Chapter 3:the dream is real

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Trevor: it's a game non of this is real Sarah: wears the people no one is here it's like a dead end city was there war?! Or something Trevor: it's in a inception Sarah this is not real. Sarah and Trevor start to walk around the city Sarah: thats my house Trevor: let's go in shall we? Sarah: yea we should. Sarah and Trevor starts to enter the house sunddeny screaming starts to occur Sarah: what was that? Trevor: I don't know it's your house not mine! Sarah walks in and sees the lady she saw in the train the lady: I need help Trevor: don't stay away from her she tricking you out.. Sarah we need to get out now Sarah wake up this is not real Sarah: but I have to help I feel bad Trevor: tell me what the he'll is she doing in your house huh! Trevor grabs Sarah then bunch of soldiers came the same ones in the train Trevor: what the he'll is going on here we need Sarah Trevor:yea what do you want with her the soldier: you really don't want go through me so please she needs to come with us Trevor: well we got to keep moving she's not coming the soldier punches Trevor in the face Sarah kicks the other soldier in the stomach the other soldier: I'm totally sure she's not mixture blooded, cause mixture blooded people don't fight strong like that the other soldier: she's different Sarah: what no? Trevor: everyone on the floor now boom! Sarah woke up (her dream) omg how did I do that? Trevor: maybe cause your different Max enters the room Sarah: is there something you guys want to tell me Trevor sighed down and took a deep breath Trevor: your not mixture blooded max: your pure blooded Sarah:OMG that's crazy Trevor: this is why your so capable of everything fighting and in the games max: your different then anyone else or like need you in the future ... Trevor:this is crazy but max Sarah is your sister this is why u guys have the same symbols but Sarah has a mother one that's different that symbol describes the pure blooded Sarah:wait you see it? Max: of courses we both see it only I don't know about the government and we're both pure blooded Sarah: OMG you guys.. Trevor: yup just don't tell Trevor lets go to the fighting room. Sarah enters the room Trevor: know try to fight me Sarah takes her hand out towards Trevor, trevor holds that hand Trevor: not so fast see you always go for the face don't do that now again 1..,2..,3 go Sarah kicks Trevor, trevor kicks her leg out Trevor: get on my level Sarah: yes so funny Trevor:now go Sarah aimed for the stomach boom! Trevor: ow! That hurts Sarah:I'm sorry aren't you rare blooded Trevor: yea I am i can't fight pure blooded Sarah: why? Trevor: you see pure blooded are stronger then mixture blooded and pure blooded are much stronger then rare blooded and that's why your so natural at fighting Chris runs toward Sarah chris: there going to be a party at a club tonight everyone is invited that included your ... Your.... Your Sarah:what? Chris: ugh your crazy boy Friend and your fake brother Sarah: who?! Him he's not my boyfriend and not my brother Chris: that's good news Sarah laughed Trevor walks up to Sarah Trevor: what's that? Sarah: a party Trevor: well your not going Sarah:what not you can't tell me what to do Sarah walks away so mad Sarah was about to enter her room Jana: hey Sarah see you at the party Sarah fake smiled Sarah: yea totally It's 10:00 at night and Jana took Sarah to the party Trevor walks in to her room to see if she's there Trevor: oh Crap! She went max: what happen Trevor: your little sister went to the party that's what happen max: oh no! We need to get her out of there now before a problem comes up Trevor: ready to kill some people max:what people? Trevor:you know... Rare blooded kills mixture blooded, and pure blooded and pure blooded kill all blooded unless if there planning kill her/him then pure blooded had the right to kill max: every one wants pure blooded in there selfs Sarah enters the club there were a security on the door the Sarah: see that symbol on his arm I have that Jana what symbol there's nothing Sarah at the moment knew he was rare blooded the security: hold up who's this Jana:oh she's Sarah the security: well she can't enter Caleb:what do you mean she's mixture blooded Trevor and max runs to the club door Trevor: hold up! She's one of us she can enter max: whispers he's not mixture he's something else Sarah: wait you guys came why... Trevor:I told you not to come Sarah:who are you to say that? Your not my boyfriend get that.. Ok Trevor: yea I get that max: let's get out of here this whole place is full with pure and mixture blooded Sarah: can we stay a little please Trevor looks at max max: fine but be careful Sarah walks to Jana Sarah: hey! Jana:what's up with Trevor and max they seem to care about you so much