Music Class

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It was break time and Leo came up to me with his 'bros' who I hated. "Hey pretty girl." One of them said. "Aren't you the new girl with ADHD and Dyslexia?" Another one said. I rolled my eyes. "Yea and?" I spoke. "Oh, she has a temper" One of them said. Hey all started laughing at me. I felt bad. "Cut it out Mike" Leo said. "Hey, I am so sorry-" I interrupted him "Never mind, I will catch up with you later; I have got to practice for the concert on Sunday. And I think I found someone for drums, so you don't need to ask anyone anymore." (Lie). 

I went to the music room thinking about who I should ask to replace Becca for the drums. (Becca is her ex-friend). I walked in to find the same tall boy but this time he looked kinda cute. I saw him play the drums and he was so good at it. "Hey." I spoke. He couldn't hear me. "HEY!!!" I yelled. He finally stopped and looked at me. "Can I join you I need to practice my electric guitar."

"Yea sure." He spoke. As I closed the door, I could see a bunch of girls looking from the small window. Ugh. They are probably obsessed with him. I plugged in the cables and started. I played my favorite song a pop/rock kind of melody. He just stared at me with big eyes; and in the middle of the song, he started to play along with the drums. I started singing and so did he. It was fun. 

"Hey um can I join the band? I overheard you it sounds pretty rad." He spoke. I could hear a bunch of girls gasp from the other side of the wall. "Yeah sure, cool..." I said "Dope when can I start?" He asked, "Know maybe." I said, he agreed. I found out his name is Noah; and for the rest of our free time, we played. But we were not alone if you know what I mean (the girls following him). 

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