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Jaemin just blinks at Mark, not speaking a word.

I mean what was he supposed to say?

Jaemin lowkey wanted to say 'yea actually, they told me how you cheated on the love of your life because some bitches got into your head'

But he didn't have the guts to do it.

Mark stares at him, waiting for an answer but after a while, it was obvious to the older boy that he wasn't going to receive one.

"God, this is so embarrassing" was all he could let out.

"That's all you have to say?" Jaemin questioned, trying to sound nonchalant but his voice was filled with somewhat arrogance.

"I'm not sure what to say" Mark replied, looking down at his hands.

"You don't know what to say?" Jaemin asked, this time sounding a bit more impudent.

"Why did you do it?" the new boy added on.

"If I say what happened, no one will believe me" Mark said quietly but loud enough for the Jaemin to hear him.

Jaemin's expression becomes somewhat concerned as he leads closer to the black haired boy.

"What do you mean?"

There was a silence that seemed to fill the space between them.

"I mean look at you, you go off by what someone told you and now you probably think I'm a terrible person" Mark breathe out.

Jaemin just looks at him, not knowing what to say.

"You know, I think I'm gonna go. I don't want to say something I'm going to regret later" Mark says as he begins to pick up his stuff.

"Mark, what - that's not fair" Jaemin let out quietly, trying not to get the attention of the rest of the students in the study area.

"No, what's not fair is that you're all upset with me because of something you barely know about" Mark said as he puts his backpack on.

"You're acting like you know everything, giving me all this attitude"

Jaemin looks at Mark in shock, where did all of his attitude come from?

"You're just like everyone else around here, always listening to the rumors and believing them like a bandwagon" Mark said.

"Mark, you know that's not true! I mean obviously if I hear one side of the story my mind is gonna go directly into believing it, but that's not the case, I know it's not completely true" Jaemin says trying to calm down the conflict between the two.

"Oh so now you're on my side? Jaemin this isn't a game where you get to pick your own team, I lost friends because of this shit, I lost someone because of this situation. I'm not gonna let a random ass new kid trying to solve this whole thing, it's over" Mark said as he leaves Jaemin sitting at the table.

Jaemin looks at the table in disbelief.

Mark's attitude changed in a blink of an eye.

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