Chapter 12 - fists and feelings

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Aria's pov

Me and Kite have been attending college for two months now. I have been studying Art, English literature and geography while Squeak has been studying Music, maths and history. I've really loved college, especially since all my old friends all came with me. I've been doing really well in my lessons as well and my art has gotten a lot better. The one thing that I wish had changed was the constant degradation from Marie. She's been worse as of late, especially since she saw Kite kiss my hand at prom. I still think about that moment. How much I loved it. How much I want it to happen again.

I had just finished up with art class and was walking out into the courtyard area. It was pretty with ash blossom trees and pretty bushes. The white petals of the ash blossom tree fell off of the branches and layed gently on the ground. Some of them were caught in the wind and were floating around. "It's really pretty out here, too bad you're in the way." I heard a sneering voice from behind me.

I turned around to face Marie, this wasn't really necessary since I had already known who it was. "Gee thanks you're so kind" I fire back scathingly. She just begins to laugh. Her sneering laughter gets caught in the wind and completely ruins the calm vibe of the garden. It echoes through the whole area, a few other students turned to look but quickly lost interest. I was holding my art portfolio in my left arm and I had my bag on my back.

She grabbed my art book and started skimming through the pages. "ooh ugly, ugly , disgusting" she mocked going through the pages of my book and pointing at things I had done "wrong". I feel myself getting heated and angry. "Do you feel no shame?" I ask her angrily and she just laughs again. "Awh are you getting salty, is it because Kite doesn't love you?". I smile slightly and just whisper under my breath. "What did you say?" She demands. I smirk at her "I said at least he doesn't HATE me".

She looked furious. It was actually quite funny until I realised just how much I'd pissed her off. "YOU'RE SUCH A LITTLE BITCH YOU KNOW THAT!" she screamed as her fist flew towards my face.

But it never hit me.

Kites pov

I walked into the courtyard towards mine and Aria's usual meeting spot when I became aware of an argument going on. That sounds like Bubble and Marie. I walk into the clearing and examine the situation are they talking about me? Then i began running over, I don't know why but it was some kind of protective instinct. I noticed Marie's face change from snarky to livid And she moves her arm back. I quickly rushed into the middle of them and put my face in the way of Marie's fist.

It collided with the top part of my face specifically my left eye. I became aware of the feeling of blood running down my face and my head was throbbing. Despite all of this I stare Marie down with a look that could turn anyone to stone. "Get away from MY Bubble" I say in the calmest town that I can possibly manage right now. I protectively grab Aria's hand and look at Marie again. "I said go the hell away".

She walks away seemingly crying maybe she's finally over me. Aria begins to walk me to the nurses office and she is dead quiet. So am I. I realised what I said. I called her mine.

She sat me down on the chair in the nurses office and grabbed a bandage. She's blushing, I'd like to think that it's because she loves me but I think anyone would be blushing with embarrassment over what I said. You fucked up Kite, you fucked up big time.

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