The world-wide games:chapter 2

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The makers of the game stood in front of Sarah and said. The maker:oh and also now the whole world will be watching, on that day each state and country will come to see. Sarah walks with the makers next to Sarah was Trevor. Trevor: told you I was not crazy Sarah: I still don't get how you have that same symbol that I doodle in my book! Trevor: you will know soon Sarah:can the makers see theses symbol too? Trevor: shh! Lower your voice Sarah: why don't they now who you are huh? Trevor:I'm telling you, you will understand soon.Sarah enters the car Sarah:so is the place big the maker: yes! It's bigger then you will aspect!. 20 minutes pass they had arrived at the place(games) Sarah enters the place Sarah:wowh! This place is big the maker: there a fighting place it's wear you practice how to fight and that's wear all the weapons ands ect.. Sarah:weapons?! Taylor:yes weapons you'll not be using them Sarah laughed Sarah:why not? Taylor tried to change the subject Sarah knew there was something wrong Are, and there's and control room that's wear we take you to test you in the game just a sample we just want to see how good your at, also there's s place wear you sleep,eat each trainer has a kit that he or she can go into your mind they"ll make you prepare.. And I hope we don't have a failure this time .. Now let's take you to the control room shall we!. Sarah walks with the makers and also Trevor. The crowd starts to stare at Sarah and say: OMG it's her the girl Sarah looks around and gives a fake smile.. Trevor:just don't try to make it obvious Sarah: make what obvious? Trevor:never mind you will know later Sarah: you now I'm just sick and tired of your later and soon things. As Sarah walks a boy took her attention a boy with blue eyes and that's has the same symbol as she had in her arm when she was born accept she was born with 2 symbols. No one would realize when she would tell the people about the symbol they would say what symbol? Only Trevor realized it. The maker: here we are no darling could you lay in the chair stay comfortable ok! And one more thing my name is Taylor and good luck. Sarah was so nervous the maker: here drink this once Sarah drank what the makers gave her she fell asleep at the minute Taylor:1,..2,...3 start let's see what is this girl is capable of Sarah wakes up in a white room the light were so bright that it hurst Sarah's eyes Sarah's whispers Sarah: wear am I?  Sarah stands up suddenly screaming starts to occur Sarah:what's going on? Am I dead? Sarah walks towards to the door Sarah bangs in the door and punched the door saying Sarah:is any one here or there what's going on? Sarah stands back and runs into the door then kicks the door very hard boom! Sarah opened the door. Sarah walks out of the room And sees a bunch of empty rooms and blood everywhere Sarah: what happen here? I'm totally dead for sure suddenly a boy walks out with a gun Sarah: hey do you know wear am I? The boy kept on walking and did not answer Sarah realizes the boy was walking towards her and only for her! Sarah starts running the guy starting running after her the guy yells the guy:hey! The guy cholks her to the wall Sarah screams and try's to breath a boy came out it was the same boy she saw in reality blue nice eyes brown hair and looks just like her. the boy (Max): leave her alone max punches him in the face the guy picks up Sarah , and runs away Sara kicks the guys thigh and said Sarah punches him in the face the guy runs into to her with a knife in her stomach boom! Sarah wakes up Sarah: OMG what was that? The maker: calm down it was only an a inception Sarah: what's a inception Trevor: meaning it's only a dream except the people are real. The maker: bring in max max enters the maker (Taylor): sorry your not going to be her trainer I just want Trevor to learn his mistake Trevor: you guys really look alike! That's so cool the maker: well they do but really do you really have to bring that up? .. Now Charlie could you show her room and give her some clothes to wear if you please. Sarah walks with the worker. Taylor (the maker): now Trevor I don't want failures ok Trevor: not this time it won't happen Taylor: oh really because the last time your student came out a rare blood you tow are both dismissed Trevor walks out with max. Trevor: Sarah is totally some thing else... But max take a moment Sarah looks just like you she could be the one your sister max:impossible? But still you have a point... Trevor:you know what I'll take her blood sand your blood and to see if you guys have the same DNA Sarah puts on her clothes she doesn't like it how it's all leather , leather baggy/tight pans with a long black sleeve tank top and a black leather jacket and a belt and with some black lace boots. Sarah walks out and enters the fighting room. The crowd starts to stare at her the boy came out zuko: well your the girl right Sarah: I guess so zuko: can you fight? Sarah: a little Trevor: no she can't now leave her alone I hate when you do that with pretty girls walk in zuko: calm down... Besides we all want to see how good she fights zuko yells at the crowd right we all want to see how great she good at the crowd: yea! Sarah: Trevor please don't let me do this I'm only a starter Trevor: I'm sorry just try your best and try to aim for the body not the face. The crowd:do it ! Do it! Max: guys leave her alone zuko: how about you max:about what? Zuko: fight her Sarah: me I'm fighting him no way! max:ok guys calm down.. Only once. Sarah and max starts to enter the mat. Zuko: are your marks get set go! Sarah