chapter 028.

517 31 11

twenty eight. now you're lost.

          Lyra's brown eyes look darker than they ever have, in contrast to the beautiful white hair framing her face in waves. Her hair had already been light under the red — and the bleach and toner had come together to form an elegant shade that reminded her of the snow they'd had at Harmony. There she goes, thinking about Tom again.

Having showered when the washed the toner from her hair, Lyra feels fresh and ready for the day physically, ignoring the damper on her mood that is her longing for Tom and Brahms — even for Carrie and Stu. Billy is a negative entity that weighs heavy on her mind now, all thoughts of redeeming destroyed by his betrayal with Kurt.

She shakes her head at the though and leaves her room, wearing a thin white dress that falls mid-thigh. The weather outside is slightly miserable, but the house is always warm as though there's a constant fire beneath the home which she's grateful for.

Instead of finding Bo sat on the couch as she'd been expecting, she's met with Lester's happy grin. He greets her in a warm manner, arms extended as he stumbles towards her.

"Hey Lester." She wraps her arms around his midsection briefly, ignoring the scent of blood that clings to his attire. "What are you doing here?" She asks, a resting smile of surprise across her lips.

"I live here miss! With my brothers, Bo and Vincent." He flashes a happy smile back to her and Lyra pulls back with a small frown. Why hadn't Bo mentioned having brothers? Two that live with him and yet she hadn't heard anything of this Vincent.

"That's lovely, do you have any idea where Bo is?" Lester nods, happy to be able to help her and Lyra almost chuckles at his adorable mannerisms.

"He's at the gas station working on his truck, want a ride? I'm heading out to hunt so I can drop ya off on the way." He offers and after sparing a brief look towards the window, she nods quickly. The light drizzle of rain sends a shiver down her spine. She used to love the rain, but having only summery clothes to choose from, the thought of bitter windy air is horrible.

"If you wouldn't mind. Thank you." Lester grins, grabbing his jacket from a hook by the door and throwing it over himself, keys jingling around his fingers.

"Of course, it's no bother, Lyra." He says her name in such a sweet tone, she can't help the blush that litters her cheeks. "And might I say, the hair's super pretty miss." Her blush only strengthens at the compliment. Why was everyone in Ambrose so sweet to her?

Bo can't help the grin that strikes his expression, seeing the reflection of his proclaimed pretty girl approach him in his truck's polished wheel's rim. Her blonde hair falls perfectly around her shoulders, reaching down to her waist. It's even more beautiful than he'd imagined, she looks so pure, so soft.

"Sweetheart." He greets her once she's close enough, the door's bell ringing quickly as she enters the garage. She walks around the town like she already owns the place despite being completely oblivious to its secrets. He adores it.

"Bo! What do we think?" Lyra asks with a proud smile, having an even shade of white across all of her head — almost an impossible task and here she was accomplishing it while on the run. He watches the ends of her dress fly upwards slightly as she spins, showing off the two little platinum buns atop her head.

She's perceived in a new light by the man, having already found her precious, her new look is a perfect embodiment of his fantasies. Light hair, dark wide eyes. A little white dress, screaming innocence.

A smirk plants itself permanently on his expression and he reaches for her, fingers brushing over a loose curl that hangs loosely, falling just below her jaw. Her eyeliner is almost non-existent, mascara making her doe eyes more prominent — like a deer in headlights.

She's gorgeous, as she always has been. But now, observing her Bo can't help but think how she's so perfectly suited to him. His rugged arrogance and aggressive behaviour muted by her kind soft mannerisms. His messy stained mechanic uniform contrasted by her flawless ruffled light dress.

He can't recall the victim that had been wearing that dress last, knowing they would've been nothing close to Lyra's perfection. That's why he hadn't bothered to remember them, but he'll remember her forever, she'll be with him forever.

"Ya look perfect." He muses, hand falling back to his side as he turns back to the car quickly, the bonnet open, tools scattered around a desk behind the car. He'd been working on the underside of the vehicle but wanting to keep her in view of him, he results to the bonnet.

It's although her presence is the forefront of his mind constantly, he struggles to remember what was even in need of a fix.

"So, will you have any spare time later?" She asks, twirling to take a seat on the empty part of the desk closest to him. He turns, stood only a step away from having her knees either side of him. The thought elicits a longing sigh from his chest.

"Yeah, am thinkin' of taking a break soon, why?" He speaks with no malice towards her, but his tone isn't kind either. Lyra frowns, watching him quickly turn back to tinkering with the car. Had she done something wrong?

Bo tried to shake the thoughts of her from his mind. Thoughts of her beneath him, his large hands exploring her porcelain skin. It's an impossible task.

"I was thinking, you never gave me the tour of Ambrose. And well, i haven't even seen the grand house of wax." She speaks, glancing through the window towards the direction it had been as Lester had driven past. "I'd like to see it before I leave at least."

Bo's grip on the car's raised bonnet tightens, knuckles turning white for only a second before he releases it.

"Leave?" He speaks accusingly, turning to face her, holding his breath in fear of her next response.

She nods slowly, not understanding the sudden change in his behaviour. Her nodding stops when he contrasts her with a shake of the head. Hers was calm, his is harsh, a warning.

"You ain't leavin'." He swallows thickly, turning back to the car. Lyra frowns at him, is he having a tantrum because she wants to leave? It's not like she had a permanent position in Ambrose, she was there to escape Kurt.

While she appreciates everything Bo and Lester have done for her, she doesn't owe them her stay.

"Bo—" She rests a sympathetic hand on his shoulder, "I have to leave, I have to find Tom and—" He spins quickly before she can finish, temperamental at the mention of her departure and her supposed boyfriend. A man that had slept through her sacrificing herself for him? Pathetic, Bo would never put her in such danger, he'd never be so fucking reckless.

He grasps her wrist, tugging her down from the desk and lifting her over his shoulder effortlessly. Lyra's eyes widen and she struggles, urging him to let her go. Bo doesn't listen to a word she says, the thoughts of her leaving obsessing his mind.

She will never leave him.

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