wish you were here

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!!character death, funeral, grief!!

There was one day left till nicos surgery to hopefully repair the nerves in his legs but first he had to deal with Tyler's funeral. He wasn't ready to say goodbye to his baby brother. It was too soon. Everything was happening so quickly. The elder male was an emotional wreck as he put on his black clothing. Black jeans and a black shirt he borrowed from bloody painter. He wasn't ready for this. He wasn't ready to say goodbye to the one person he could turn to when no one else would listen, the one person who could make him both laugh and cry, his little brother. It should have been him. He really didn't want to do this. He didn't want to bury his baby brother who still had his whole life ahead of him. He would never have a family, he would never get married or have his first partner or his first taste of alcohol or make bad decisions. He would never get to do any of that.

It hurt Nico to think about the things his brother would be missing out on. Things that he would be able to do. But it didn't feel right and would never feel right having life accomplishments like those without Tyler there to celebrate with him. Tyler would never graduate high school, or attend college. He would never get to do anything past the age of 16 which he will remain while Nico continues to age. Sure he would move on eventually but he will never stop missing his baby brother.

"Are you ready?" Helen turned to him, having his mask in his hand looking at the younger male who had tears streaming down his cheeks. The bi coloured male slowly nodded his head, yet he wasn't ready. He probably would never be ready to bury his baby brother.

Painter sighed as he took the chair handles in his gloved hands slowly wheeling Nico out the cabin towards where they were burying the ones they had lost in unmarked graves.

The paralysed male was unable to keep it together as he broke down in sobs as they headed there "i-i cant.."

"You can nico, do it for Tyler, yeah? He wouldn't want to see you like this".

"T-those words are mea-meaningless.. H-he caused this.." he sobbed out covering his face with his hands as they stopped. Peering out between his fingers he saw 7 wooden boxes, each containing a dead body from someone they had lost, each with names on it.

7 shallow graves had been dug, 7 shallow holes for 7 lives taken.

A hand made its way to nicos shoulder, the bi coloured male looking up to see brian unmasked. "We are right here for you Ni"

"Thanks bri..." nico proceeded to watch as they buried the 7 makeshift coffins, his breath catching in his throat as he just thought of the song by pink floyd called 'wish you were here' as he wished for nothing more than his baby brother to be here right now with him. He watched on as each box was buried in a respectful manner. His green eyes were still filled with tears as they finally reached his brother's coffin. Turning away he looked up at Helen who had moved to his other side "t-tell me once its done.. I c-can't watch.."

"Alright.." he spoke in a soft tone, his hand closest to Nico softly rubbing comforting circles on the male's back.

Not too much later they were heading back to the cabins, both Helen and brian coming back as brian took over directing the wheelchair back. Once inside the cabin the brunette helped Nico transfer back to his bed where he curled up and cried into his pillow. He just couldn't come to terms with no longer having his brother here, it hurt more than anything.

He never thought he would finish this on his own. He always thought Tyler would have been by his side the entire time. Brian and Helen gave the grieving male the space he needed as they sat on the deck of the cabin looking at the trees talking quietly to each other.

"I feel bad for him brian"

"You like him, obviously you'll feel bad for him. Just ask him out already"

"I would if his brother didn't just die on him. That's not exactly fair on him nor the way I would want to ask him out. I didn't plan to fall for my cabin mate here. I planned to stay distant but there's something about him that keeps drawing me in"

"I get it, that's how i've felt with time since I first met him. Just ask him out before it's too late"

"I just want him to get better right now and what he needs is a friend over anything else. Potentially having a romantic relationship with him can wait for now. I know the world doesn't wait for anyone but for a guy like nico im sure it can wait a bit longer". 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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