takes a deep breath Trevor stand up and worries if something wrong happens zuko: comon fight! Max punches Sarah in the face Sarah falls down on the floor Sarah: ow! Ugh that hurts alot Trevor: runs into Sarah and picks her up Trevor: are you alright omg Sarah:what? Trevor: your noise is bleeding Sarah: ugh! I can't fight zuko: hey we're not have some kind of romance here and we're not done here complete the fight Sarah gets up max walks towards sarah and bends down and wispers I'll be steady you just fight max walks back into his place zuko: round 2 are ready get set go! Sarah flips and kicks max in the Stomach the crowd: wow! Omg! I can't believe it no one ever did that! Sarah: OMG I'm so sorry that just came out of no wear Zuko: wow girl you got power i can't even do it that max: I told you steady Sarah: I'm sorry that came out of no wear max: what do you mean? Sarah I couldn't control it Trevor: I told you don't make it obvious! Sarah: what obvious? I'm confused here what's going on ?! Max: you should tell her Trevor: she's not ready to hear who she really is zuko: really is what max:nothing it's not your bissenis max pushes zuko chest zuko: oh really you want to fight... Let's fight zuko kicks maxs face max cholks zuko to the wall Sarah: stop! Trevor: guy's enough max jumps on top of zuko and slaps him. Trevor jumps in the fight, Trevor kicks zuko in the throat zuko punches Trevor in the face.the crowd: fight! Fight! Fight! Sarah tries to come in and stop it. The makers enters the room. Taylor: cut it out what the hell is going on. Max and zuko stands up max: nothing Taylor: nothing? That fight was nothing just look at you your nose is bleeding zuko: it's nothing Taylor: then you guys stay away from each other now.. All of you go your rooms now it's late. Every body starts to go to there rooms Sarah walks up towards max and Trevor max. Sarah: thanks for defending me max: just stay away from him Trevor : your welcome now see tomorrow Sarah: I guess. Sarah walks to get room max: you have to test her blood we have to know Trevor:it's hard max:trust she going to realize Trevor: well when will she? Max: she will relize her self trust me she's different then anyone else. While Sarah walks to her room a 3 boys and 2 girls approach to her Caleb ( the boy): you did awesome there man Sarah: thanks Sam ( the boy): I'm hater I don't like you chirs ( the boy): oh be quiet Sam your just jealous cause she's pretty and your not her trainer only Trevor is sorry Sarah about that hormones pops out of no wear and he doesn't hate he hates your trainer he thinks your pretty Sarah: it's ok thanks jana: hey my name is Jana your awesome Sarah: thanks Jana:I have a question are you and max are bother.. And sister Sarah: no! No way never in million years Caleb: really you guys really look alike Chris:yea Sarah: well thanks for the comments I need to go. Sarah enters the room Sarah: huh! Weird same room as my dream accept that this room has colors and the light is not bright. Sarah goes on her bed then at 5 minutes  Sarah slept. DAY 2 week1 Trevor knocks on Sarahs door Sarah woke up scarily Sarah: who is it? Trevor: it's me Trevor hurry we got a big day ahead of us Sarah ok Trevor: then come to the cafeteria room. Sarah gets up and puts her clothes on. Trevor turns a round and saw max, max: is she up yet? Trevor: yea .. And why your asking? Max:I don't want her around zuko and his group Trevor: oh let's go I'm Hungary I did not eat anything max: me too. Max and Trevor start to head to the cafeteria room max: wear is she Trevor: calm down max: I'm just nervous if that zuko guy will start anther problem for Sarah. Sarah enters the Lunch room everybody started to stare at her a boy stood up hey it's the Sarah who kicked off maxs ass the crowd laughed. Trevor: Sarah hey! Right here Sarah looked there was Trevor and max and a bunch of boys that were a big fan of Sarah. Jana: hey Sarah want to sit with us Sarah: maybe not today Chris:ugh why! Caleb: shut up stop trying to impress her   Sarah: ( laughing) sorry I need to sit with Trevor Chris: that's wear all the strong popular boys there all mostly trainers are at man I wish I was them. Sarah went and walked and sat right next to Trevor max: how's your noise Sarah: it's still hurts. At the same table there were bunch of boys next to Sarah and max one of the boys says josh: hey my name is josh you were good out there yesterday max turns around and gives josh the face Trevor: we need to go Sarah:go wear? Trevor: to a little testing room. Sarah walks in the room Trevor just sit down on that chair ... Now let hook up with these sticky plugs on ur hand and head Sarah: what are these? Trevor: this gives me control to your dream now relax and think wisely... Here drink this. Sarah drank the drink Sarah fell asleep at the moment. (While Sarah dreams Trevor takes out a shot of her blood to test her blood) Sarah wakes up (her dream) and find her self in a train sitting right next to trevor Sarah whispers to trevor ears where are we going? Sarah looks up and realized the lady heard what she said the lady spoke and said the lady: this train will take you to a place a place wear you don't know for sure and you don't know wear your going Sarah turns around and sees a bunch of soldiers with guns Sarah stands up Sarah: I'm getting off of this stop (trevor:it's her.. She's the one she's pure blooded and she's maxs sister(trevor said this while Sarah was dreaming)Trevor:I'm coming with you. Sarah gets off the train Sarah: what happen here empty buildings and houses? What is    
                 ?wear am I

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