Sarah blushed Jana: well theses bunch of guys seem to like they have been staring at you the whole time Sarah: well .. There not my type Jana: comon have a guy who always have your back Sarah turns around and looks at Trevor Sarah:well I already have one who has my back Jana: well zuko is so into you oh there he goes zuko yells out to Sarah zuko:Sarah! Hey Sarah: hey zuko can I take you upstairs Sarah:I cant allow that zuko: why cause of Trevor and max... Come on Sarah:fine zuko:I promise I won't hurt you Sarah walks up stairs with zuko .. Zuko pushes Sarah to the wall what are you Sarah couldn't breath max: where's Sarah Trevor:she's gone max: ugh she's with that zuko guy Trevor runs madly to one of zukos friend saying Trevor: where's Sarah zukos friend (josh): I don't know max: your smiling why are you smiling zukos other friend shon: leave him alone Trevor: I just want to know we're Sarah josh:why cause she's your girl huh? Zukos friends laughed Trevor: you don't want go through me josh oh yea show me what you guys got max runs into josh and cholks him into the wall max: where's my sister where Is she Trevor: wait he knows max: yea only the rare blooded knows josh: she's upstairs max throws him down on the floor suddenly everyone stopped what there were doing it was quiet everyone stared at Trevor and max and zukos friends Jana:what's the he'll is going? Zukos other friends took out guns saying to max: get down and hands up the other friend: that includes you too Trevor. Max and Trevor get on the floor zukos friend josh put the gun right on the head josh: well max we all know that Sarah it your little sister the crowd: OMG! She's is his sister Chris: I know it! Zuko:your just one blonde boy Trevor Caleb: it's true? Max: let's just calm down shon ( zukos friend): well we use to be friends.... Max: yea not anymore max gets up and kicks shons face max yells at Trevor max: go get Sarah josh: not so fast Trevor punches josh in the face max grabs shons guns and smacks on his leg Jana: why do you fight so different? Josh: that's right max tell everyone who you really are huh? Max: don't start your like us Trevor goes up stairs opens the door and sees Sarah hanged up on a chair Trevor: what are you doing? Zuko: well what do we have the boyfriend Sarah: he's not my boyfriend! Zuko takes his neck zuko: well Sarah choose your boyfriend dies or you die Max enters the room and pushes zuko on the floor max: well taking her blood is not going to happen max grabs Sarah Trevor takes the gun they all go down the stairs josh puts up his gun and some other boys holding gun Trevor: ok everybody just calm down shon: you know what we all want Sarah goes behind Trevor, Trevor takes out his hand to block anyone to come near Sarah Trevor: kicks shon in the throat max runs and grabs Sarah hands Trevor yells Trevor: go! Get out Trevor runs out they both enter the car max: trevor go... Drive! Trevor: I'm trying. Sarah and max, Trevor entered the games max:turns around and says never do that again Trevor we all mosted died in there Sarah: why not!! Can I just be a normal teenager Trevor: she still don't get it! Max bend down max:Sarah listen I don't want to lose you don't you understand that how rare you are your pure blooded you gifted and chosen now everyone knows who we are Trevor: but not yet about Sarah max: but they do see something wrong with Sarah they all think she's rare blooded Sarah me and and Trevor will protect you when you finally win every one is after you Sarah:why? Trevor:they want your blood Sarah:but why? Max:because you see your capable of anything and that's natural and that's what they want they apply your blood then they'll be like you Trevor:well kinda... Sarah:so that's what zuko what's after max:not just zuko his whole gang Trevor:we need more people Sarah: I know people that can be on our side. Sarah walk to room she found a pack of new clothes Sarah: new clothes cool! It's was a black vest with a white tight long tank top and with leather jeans and cut gloves Sarah: same jeans ... And and new lace boots that's what I needed Sarah went to sleep Sarah found her self on a normal Brooklyn street( her dream) Sarah looks around no one was walking on the streets Sarah was confused she looked at her watch it was 4:00 in the morning Sarah walks across the red light Sarah:there's no one here let me just do it while Sarah was walking across the street there was Trevor Sarah:Trevor? Trevor yells Trevor:look! Sarah looks and sees a red car on fast speed Trevor runs into Sarah the car crashed Trevor and Sarah they were both  on the floor Trevor was in Sarah Sarah was full of blood Trevor lips were full of blood Trevor gets up boom! Sarah wakes  . (WEEK 2) Sarah woke up from her dream Sarah felt something weird she felt like the dream was real she puted on her clothes on and