Chapter 1

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One sunny day and it's the 4rth month of school. Sarah loves her school, she likes it how people don't criticize her and how people are not racists about wears she's from. Sara's mom died she use to work at a place  called the game they say her death was a mystery. As the war goes on Israel and America planned a game they wanted to be fair to the Arabs and Muslims. They say when we find a girl that us mixture blooded then she shall must enter the games (world-wide game). A new generation had begun in America people are starting to realize that people are born with special blood. There are 3 different kinds . blooded , pure blooded , rare blooded,. People long a go believe that rare bloods and pure blooded people should die and this is why America builted a place for them. The makers of the game had chosen girl that would play in the games. Each constant will have a trainer. It was a Normal October day and sarah was getting ready for school. (Phone ringing Sarah picks up the phone )Amy (Sarah's friend) : hey Sarah could we skip class or be late to class Sarah: are you crazy? no I don't want to get suspended were in highschool we can't joke around like that Amy: comon plz! Let's stop by a caffe Sarah: ok ... Fine last time. So Sara puts on her jeans and a leather jacket went walking by as she was walking she saw a guy with dirty blonde hair and he had dark brown eyes and also that had the same symbols on his arm it was the same symbols that she doodles on her book she glanced at his face the boy stared at Sarah as if he knew her then tripped on a puddle Sarah: oh comon I just got theses new Boots Sarah enters the caffe. Amy: there you are you took years Sarah sorry I tripped on a puddle Amy: yea I could really see that... Do you ever hear about the games that Americas making they say they'll take one Muslim and Arab girl and that's if she's mixture blooded. Sarah: never going to happen you think I will save the world me.. Funny Amy: well you never now when you could be that girl. Sarah gives Amy the look. Sarah: it will never happen. The guy Trevor enters the caffe. Sarah: OMG it's him the guy I saw Amy: what guy are you ok? Sarah: you see thoses smybols?  Amy: what smybols I don't see anything?! Amy:some how he was staring at you but you did not want to tell you Sarah:it's right on his arms... strange that I only see it and you don't the guy sat down Sarah stared at him Sarah:he's kinda cute and young Amy:ew? Sarah falling in love with a stranger is no good Sarah:relax its not like I like him the guy suddenly stopped Sarah walks towards the guy Amy:come back here wear are you going!Sarah: hey can i know wear do you see thoses smybols from ? Guy: what smybols there's nothing!? Sarah: I'm not blind it's right there. Guy (Trevor): can I talk to you outside? Sarah:why? Trevor: there's people here. Sarah: here for what? ... Make it fast I have school to go.Guy (Trevor) takes Sarah outside of the caffe. Sarah: can I ask you a question why can't my friend see that symbol and I can? Sarah's phone was ringing it was her aunt Sarah's aunt: Sarah where are you Sarah: calm down why so worried? Saras aunt: your in danger. Trevor looks up and hears what Sara's aunt said so much destructions was coming out of the phone Sarah:are you ok why are there so much noises coming in the background? Sarah realized she's attacked in the house.while Sara's aunt was at home banging started to come on the door as if it was like angry people Saras aunt step back and knew something was wrong the 3 guys smashed into the door the door opens one of the guys speaks guy#1: where is she aunt:you think I would tell you wheres she is? The aunt Right away knew that they were rare blooded Guy#2: (yells) where is Sarah guy#3 runs into the house looking for Sarah the aunt runs guy#2 punches the aunt and throws her into the floor hardly. Sarah yells at Trevor Trevor sighed down Sarah: answer me! Why .. And a nother thing why were you staring as if you knew me?. Guy Trevor : you are chosen to enter Sarah: chosen for what?!. Guy (trevor): for games Sarah: oh your out of you mind me?! That girl no way Trevor: my name is Trevor and I'll have to take you to the station of the games Sarah:no I'm not coming. Trevor looks around and sees 4 guys he knew at the minute there here for Sarah. Trevor: we have to go leave this place is not safe. Sarah: don't touch me I'm staying here. Suddenly the guy grabs Sarah's hand Sarah's screams. All guys picks her and takes her towards the Trunk of the car Trevor punches the in the face the other guy kicks Sarah's face her noise was bleeding 4 of the guys ran away Trevor opens the trunk of the car Sarah:thank you so much for saving me Trevor: you see I told you this place is not safe for you there were after you. Sarah: after me ? Why for what? Trevor: you will know when you enter the games. Sarah rushes in to the caffe screaming out Sarah: Amy comon were so late for school Amy: wear were you and why are you all scratched up and who's this? Sarah: oh him he's a guy from the games but who cares lets go we have school to catch!. Sarah grabs Amy nervously they both run to school. Both entering the school Sarah: we're here we came teacher: no not so fast you both right in the principles office. Amy: do you know how far is that? I can't walk anymore Sarah: great were late now we're getting somehow suspended or having Detention.. I told you we were going to get in trouble. Amy and Sarah enters the principles office. Principle: well what do we have here? The same girls everyday or should I say one trouble maker and one brave girl Amy: are trying to make us laugh cause it's not working Sarah hits Amy on the toe Principle: I'll have to say this you too are suspended Sarah:wait what? I just got attacked by 4 boys Amy: 4 boys?... Oh that's why Amy:yea this is why you see her so bloody and messy. Principle: nice story Sarah: I swear it's true both enters class. (The door knocking) the makers of the game enters the room the maker: we need Sarah Mathew Amy:already! She just entered the classroom ugh why her people would want me right. Sarah stands up and walks with the makers of the game and enters the meeting room. The maker
of the game: do you know who we are? Sarah gasps. Sarah:I know who's that guy his name is Trevor .. That's all I know. The maker of the games: well you were chosen to enter the world-wide game Sarah:wait what are you sure you got the right person the maker: yes we all know who you are we know that you have a older brother that u lost when your little and also has nice blue eyes like you but you have nice green eyes we know everything  .. We know your mother she died as a tragedy Sarah raises her voice. Sarah:her death was a mystery! You never know if she's still alive The maker: well your going to have to come with us Sarah:so that means I'm mixture blooded? The maker: yes indeed your different then the others meaning your friends and family ect..  You are gifted and just know the world-wide games will be staring in 3 weeks  know it's not easy to win Sarah: what does it involve in? The maker:well they give you something to fall asleep then you will dream we have the power to control that dream when your in it you feel like it's real you find the key to way out then you'll wake up the games includes fighting skills intelligence and one important thing you have to think fast it's just like a inception. Sarah: so you mean I got all of that skills? The maker: everybody only got some of it only the rare and pure blooded ones are born like that but they don't exist anymore there all dead but surprisingly there was no pure blooded yet Taylor: did you hear what happens to your aunt? Sarah:no? What Happened Taylor:well age was attacked by 3 guys Sarah: is she alright? Taylor:I'm afraid to tell you this but she died once she was thrown to the floor she couldn't breath that's how hard it was sara was into tears. (To be continued)

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