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It was the next morning after the movie night.

Today the boys had a day off of school since it was a teacher workday.

This gave the group time to be able to hang out with each other.

While Jisung and Chenle had a sleepover, and Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun were planning to meet up later in the park...

Haechan was standing in front of Mark's large house, patiently debating if he should actually knock, or just leave.

Mark and Haechan last night seemed very comfortable with each other.

They were sharing a bowl of snacks, Mark had his arm around Haechan, and even half way through the 3rd movie, they fell asleep on each other.

Yet Haechan didn't forget that at the end of the day, Mark was the same person who did in fact cheat on him.

He couldn't let himself get too hopeful, but he was able to calm himself down. After all, Mark was going to explain everything today, right now.

Haechan sighed as he looked at the time.

9:36 am.

He looked one last time around the outside of the house as he knocked slowly 3 times.

The boy was nervous.

But before he had time to regret what he just did, the door opened revealing a tired yet cleaned up Mark.

"You came" Mark said quietly.

Haechan just looked at him as he slowly walks inside, Mark looks at him in confusion as he closes the door.

Right when he closes the door, Haechan immediately hugs him in a tight and warm hug.

Mark took this as a surprise, but his reflex was quick to comfort Haechan back.

They stayed like this for a couple of minutes until Haechan pulled away, fixing his messy hair and letting out a loud sigh.

"I want you to, to explain everything okay?" Haechan said, while maintaining eye contact with Mark.

Mark nods as he welcomes Haechan deeper into his house.

Wow, it's been a while since I've been here, Haechan thought to himself.

Mark drags Haechan to the living room and softly gestures him to take a seat, Haechan nods in reply.

Mark left the living room to go freshen up while Haechan stayed in the familiar couch comfortably, looking around the house.

It hasn't changed much since Haechan had last seen it.

It was still a little messy, the couch was still the same, and Mark still had that broken vinyl player that he overused for years.

One thing that did stood out to Haechan though was Mark's picture shelf.

It had all the pictures he use to have, such as him as a baby, him with his friends from canada and him with Haechan.

He still has that? Haechan asked himself.

It was a picture where Haechan was laying on Mark's shoulder with his eyes closed and Mark was staring at the camera.

It was a picture where Haechan was laying on Mark's shoulder with his eyes closed and Mark was staring at the camera

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