opened her door Sarah walks through the hall ways Sarah:why so qeit? Strange zukos grabs Sarah and put his hand on Sarah mouth and took her on the window zuko: ill make you jump or give me what I want Trevor:leave her alone Trevor kicks him at the shoulder Sarah  punches him the stomach zuko:ow! What the hell did you train... I know who she is she's not mixture blooded Trevor: come on Sarah lets get out of here the makers of the games Makes an announcement Taylor (the maker): now time is running out there's only 1 day left until week 3 starts then Friday will be the games today well just testify all of you just a little test just to see how good your at now you all are dismissed Jana walks up to Sarah:are you ready Jana: not really are you .... Oh I don't need to ask that your totally ready. Zuko goes to Taylor zuko: you know I have that feeling that max and Trevor and Sarah are different that the others Taylor:why do you say so zuko: because we had a big fight at the club Sarah and max and Trevor were fight my friends so differently man Sarah did a flip at her first fight Taylor: really? Zuko:you should test them so to see who they really are max was behind the door and heard everything max runs to Sarah and Trevor and said max: Sarah! When Taylor comes to test you act like you don't know anything act know a actual mixture blood don't do those skills that Trevor taught you ok Sarah: got it Trevor: don't make it obvious max: and Trevor they'll test us too Trevor:why? Max: zuko tolled on us Trevor: I hate that guy Taylor takes the speaker and said I need max and Trevor and Sarah now to the control room the crowd: what's going on? What happen why them? Max: just keep your head up Sarah walks with max and Trevor to the control room Taylor:oh my favorite player Sarah sarah: hey Taylor: now go up on that couch/chair just lay down now let me put this one your head and hands good luck! Sarah goes up max grabs her hand and whispers don't make it obvious Drink this Sarah fell asleep Taylor: 1..,2..,3 go Sarah wakes up and finds her self in a empty city the same one she was In with Trevor Sarah walks into the streets no one was there suddenly some one was calling out Sarah's name Sarah! Sarah are you there Sarah: mom? Sarah enters the store where she hears the calling no one was in there Sarah: mom? Is anyone there? Sarah suddenly hears crying Sarah:who's there Sarah opens the door and finds a little girl hey what's your name the little girl:Sarah Mathew Sarah:what happened? The little girl:guys with guns they killed mommy and they took my big brother max. Sarah at the moment knew this was not real and knew that was her she just needed a way out to wake up the little girl: you need to go you'll die Sarah: no it's ok come with me you'll be safe Sarah take the little girl Taylor goes around Sarah while she's in the dream impressive what did you train her and max? Has... A sister max:it's just a dream Sarah goes out with the little girl: there they go the scary guys Sarah runs fastly with the girl the guys went running after Sarah. Sarah and the little girl hid under the garbage the guys opens the garbage the little girl screams the guys there you go Sarah: zuko? That's you josh: take her by her hand lets go! Sarah:where are you taking me? Zuko:you will see they enter a tall building Sarah don't touch me ! Let me go shon: well well what do we have Sarah Mathew and her little copy zuko put his gun and put it around Sarah neck zuko: you see if I kill that girl you die too that's you Sarah: whispers this is not real josh: you think Trevor is going to come and save you zuko: hey don't forget her reackless brother Sarah:at least there always there for me at least max better then you josh:you know what kill her Sarah stands up and Twirls and kicks zukos in the face shon: she's running away zuko shoots Sarah pushes him away from the girl Sarah drops on the floor with zuko shon shoots the little girl Sarah screams no! Boom! Sarah wakes up and finds her self in a forest sarah was wearing the same uniform clothes but on top was wearing a black cape Sarah looks around and hears josh and Caleb I josh:see her Sarahs right there Caleb:then go get her Shon runs Sarah runs and stops to a river Sarah jumps in the water Caleb stops Caleb:wear did she go? Once Caleb left Sarah got out of the river and gets on the ground and sees a hand Sarah looks up it was trevor: need help? Sarah smiles Sarah:you came? Trevor gives Sarah a gun Sarah: why are they here? Trevor:there after you Trevor takes Sarah in the forest Trevor raises his finger to his lips Trevor:shh? Trevor and Sarah hides behind tree Caleb: well what do we have here? Trevor: Sarah get behind me Trevor nods his head on Sarah Sarah punches Shon in the face Trevor kicks Caleb in the stomach Sarah and Trevor runs josh shoots Sarah Sarah