Prologue: Digital world

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In a grand room a group of monsters stood discussing their situation. A war in their realm their digital realm.



(???3): You know they haven't been digidestined seen in decades!

(???4): It must be done..

Man: You're right partner

(???1): What father?!

(???4): Someone must be sent out. We need warriors. We must create our own digidestined!


Announcer: GAME!


The crowd screams out as a boy with spiky shaggy hair is declared the winner of the national 10th grade martial arts tournament.

Announcer: And the winner is Y/n kuro!

Y/n was your average 15 year old Average hight shaggy hair with a slightly muscular physique. He small friend group not too popular but not a loser. Had hobbies mainly martial arts but besides that he had an average life.

 Had hobbies mainly martial arts but besides that he had an average life

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His fellow competitors complement him as everyone begins to sit up. They praise him giving pats on the back of the lad. He smiles and laughs with them. Grabbing a strange necklace with a drill he stares at it with a small smile.

 Grabbing a strange necklace with a drill he stares at it with a small smile

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Y/n: Hope you saw me dad..Im trying to make you proud

A little while later packing his bags he heads out of the building as he places the necklace around his neck. He begins to walk when he hears his name called.

???: Yo! Y/n!

The boy looks back to see his "best" of friends.

(Yuji Satoro, The bolt of joy and energy)

(Yuji Satoro, The bolt of joy and energy)

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Y/n: Hey Yuji!

Yuji: You was great out there man you really stuck it to em!

Y/n: heh, well you k-

???: He was decent

They both turn to see well not a friend but a acquaintance. Someone who sort of tags along with the group of pals even if they don't really ask.

(Aki okonawa, president of the occult club)

(Aki okonawa, president of the occult club)

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'Oh brother...' Y/n thought. The group of teens began to walk home chatting about their lives. Well Yuji and Y/n talked while Aki kind of just existed in the background.

Yuji: Yo this way is a short cut!

Y/n: You sure?

Yuji: Yeah come on!


The monster sit in a circle channeling their power . A blue orb forms in the middle of them as on the human world portals begin to erupt everywhere letting some humans inter the digital world.

Digimon began to search for they're new partners while some simply seem to teleport to them.

[Back with Y/n]

Yuji: And then! w-woah...

Suddenly a portal that looked as if it was made of pixels appeared in front of them.

Aki: What the

Now if aki was shocked this definitely was out of the ordinary. Taking a step back the trio look at eachother as the portal pulses and grows. Soon it begins to suck everything in.


They are sucked in as the portal closes on itself.

(Y/n pov)

Next thing i know im falling through a sky flapping my arms screaming more than a new born baby that was tossed out of a 12 story window.


Landing with a thump i get up in a daze looking at my surroundings

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Landing with a thump i get up in a daze looking at my surroundings. A beach? Looking back i see a dense forest. And island? How did..MY NECKLACE! I quickly check to notice it wasn't there. But feeling weight on my head i pull of a pair of goggles. Looking at them i see a reflection of the drill.

Do to the glass reflection i see that my clothes have changed.

If my outfit is some sort of morphed version of my previous attire

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If my outfit is some sort of morphed version of my previous attire. its safe to assume my necklace is now this set of goggles.

Yuji: Ugh..harsh landing

Aki: Where are we?

Suddenly a little monsters pop up out of no where.

???2: Yo! Glad you could make it. Welcome to the digital world digidestined!

???1: Lets see if you our worth to be my partner!

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