learning to fly

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!!warnings for, over excertion, abuse!! 

Nico's POV

It had been a few days at this camp, and me and painter had gotten a bit closer. Nothing major but we were speaking on generally ok terms. But he did have a few rules for me being in the cabin

Face the wall when you sleep

Don't ask to see my face

Don't ask for my real name

Don't ask for my age

Don't look at my face during the night, i don't sleep with a mask on

Train as much as you can

Don't die

Rules seemed simple enough you know? But the last one, rule 7, live advice right there. This camp was designed to kill us off one by one. My chances of surviving are slim to none. But I couldn't disappoint. I had already disappointed my family back home enough to never mind someone I barely knew. Currently we are in the gym.

Painter was taking me through a few exercises. My clothes are quite heavy. Definitely too heavy to work out in. He kept telling me to take a layer off between reps but I couldn't. I didn't have my binder on. He couldn't know my secret quite yet. I just couldn't let that happen because for sure then I would be first to die based on how I represent myself.

"You should really take that hoodie off Nico, you're going to overheat and probably pass out. It's not currently worth the risk" he continued trying to convince me to take it off yet i refused "no i'm good thanks for the concern but i'm good" over the last few days i had begun to find my voice with the dark haired male and i was definitely getting more ballsy with the things i had said to him in response. "I'll take it off for you if you don't take it off. I do not need you passing out from the heat. Just take it off Nico".

I shook my head in return as I continued on with my press ups. My current circuit being

20 press ups

30 second rest

20 mountain climbers

30 second rest

20 sit ups

30 second rest

20 russian twists

30 second rest

That was to be repeated 4 times. Before he wanted me to switch to my next area of training which was weights. Normally we would do the circuit then move onto hand to hand combat. Guess Painter wanted to switch shit up.

I finished my last set as I took my 30 seconds, gulping down most of the bottle of water I had brought with me while my mentor continued to look at me. "I still think you should take that hoodie off. Were not done with training for the day after weights were moving onto weapon training. I do not need you passing out from your own body heat. Just take the damn thing off" he huffed out as I still resisted. As much as i wanted to i just couldn't as i made my way over to the barbell weight section of the gym as he set up my bar for me.

I started our next circuit with the weights, this was a pretty straight forward one nothing too fancy;

30 Squats, weights on shoulders

30 second rest

30 lunges, weights on shoulders

30 second rest

30 bicep curls

30 second rest

He only ever had me repeat the weight circuit twice. So I worked my way through it. A small dizzy spell hit me which caused me to stop, dropping the bar down sitting where I had been standing trying to collect myself.

I sighed as my hands found their way to the bottom of my hoodie slowly pulling off my shirt drenched in sweat. Which was a baggy shirt to hide my curves and contours was now skin tight. My chest was on full display as I curled into myself. He knew. I felt his eyes on me, even through his mask. "Alright you know what let's just head back to the cabin, rest up, we can do our weapon training when it cools down a bit outside later on tonight."

I quickly nodded as I agreed, throwing my hoodie back on as we both left. I stayed silent as we walked. As soon as we were back in the cabin I went and changed as Painter made himself comfortably on his bed. When i came back out he had taken his mask off to which i turned around to give him his privacy "sorry didn't know you had taken it off."

I heard a small laugh come from him as he sighed "sit down you're fine, im sure you wont tell anyone but i should see about your mentor being changed to a female".

I quickly shook my head as i sat down not looking at the other "no, i get it my body isnt male but i am, my brain is male, i take hormones daily to come across as male. I came out as trans when I was 12. Im male. I don't need anyone else finding out about my situation so if you keep quiet it would be great."

I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye as I finally looked at him, taking in his beautiful ocean blue eyes, his somewhat small lips that looked soft, his cheekbones were just gorgeous and his skin was clean. Why would anyone want to cover that up I thought.

"I get it, my parents were obsessed with having a girl, my real name is a girl name i get it. Being forced to be someone you're not. I was forced to be female growing up. Which is why I eventually snapped and ended up here. How did your coming out go?"

I looked at him, my green eyes probably gave away the fact I was nervous but I told him the truth "bad. My parents got a divorce through it but they still live together for the sake of me and Tyler yet we wish they would both just separate. When I came out it was about the same time my father started hitting me and what not. Got used to it. Mom was always too distant to really care what he did to me so" I shrugged a bit as I saw him nod once more.

"Is that how you got that nasty bruise on your jaw? Through your father?"

"Yeah" I responded to his question, looking away once more.

He knew.

We did eventually return later on to weapon training. My weapon of choice, bow and arrow. Pretty versatile. Could get long range and take someone out before they got near me especially if they had a short distance weapon.

We started with basic target training, painter making sure each of my arrows fired hit the centre of the target board before we moved onto shooting apples atop glasses of water. My aim was to hit each apple without hitting the glasses of water below them. Easier said than done but I did eventually work my way through it.

My aim improving majorly. I just really wasn't sure if i could do this to another human but i knew if i wanted to survive i had to but then i thought of Tyler. If it was one survivor and it came down to us two standing I would have to kill my brother. I couldn't stomach that fact. He was all I had left in this cruel dark world. My baby brother. I couldn't afford to lose him. Tyler was my everything, we had always been close for as long as i can remember but even more so when he was old enough to understand me being transgender. He was my rock. He is my person. He's who I go to when I've had a shitty day or when I need someone to talk to. I love my brother. I don't have it in me to kill him. I think I would rather let him kill me. That way I know he escaped unharmed and free. With freedom we both desperately had searched for and had wanted since I was 12 and he was 9. 

Camp Creepypasta (Bloody painter x trans FTM reader) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now