fell on the ground boom! (Sarah wakes up)Sarah:OMG! I saw me ... That was... Me Taylor: that was impressive but zukos was right your kind of different not really but I still believe that your totally mixture and ... About the brother part Sarah:oh everyone calls max my brother he's really not max and Trevor your up Sarah walks between max and Trevor good luck! Max and Trevor lays down Taylor:1..,2..,3 go Trevor and max finds there selfs sitting on the streets of Palestine suddenly shooting appears max turns around and sees Sarah running from the soldiers boom! The house exploded the bom was very strong to the point it made Sarah jump in the air while Sarah runs Sarah yells out run! Trevor: Sarah?! What the hell happened here? Max: we're in Palestine? Sarah runs to max help me the soldiers are after me Trevor: what the hell are we doing in Palestine max: this is wear we're from! Hey there she is Sarah: run! Go Sarah max and Trevor runs the soldiers takes Sarah max grabs around screams out max: Sarah Trevor: let's go max: no I have to help my sister Sarah screams they took her to a old building a mother and her only last surviving child was there the soldiers went out they threw Sarah at the floor and and tied her hands and Sarah was in tears because of the bomms and explosions Sarah couldn't take the crying of the little kids and the mothers too solders max was behind the wall Trevor: wispers 1...,2...,3 go Trevor flips and kicks the soldier in the face Max unropes Sarah from her hand Sarah: I know you would come max: that's what are brothers are for we stick together no matter what Sarah smiled boom! Max and Trevor woke up Taylor: you fight like the wind were do take those skills max: we use to go to karate classes together Taylor: then you have theses skills to Sarah well congrats I thought you guys will not make it now max and Trevor you guys can go accept Sarah Sarah looks at max Taylor: Sarah you need to be ready for the games this is not a joke it's a world wide game you win we will free the Arab nation including Palestine Israel is giving a chance there being too nice now come to our party everyone is invited look your best every constant will present there pride of there country but you are presenting the whole Arab nation be care full they will be a real game going on at any minute come with a weapon Sarah: cool Sarah waited until all the makers hit out of the control room and also Taylor Sarah hooked her self on the plugs Trevor entered Trevor:what are you doing? Sarah:you scared me I just wanted to see something do you mind helping? Trevor runs and helps Sarah Trevor:ok look make it fast we could be killed if we were caught Sarah closes her eyes and finds her self in a flash back when she's was little with her mom her mom leaned down mom: Sarah one day you will save the world one day you will be the strongest leader that the whole nation would look up to and one day you be put in the games and you will show them who are but when your in the games always now "when the words are like bullets and they break through your skin and there's no way to get them all out and when it feels like blood sipping into your soul stay gold gold stay gold gold"in a room Sarah was crying there was a table and a empty chair the door opens Trevor sits downs as if it was a csi movie Trevor:what happened? Or let me just say what's wrong? Why are you so nervous why are you crying tell me I'm here Sarah:did I do anything crazy? Am I dead Trevor:stop changing the subject Sarah what wrong what have they done to you Sarah:nothing Trevor yells Trevor:your mom tolled you something what was it she tolled you something that the whole world is looking for Sarah was in in tears and puts her hands in her ears Sarah: I can't remember I just can't Trevor:don't you know how important you are to me and max don't you know you are the key the source that the world is looking for... a leader a strong leader and that's you, you were chosen you are the only person that can lead the people after the war this is why the government put you in the games to play and compete with others instead of fighting in end games you lead them your the smart one Sarah:war? What war It's already Trevor:Sarah please what did she tell you Sarah:I don't know Trevor slams the table and started yelling Sarah:puts her hands again on her ears Sarah:pease stop, stop yelling it's not necessary boom! Sarah woke up Sarah looked at Trevor so shockingly Sarah got up and walked away Trevor:Sarah?it was already 9:00 Sarah puts on her dress lastly she puts on her Palestinian scarf on Sarah enters the party the crowd stopped what they were doing and looked at her Trevor tapped on max look max turned around and saw Sarah Trevor goes up to her trevor : your make up is so strong to your eyes love your scarf it has so much power for the palistains Sarah: thanks and by the way it's called eyeshadow hello Sarah Sarah:who are you? Oh I'm Taylor's husband I created the games Sarah: really? Cool Taylor's husband: my name is danly let me take you up I want to take a talk with you Sarah goes up danly: want a drink Sarah: no thanks danly:so I heard that your. good player. danly closes the door Sarah:the doors and glass are see through ?! Danly: yea but anyways back to
