Chapter 11: Holy God We Praise Thy Name

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Years ago...

Location: Unknown Home - Hurricane, Utah

Time: 12pm

A dimly lit room, cluttered with old furniture and an air of despair contained a man with dishevelled hair who sat on the edge of his frayed armchair, hands clasped tightly, his lips moving in a silent plea. His weary eyes glistened with unshed tears, staring at the heavens through the small, dusty window.

"Please, God, show me the way," he murmured, his voice stained with anguish. "I can't bear this pain any longer. I've lost so much, and I have nothing left. I'm trapped in this endless cycle of struggle and suffering."

The young man had lost his beloved family to a tragic accident a year back, leaving him all alone. His job as a cashier paid meagre wages, barely enough to keep food on the table and a roof overhead. Each passing day felt like a struggle against an unyielding tide of adversity, and despair had begun to chip away at his spirit. He'd lost faith in God. Moments before succumbing to the desperate thought of ending his own life though, a faint knock echoed at the door. He hesitated, unsure of what to expect. He opened it to find a small package, neatly wrapped in brown paper, with no sender's name in sight. A puzzled expression etched across his weary face, he brought the parcel inside.

Curiosity wrestled with his desolation as he unwrapped the package, revealing a sleek Fazbear-Brand VR headset and a note that simply read: A new beginning awaits .

With a mixture of disbelief and faint hope, he connected the VR headset, expecting little more than a distraction. But as the game booted up, the man found himself transported into an ethereal realm, filled with shimmering lights, colourful balloons and otherworldly landscapes.

As he wandered, a spectral figure emerged, a digital apparition bearing a form akin to a golden humanoid rabbit. The figure spoke in resonating tones that reverberated through his soul.

"Hello, I am the voice of the divine." the apparition intoned, "You have been chosen for a greater purpose. Do you believe me?"

The being, with its cunning words and beguiling demeanour, claimed to be God, offering the man a chance at redemption, a promise of salvation from his earthly woes. Lulled by the entity's mesmerising aura and yearning for guidance, he nodded and found himself drawn closer to the rabbit. It wrapped its soft-padded hands around his head.

"Let me enter your mind. Relax".

The rabbit phases into him. The man's eyes glow purple as the mysterious rabbit shows him peace.

"Tell me, do you see?"

"Yes... I see...I know who you are" .

"And who am I?"

"You are God!" A demented smile forms upon his face in both the VR and real world "God, it's really you".

"Yes. I've come to you in your moment of despair. I'm here to save you. Now, I'm gonna open your heart, and let my love flow through you".

"Do it..."

The hands of the humanoid phases through his chest, as he starts to feel an overwhelming sense of happiness for the first time in years.

"Do you feel it?"

"I do... I feel your love inside of me, and I don't want it to stop".

The digital ghost then removes his head, revealing a purple haired and skinned man with empty eye sockets.

"The face of God..." He breathes,"What an honour to witness it!"

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