Chapter 9: Into the Pit - Part 1

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Decades ago...

Location: Afton Mansion – Hurricane, Utah

Time: 9pm

The dimly lit room was enveloped in a sombre silence, punctuated only by the soft rustle of pages turning. A 12 year old William lay on his bed, his gaze fixed on the pages of the book that was being read by his caretaker: The Velveteen Rabbit—a tale of love, loyalty, and the transformation of a mere toy into something real through the power of affection.

"...but he never knew that it really was his own Bunny, come back to look at the child who had first helped him to be real." The caretaker concluded the story gently, closing the book.

As the last words washed over him, William couldn't help but scoff inwardly at the whimsical notion presented in the story. The idea that pouring emotions into an inanimate object could somehow bring it to life was absurd to him. William glanced at the stuffed animals scattered across his room. He had no emotional attachment to them, no belief in their ability to become anything more than what they were—lifeless, soulless playthings for him.

"Is something bothering you, William?" came his caretaker's soft inquiry.

William gaze met his caretaker's, a gentle concern etched upon their face.

"It's just...the story," William started, his scepticism enveloped his young mind like a shroud, "A toy becoming real because of love. It's stupid, isn't it?"

The caretaker stepped closer, a faint smile touching their lips. "Not at all, William. Stories often carry truths that we might not understand at first".

"But toys can't become real! It's not possible." William countered, a hint of defiance in his tone.

"Perhaps not toys, but what if it's about something else? Something that's not a toy, but an idea, a creation of your own?"

William furrowed his brow, contemplating the words. The room fell silent once more as William mulled over the notion.To William, his caretaker's gentle suggestion felt like a futile effort—an attempt to impart some form of sentimentality he was immune to.

"Don't think about it too hard, Sweet William. It's still just a silly story as you said. Get some sleep alright".

As the caretaker bid him goodnight and left the room, William found himself alone in the quiet darkness, thoughts swirling like a tempest in his mind

The bedtime story, once dismissed as silly, now lingered, whispering of possibilities untold. And amidst the stillness of the night, William dared to entertain the notion that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't feel quite so alone if he could conjure a companion who would stand by him eternally.


Location: Hurricane, Utah - Cabrera Home

Time: 6am

"Gregory, Harry, wake up," Luna's voice gently persisted, pulling the cuddling duo out of their slumber. They groaned in unison as the morning light trickled through the window blinds, casting soft beams of sunlight across the room.

"Huh?" Gregory blinked and mumbled groggily, squinting at the alarm clock that displayed 6 a.m . in crimson digits.

"She's been found. Mommy is alive".

Gregory shot upright, his eyes wide with shock and hope. "She is?"

"Daddy says the hospital called him and he asked me to wake you and Harry up. She's sleeping but not waking up..."

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