The conversation I heard that you were a good player Sarah: not really danly: really you passed the games that Taylor tested you on no one could ever pass that game?! Trevor breaks the glass danly: really kid I just paid for that Trevor: we need to get out Sarah: sorry danly I got a game to catch now Sarah runs and jumps out maxs behind her back and Trevor right next to her Sarah: the games has started! every one jumps to fight to get the key Sarah flips and kicks Josh's face danly: this is the games! Caleb trips Sarah Trevor punches Caleb Sarah:thanks zuko rips her dress Sarah: this is why I wear extra clothes just in case if the fight gets to wild max kicks zukos face max run go get the key Sarah runs up stairs Jana:not so fast Sarah: hey Jana Jana: your not winning this I am Sarah pushes Jana Sarah jumps on Jana Sarah gets up and rushes to get the key Sarah: I got the key! Taylor:well done you won the game now everyone back to there rooms the game has ended Trevor:nice one Sarah:thanks man Trevor:come with me Sarah:wear? Just come to question its a surprise Sarah smiled Trevor took Sarah in the car and drove the car and stopped sense it's your birthday sarah:birthday? How did you now it was my birthday? Trevor:why did you keep it as a secret? Well anywho I knew you liked walking at the night late Sarah:man you know me too well a car stopped In Front of the car Trevor:hold up... Stay here Sarah:Trevor what's going on? Trevor gets out of the car it was zuko and Shon Trevor:what do you want? Zuko:oh you know very well Trevor gives the jealousy look Sarah gets out of the car Shon:really Trevor zuko:it's her birthday what will the boyfriend will do else he has nothing Sarah:Trevor? Trevor:go inside Sarah! Sarah:I want to know what the hell is going on Trevor:just leave zuko punches Trevor in the face Trevor falls in the floor Sarah screams Sarah:no! Shon takes Sarah and puts his hands on Sarah's mouth Trevor gets up zuko:you 2 choices 1-you let us take Sarah Sarah yells Sarah:no Trevor please you zuko:or we kill you Sarah screams Sarah:no please zuko: you had a good sot of taking her!... Sarah:taking what?! Trevor:I don't need it I'm not a coward like you zuko: it's really funny that 4 boys are fighting over one girl a girl that we all have feeling for.... And you Trevor you try to protect you don't want Sarah to fall in love with any boy Sarah:what? Shon:now she needs to hear the real truth Sarah:what truth?! Zuko:well this blonde boy is in love with you we all know that every one knows that the way he cares about you the way he only fights for you zuko punches Sarah in the face Sarah kicks zuko in the private Shon takes her hand behind her back shon:shut up Zuko:you got a nice girl there and we want her Trevor gets up and punches zuko in the face Trevor kicks Shon in the face Trevor yells out Trevor:sarah run sarah trips on the floor zuko gets up zuko:oh you want it the hard way I'll show you the hard way Shon takes sarah away Sarah kicks Shon in the stomach zuko kicks Trevor in the face Trevor falls on the floor coughing out blood zuko kicks Trevor Trevor laid on the floor he couldn't get up Sarah screams Sarah:Trevor! Trevor! Please zuko:shut up shon grabs her into the car. The police came and suddenly beated zuko and Shon up for what they have done Trevor finds him self in a room Trevor gets up Trevor:Sarah?! Trevir turns around the sees Sarah on the bed and also zuko and Shon all of there faces had bruises Trevor bends down on his knees and tells Sarah Trevor:Sarah I'm so sorry about last night please forgive me Sarah gets up with Trevor and enters the control room obviously Sarah and Trevor knew that Taylor was going to talk to them about last night Taylor:wears the other 2? Zuko:we're here Sarah turns around there was Shon and zuko Taylor:I am so disappointed at you all Trevor:it was all my fault I shouldn't have not takes Sarah out in the night Taylor:well thank you for your honesty... But I'm mostly disappointed at zuko and Shon you guys wanted Sarah for something so stupid and on top of that the police came you embarrassed us all I don't want to see that again you all are dismissed (WEEK 3) Trevor: hey time is running out come let me test you again this time I'm going to be with you Sarah:why? Trevor: to see your lower weakness also max will come Sarah and Trevor enters the room max: ready? Sarah: I guess so Trevor and max and