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There was a silence that was spread across the whole table.

"Oh, shit I'm sorry. I wasn't aware you were sitting here" Mark says as he slowly backs away.

There was silence once again.

"No um, it's okay!" Haechan says as he slowly sits down in his seat.

Jaemin looks at the two in confusion as he feels a soft tap on his thigh.

Looking up from his thigh, he's met with Renjun's wide eyes as he slowly shakes his head, trying to avoid any questions.

Mark realizes how the mood of the atmosphere has changed so he lets out a small cough.

"Well um, I'll catch up on you later alright?" Mark says awkwardly as he side hugs Jaemin and gives a small nod to the rest of the boys, except Haechan.

"What is goin-"

"I think I'm gonna go to the restroom" Haechan's voice cuts off the confused boy.

Chenle looks at Haechan and lets out a deep sigh.

"No Haechan, you're saying here! You can't keep running off everytime you see him!" Chenle says as he holds Haechan with all his strength, hoping it would make the honey haired boy stay at the table.

Jaemin looks at the scene, trying to put all the pieces together but it was no use.

In Jaemin's mind there was so many questions.

Why did Haechan all of a sudden become so quiet?

Why were they all awkward?

And most importantly, Why did Mark avoid Haechan?

After attempting to keep Haechan from running away to the bathroom, Haechan shakes his hand out of Chenle's grip harshly one last time before quickly speed walking to the nearest exit.

Chenle lets out a loud sigh as he rolls his eyes as the boy he was trying to defeat was now on his way to the bathroom.

"He's never gonna learn! This always happens and I swear on my life and basketball if these too motherfuckers don't fucking talk I wil-"

"Chenle, calm down! You have to understand this is hard for him" Renjun says grabbing both of Chenle's hands and squeezing them.

"I do, trust me I do!" Chenle says as he looks at the table in where Mark was sitting with the rest of his friend group, both Jeno and Jisung.

"But it's been 3 months Junnie! And the two haven't even spoken a word other then 'sorry I didn't know you were here' or 'sorry for making it uncomfortable'" Chenle says as he shakes his head.

"Um if you don't mind me asking, what the hell is going on?" Jaemin asks quietly, breaking the conflict between Renjun and Chenle.

The two boys look at each other.

"I'm, I'm so sorry Jaemin. I bet you're so confused right now with all this lashing out" Renjun says as he looks at Jaemin with sorrow.

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