Chapter 20 - our friends

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Kite's pov

"Honey lunch is ready" I yelled up the stairs from the kitchen trying to get my girlfriend's attention. When she didn't respond I got nervous and decided to check on her. I walked up the stairs "Bubble?" I asked but my ears were met not with her voice but the sound of music. I started blushing when I heard the song it was called pressure point and I was blushing because my band made it. I knock on the door of her art studio and I hear her say "come in" in that adorable happy voice of hers. I walk into the room and see my beautiful girlfriend stood in front of and easel painting and bopping to the song. She turns around "what are you doing" I ask sweetly. "Making art while listening to art" she replies with a laugh. I walk up to her and hug her and wrap my arms around her "I made lunch, it's on the table my love" I say Leaning down to place a kiss on her cheek.

She turns off the song and takes my hand. "I'm hungry it's honestly amazing how much painting makes the stomach grumble." I laugh "good job I made something warm then hey". She sits down at the dining room table and the sunlight caresses her face as it shines through the roof of the conservatory. I bring in a large plate with ten Kushikatsu with a dipping sauce in the middle of the plate. I place it down "what are they?" She asks me curious. "They're called Kushikatsu they're Japanese katsu fried pork skewers with onions and pepper." She picks up a skewer dips it in the sauce and takes a bite. I know I've done well when that sparkle appears in her eyes. "THEY'RE SO GOOD!" she says a bit louder than intended and she chows down on the meal that I lovingly made. "This is why you're husband material you know" she says with a smile after her third skewer.

We head up to our bedroom to get changed ready for the party that we are going to attend this evening. Aria got changed into a white dress that reaches down to her knees that is adorned with small pink flowers on it.  She is wearing a pair of white high heeled shoes with another pink flower on top. She wears a pair of pink flower earrings and she has a flower ornament in her hair that is keeping her hair in a long plait. I on the other hand got into a white shirt with a lilac waistcoat and a lilac tie. I'm wearing grey trousers and have black socks and am wearing a pair of black leather shoes.

We get in the car and make our way towards the bar that we are meeting Jet and Alice at. The reason for the party was to celebrate those two getting engaged. Jet popped the question two days ago when they were at this really nice restaurant. Tonight we are going to a forest themed bar to celebrate, have a few drinks and celebrate our friends getting to the next stage in their lives.

We pull up to the bar and walk inside. We walk to a booth where we find our friends sitting down Alice laying slightly in Jet's arms. We said hello and then the waiter came over with a chilled bottle of wine. We sat there joking and laughing for a few hours and I feel tipsy. Aria is snuggled into me and she is hiccuping slightly she has a blush on her face and she is smiling and happy.

After a while Aria called her mother and she came to pick us up as she lived nearby to the bar. She drove us home and we thanked her walking into our house hand in hand. We walked upstairs and Aria took a shower she came into the room and got changed into her bedclothes as I myself took a shower. We layed in our bed and cuddled together her arms around my chest and my arms around her neck. She cuddled her face into the crook of my neck and we fell asleep in the sweet bliss that is each others company.

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