Sarah lays down max:1...,2... Sarah:and ...,3 Trevor were in this together sarah, and max ,Trevor wakes up in the ocean next to the sand Sarah:I know this place Trevor: it's so empty max picks up Sarah from the water max: this was Sarah dream Trevor: so this is real max:it will be in the future Sarah and max, Trevor walks through the streets Sarah: it's like a war happened here suddenly barking noise appeared sarah: max what was that The dog came running max: RUN! Trevor and Sarah, max went running Trevor:the dog is not there? Sarah: it disappeared let's go up that balcony Sarah and Trevor and max went up the balcony Sarah: woh! We're at the highest top of the building Trevor: umm.. We're not safe here Sarah: the buildings falling and tilting down max: get in the floor the building tilted Sarah: I can't take this I'm slipping out max: hold on tight Sarah!sarah and max and Trevor fell out of the building Trevor:now let's go back what we were saying so wait Sarah you know what's going to happen Sarah: yea this was my dream max:let's keep moving Sarah:how do we get out of here max: I don't know ask your self it's your dream not mine Sarah: I have to fight Trevor:fight who? Sarah: my worst enemy. Suddenly calling came Sarah! Oh Sarah wear are you I hate playing games with you Sarah turns around and sees Jana. Jana:there you are and your boyfriend? And your brother let them stay out this game Sarah: first he's not my boyfriend and second they will stay out max: Sarah? Sarah: I got this. Jana pushes Sarah to the other side Sarah: OMG how did you push me Like that I flew Jana: I don't know cause maybe I'm much braver and stronger then you Sarah: well not anymore sarah kicks Janas face Sarah flew all the way to the store jana:we all know who you are don't try to hide it Sarah punches Jana in the face Jana: you think your going to win no way.. Israel is the best country they will take over Sarah:not this time Sarah and Jana flew out of the store the stores glass broke Trevor: what the hell? Max do something max: leave she knows what she's doing Sarah smacks and jumps on Jana saying one day the we will what the Arabs got Sarah takes the knife and stabbed Jana boom! and Trevor and max woke up but accept Sarah Shon and zuko and josh were in the dream that Sarah is still on Sarah wakes up in a room Sarah: where is everybody? Sarah looks at the tv, the tv brought up the news the news:3 soldiers dead by 5 plaistain boys Sarah nods her head Sarah:May god be with you  Sarah gets up and opens the door and sees zuko zuko:where do you think your going? Sarah:don't even try Sarah pushes zuko away zuko takes out his gun Sarah hears the gun sound Sarah turns zuko: you know I could just kill you right now Sarah:go ahead then kill me shoot me! Zuko:I won't Sarah yells out Sarah:why?huh why Sarah runs out and sees a motorcycle with the helmet Sarah runs and puts the helmet on and drives on motorcycle Sarah gets on the road a car passes Sarah the cars window when up the kid looks and yells out the kid: is that the girl Sarah hey mom look Sarah is on a motorcycle Sarah try a around it was zuko and Shon and Josh on the motorcycle Sarah speeds up and stops on a tall building Sarah entured the building and runs up to the roof the building had 44 floors Sarah goes on the peak and looks down jump! Sarah turns around to see who says jump it was Max max:jump sara  Sarah looks at max with a confused face max:you have to overcome your fear Sarah Sarah:how do you know that's my deepest fear max:cause I'm your brother I can feel it knowing anything of you we have the same bloods Sarah takes a deep breath Trevor's puts on Sarah's engines the motorcycle wen going until it hit on the spot where Sarah is Sarah finally jumps and got on her motorcycle zuko:how did she do that? Boom! Sarah woke up Trevor:wow that was crazy max: wish you luck at the games thanks. Taylor speaks on the speaker now the games tomorrow will be all about getting your country's flag find your country flag and run with it to the empty building that you will see in the games and know the who world will be watch live tvs will be every wear in each state and country all of the presidents of all around the world will come here to watch you too. Show power and pride of your country. Max: ready fir tomorrow Sarah: nervous can't sleep this is the big chance well I wish you good luck. Sarah enters her room and sees new clothes for the tomorrow games a black leather jacket that says at the back Arab nation and black leather jeans and new lace boots. Trevor knocks on the door Sarah opens Trevor: come to the testing room Sarah:why? We did enough Trevor: just one more practice before you go Trevor and Sarah goes to the testing room Sarah and max and Trevor lays down max:1..,2..,3 Sarah finds her self in the rain suddenly a red car a occurs