The Marriage Request: Quintessential Quintuplets One Shot

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"Mr. Manoah Carter?"

I opened my door after a few knocks and found a butler outside of my door, "What do you want?" I questioned

"There has been a request for your hand in marriage," Did I hear that right? What is this the dark ages now? Who does that? "Nino Nakano from the Nakano family has requested your hand in marriage"

"Yeah?" I questioned, "Tell her I'm not interested," My name is Manoah Carter. I am Eighteen years old and have been living on my own for a while now. I did date but I felt as though the dates I went on offered nothing for me. In the end I focused on myself. I worked for a welding company and focused on my strength and hobbies. Why would I give that up all of a sudden for a girl I dunno?

"I am afraid I cannot do that Mr. Carter," Nakano's butler told me, "Miss Nino has made it clear that she desires your hand in marriage. If you do not believe me I can get her on the phone for you"

"Please do that if you can," I replied. I was wearing simple sweatpants and sandals and a tank top. When the Butler got Nino on the phone he handed the phone over to me, "Hello," I said, "Is this Nino Nakano?"

"...Manoah?" It was Nino, "Whoa...You do sound all grown up," Why was she shocked to hear that my voice had changed? Why was she making this call sound like we knew each other from somewhere?

"I dunno what's going on here," I told Nino, "But there's been a misunderstanding. I don't think my hand is worthy for you to marry. It's not you. It's me."

"Manoah," Nino said over the phone, "Have you truly forgotten about me?" Why was she asking this? Saying this? Was I supposed to remember something? If so? What did it have to do with a hand in marriage with a rich girl? "Listen. Before you deny hastily at least allow me to pay for you a ticket to Tokyo so we can meet face to face. Once we meet face to face? I think you will remember who I am."

"You make it sound like I'm supposed to know," I said, "Sorry but I have been working on my hobbies so I do apologize if I don't remember you"

"As long as I remember you?" Nino told me, "That's all that matters. I will see you in Tokyo"


Talk about the last minute.

I had to pack a bag and get on a plane to Tokyo.

I guess this "Nino" really wanted to marry me.

How when she doesn't know anything about me?

And why did her name sound familiar?

Like I met a girl with that name before?

I dunno what's going on and I wish I did but hopefully when I get to Tokyo?

I'll meet this Nino face to face.


When I arrived within Tokyo Airport I was met by another Butler who had my name on a sign waiting for me to ride in a limo.

Never rode in those before.

I got in the Limo and it took me to this fancy house.

It looks fancy now but wait till a hundred years pass.

Sorry if I am being realistic here and not living in a fantasy land like most of the people I have encountered in my life.

The Butler opened the car door to let me out and took my duffel bag and escorted me to the front door of the Nakano residence.

The Butler rings the doorbell.

Opening the door was a woman around my age with fair skin and short pink and...Wait...I remember her now.

Nino Nakano.

I met her during my vacation in Kyoto with my parents.

Nino and I would go on crazy and countless adventures before I returned to the west coast.

"Hello Monoah," Nino smiled at me as though she was meeting a long lost friend, "It's been a long time"

"Yeah," I replied now remembering who she was, "You went all this way to request my hand in marriage? Why? Surely you found someone better than me by now I thought."

Nino looked at me and laughed heartily, "Manoah-Manoah-Manoah," she extended her finger out and wagged it back and forth, "There is no one in this world that can be compared to you. Trust me. I searched high and low. You should be ashamed of yourself for setting the bar pretty high. But then...That's nothing to be ashamed of. After all? We went on some crazy adventures when we were kids. Didn't we?"

I smiled and nodded, "Yep," I replied, "Yes we have. And you know something? I loved every moment of it."

"So did I my love," Nino replied, "So did I"

The Marriage Request: Quintessential Quintuplets One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now