that you only see one time per year at Christmas. Awkard, but you push through it.

''I'm going in, see you later.'' Thomas said, right after a small nod of acknowledgment. Isaac followed him, leaving Eric behind.

When we walked in, they walked towards the pool, but I felt that I needed to take a stroll, alone. I wasn't allowed to have alcohol and I also didn't feel like talking either. I know they say that sometimes being in your thoughts can be dangerous, but after the news I had today, I feel like I'm allowed to. ''I'm going to take a walk; I'll join you later.'' I informed, making Anne frown at me. She gently grabbed my arm and pushed me to the side.

''Are you ok?'' She inquired, concerned in her voice. ''Do you want me to go with you?'' She added, not leaving much room for me to answer, before continuing. ''Or do you want to leave? I'll go with you. We could go home and watch Harry Potter together.'' Damn, she is really worried about me. I beamed, happy that she would put her hate for Harry Potter aside for me. I've been begging for her to watch it with me since we were kids, but the answer is always no. I truly don't get the hate. Sometimes I have to remember that she is my best friend, before losing my shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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