the same one Trevor had Trevor opens the door Trevor: come on get in Sarah gets into the car max:ok look Sarah in going to drop you off you had to hide Sarah:what in the rain Trevor: there's 5 cars behind us max bumps in to the car the guys in the car and started shooting Sarah: max what's going on the other car went bumping into max. max: you see there here for you Trevor opens the doors throws Sarah, sarah runs boom! The car hit her Trevor gets out of the car running Sarah was ok the middle of the street Trevor pulls Sarah away and takes her into the random Trevor looks at Trevor: are you ok? Sarah: ouch! I'm bleeding from my head Trevor: just focus Trevor: there here Sarah:who? Trevor:the people who were in the car let's go Trevor slowly gets up with Sarah the guys:where is she ... She disappeared with Trevor? I'm going to kill that guy Trevor takes out his finger on his lips saying Trevor:shhh! Run Trevor and Sarah runs to the car the guys:there they go Sarah runs Trevor punches the guy max takes Sarah max:are you ok? Sarah: does it look like max kicks the guys stomach the guy not so fast the guy takes out s gun and shoots Sarah! Boom Sarah's wakes up and so did max and Trevor Sarah:OMG Trevor: Sarah your only problem is you need to fight more to defend your self max:yea but don't make it obvious to the makers Sarah:ok there's only 2 more day until the final day ... I need to go to my school tomorrow Trevor: ugh Sarah: what? Trevor: that Amy girl is so annoying max: well be care full zuko was behind the door and heard everything zuko went running to his friends zuko: hey we need to go to Sarah's school shon:how they have Trevor and max they will cut us into pieces zuko:dude there not going with her josh: that's a good idea then we can take her blood and give to Jana the a Jana will win the games zuko:get ready get so much people. Sarah takes a deep breath and went entering her room. Sarah woke up Sarah puts her clothes on and took the train everyone stared looking at her. Sarah knew that people already know who she is Sarah gets off her stop suddenly calling came out Sarah! Wait Sarah turns around and finds max and Trevor Sarah why are you guys here?! Trevor: zukos coming Sarah:why? Max: they want you dead Sarah they are all after you, were the chosen one and they know that from your moves Sarah: what shall I do max: we will be behind you Sarah enters her school max and Trevor was behind her everybody looked at them everyone knew they were from the games trevor: why are they looking at us max: because they want to be like us being from the games is so cool they now that you were gifted the crowd: wow! Look at her a boy came up to her Harry: wow! Sarah you look great max: is this your boyfriend!? Harry:I wish Sarah:no! Harry:I love your outfit man Sarah:well thanx do you know wears Amy suddenly some one yelling everybody out of the way move! Amy:OMG Sarah you look amazing accept with that guy in the right Trevor: so funny Amy: is some one taking to you is that your brother? Sarah:yea... I miss you so much Sarah hugged Amy su hard Trevor: make it fast Amy:shut up! Max turns around and sees josh max: Sarah there here! Amy:why are you telling me this Sarah: well... Amy I could die tomorrow who knows and if I die I wanted to tell you that I'll miss you and you will always stay my best friend amy crys slowly Amy: well I hope you good luck... Can you just stay for today Sarah: I can't I'm not safe here max: you can a little Sarah:what about zuko? Sarah: you will be in class then he can't find you Amy: ok who the hell is zuko? Sarah: nothing let's just get to class Amy: my pleasure Sarah enters the class all the boys: hey Sarah you did not tell me you had a boyfriend and a brother Sarah:he's not my boyfriend Sarah sits down the teacher enters the class techter:Sarah welcome back! Sarah:I'm not staying just came to stop by and I met your brother he looks just like you he's a really good brother all he talks about is your safety teacher: so Sarah let's here about your new experience Trevor runs to Sarah's classroom Trevor:there here Sarah let's go Amy: but she just say for 5 minutes Sarah: bye I have to some ones after me Amy:good luck hope you win Sarah runs out josh grabs Trevor's neck josh:your going to die here Sarah: no its looks like your going to die Sarah kicks Trevor in the stomach Trevor:thnx Sarah:that's what friends do max:let's go zuko pushes max into the locker smash! Everybody got out of there class rooms and was watching the fight Sarah flips and kicks zukos face the crowd: woh I never knew Sarah could do that ?? max: get out of here zuko Trevor:leave Sarah alone zuko: aww! You think you can protect her your little girlfriend Sarah pucks zuko in the face Sarah:he's not my boyfriend! The principal: woh! Calm down what the hell is going on here?... Sarah