Brick in the wall Part I

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!!warnings for abuse, divorce, needles, broken home!! 

Ever since they got divorced Nico couldn't help but blame himself. He wasn't exactly an easy kid. His parents always thought he was the perfect little princess, the best daughter they could ever ask for.

Nico came out when he was 12, he always had sort of known who he was even before he heard the term 'transgender' for the first time. His younger brother, Tyler had always been supportive of him but Nico wouldn't exactly say the same for their parents. They often fought about his transition, or his name or even his pronouns and that hurt. It hurt knowing he was always 9 times out of 10 the root of the issue. Which is why when he received a letter from an unknown writer in the post about some camp called 'Camp Creepypasta' he couldn't help but be excited to actually get out of his house. The letter read as follows:

Dear Nico and Tyler,

I am writing to inform you both of your acceptance into Camp Creepypasta, a yellow bus will stop by on monday the 25th of march at 9:30am.

Attendance is mandatory, if you do not show up you will be killed.

Please make sure you bring with you; clothes, a sleeping bag, flashlight and food.

Phones are not permitted. If you are found to have a phone you will be killed.

You both have a seperate mentor, Nico you are working with Bloody Painter, Tyler will be partnered with Hoodie.

Nico you will be residing in cabin 2B, Tyler will be residing in cabin 4C.

I look forward to seeing you both there on monday.

Sincerely Slenderman

Should Nico have felt threatened with the constant mention of being killed in the letter? Sure. but he wasn't, he knew if he possibly stayed in this broken home he may have ended up dead regardless. So he did the logical thing, informing his younger brother of their summer camp acceptance.

"Hey ty" nico knocked on his younger brother's door poking his head in "pack a bag, we're going to a summer camp. We leave Monday morning at 9:30. They've got a bus coming to pick us up. Don't take your phone, not allowed them but take clothes, sleeping bag, hygiene things you get the jist. 6 weeks away from mum and dad really sounds nice" tyler nodded in agreement, he was 16, 3 years younger than Nico and the pair had always been close even more so now since they were all each other really had in the broken home they resided in. "yeah sounds great, maybe you will finally meet a cute guy" he teased a bit looking over at his elder brother. Tyler was a rather slim guy, not really having a lot on his bones, a mop of brown hair topping his head that he never bothered to tame and dark brown eyes. His face lightly dusted with light freckles. Now Nico was the opposite, having a much more muscular frame having worked his ass off to get his body to a point he was comfortable with it while wearing his chest binder. Being on Testosterone helped majorly with his body transformation. Instead of a brown mop of hair, nico had previously bleached it dying his hair pink and blow, his hair sitting neatly in a middle part in a sort of fuck boy type of style. The pink and blue colour was more a metaphor for his transition. His eyes a pale shade of green, skin was rather pale as well. He inherited most of his Scottish traits more than what his brother had. His hair naturally was a deep gingery copper colour.

Nico sat on the floor in his brother's room closing the door behind him "Ty how many times do i have to tell you? No one wants to date the trans guy" he rolled his eyes a bit before returning his gaze to Tyler "I'm not really interested anyway Ty in dating you know this, i just want to get-" his brother interrupted speaking a mocking tone "comfortable in my own body blah blah blah, i've heard it before Nei, gotta get a new line for your dating life" he laughed softly although Nico was less amused "yeah because my 'love life' is just a joke to you. Tyler i'll get a boyfriend or a girlfriend whenever i'm ready and right now i'm not. So butt outta my life".

The pair of brothers continued to have their friendly banter the rest of the night before the elder of the two had to return to his own room to start packing a duffel bag for this camp. How was he going to keep his testosterone injections cold? How was he even going to continue to receive his hormones when he ran out? He tossed in some clothes, work out stuff, shorts, tank tops, long sleeves, jeans. Anything he thought he would need. When he had made sure he had packed everything he needed he opened his mini fridge grabbing out his dose of T slipping it into the syringe before cleaning a spot on his thigh slowly injecting himself with it. He tossed the needle and vial into the trash can beside his bed before flopping down into it grabbing his phone. He really didn't care for the no phone rule, he was taking it with him regardless.

[authors note: Alright guys, I wrote the original version of this when I was 13. I'm now 18, definitely time for a rewrite. My writing style has improved and changed. Not to mention I'm much more mature now. So expect this book to be heavy on dark subject matter, kills will be a lot more graphic, this book will not be light on the triggers i mean that. I will be keeping most of the plot the same besides changing the reader to a trans male, and actually giving him a name that you can feel free to change whilst reading. all chapter are named after pink floyd songs. Love you guys] 

Camp Creepypasta (Bloody painter x trans FTM reader) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now