is that your brother Sarah:what does it look like shon punches Sarah Sarah drops on the floor the principle:hey you don't punch my student like that max picks up Sarah from the floor max:are you alright your bleeding! Sarah: yea I'm fine Trevor:this fight is over! The principal: if you want to start a war zone start out side not in my school zuko goes to max zuko:this war is still on max takes Sarah out side Trevor:stay away from her! Trevor walks away Trevor and Sarah and max enters the games Trevor: come to the fighting room they all enter the fighting room Trevor: now try to fight max Sarah: what he's much stronger max:you see when you fight you always think the person who your going to fight is much stronger trevor:but it's really the opposite your much stronger then them Trevor:now try Sarah takes a deep breath and kicks max max holds Sarah's leg max: you have to aim harder now again Sarah kicks max:nice Sarah punches max holds her hand max:gotta aim harder Sarah punches again max: nice one again now come Taylor enters the fighting room Taylor: can I have Sarah Sarah walks with taylor to the control room Taylor: I just want to test you again before the games Sarah lays down Charlie gives her a drink to fall asleep max walks in the control Taylor:wares your best friend huh? Max did not answer Sarah fell asleep Taylor:1...,2....,3 go now let's take her in the past Charlie:I'm on it sir Sarah wakes up on a bed she's like in the mirror and realize there's something wrong Sarah walks out of the room and there was her mom cooking Sarah hears fighting she enters the room sees her self fighting with max little Sarah:give it to me max:no it's mine mother:max give to her and be a big boy for once Sarah was sits down and said hi she realized that no one could see her she was invisible she knew this was just a a memory& the mother: bye max take care of your sister ok I need to go to the games I'll be back 10:00 Sarah realized that her mother was covering the symbols little Sarah: mom what are you doing? What's that on your arm mother: nothing sweetie now go play with your big brother boom! Sarah woke up and finds her self in a empty city with empty buildings broken down Sarah realized that the dream did not end yet Sarah: what! What the hell its a dream with in dream? I been here before barking noise starts to appear it was the same dog she saw Sarah runs then the dog disappeared again Sarah:again what is this Sarah walks and finds her house Sarah opens the door and finds her grandma Sarah: grandma what are you doing here grandma: be careful of what you do the whole world is watching you Sarah:what do you mean solders came entering the door the soldiers:Hands up one of the soldier: look who we have the slut the solder ties her hand the soldier wispers in Sarah's ear I will kill your family you know Sarah there's a rule when mixture blooded kills pure blooded Sarah:I don't know what your talking about the soldier:oh yea you will when I kill you boom! Sarah wakes up And finds her self in a car with Trevor driving and Max next to her max: oh great you woke up listen you need to get out of this car now Sarah:what why? Zukos after you Sarah: what no your crazy max:listen theres a car jump on it simple Sarah:Yea so simple max:look Sarah you could do this remember your different believe in your self  sarah get out and gets on top of the car Trevor yells out Trevor:be careful! Sarah:look there's a empty truck I could jump on Sarah jumps max yells max:your not going to make it! Sarah gets on the truck Zukos comes from behind her Zuko: well I think you got into the wrong truck? Sarah jumps on him and punches him 5 times Zuko stand up zuko puts his hand on Sarah's neack and takes her to the edge zuko:prepare to die Sarah:I know you wouldn't kill me you still want me alive Zuko:not for long Trevor:oh yea but for long Trevor kicks Zuko in the stomach and punches him in the face.boom! Suddenly Sarah finds herself again in the empty city but this time there were little people walking on the streets beside Sarah was Trevor Sarah gets up Sarah:wear are we? Trevor: just walk with me and you will know Sarah walks with Trevor suddenly everyone was looking at Sarah and her arms Sarah:why are they looking at me and on my arms Trevor:because they see your symbols Sarah: symbols?boom! Sarah finds herself in a dark room and sees a a toy that she use to play with while she was small Sarah gets up suddenly the rocking chair was moving Sarah walks towards the toy the toy opens and starts the twinkle background it was a music box a dancing doll came out Sarah smiled Sarah: I know this toy boom!&woke up from her dream Sarah: OMG Sarah gets up Taylor.we know who you are and what you are Sarah Sarah stops and continues walking towards her room.

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