Arc 1. Chapter 1. The beginning.

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Ayanokoji Pov:

Hey, if i may, I would like to pose an interesting question. 

Are all pokemons equal?

Before you ask me what I am smoking, I am talking about whether every pokemon can become strong.

For example, let's say, you see someone fight a Caterpie with your a Squirtle. You would say that he would win, right? Why do you think that?

Is it because you think squirtles are stronger than caterpies? But that would not be a sign of equality between all pokemons, is it?

My point is, some pokemon are stronger than others by nature. However, i believe that if used correctly, all pokemons can win battles. Each one should cover a niche role. After all, stats aren't everything.

Thanks for listening to my pep talk, I will keep it to myself now.

"Hey, don't you think you should let this old lady sit in your seat? It is a priority seat after all."

I opened my eyes to see a blonde girl asking me to give up my seat for the old lady.

Oh, I forgot that this was a priority seat.

well, I guess I will stand up. I don't want to start any fights after all.

I got up from my seat and the old women sang me praises, while the rest of the bus were staring at me, thinking I am a good person.

It was troublesome standing up, but it was alright as long as someone didn't come to bother me.

"Hey, can I learn your name?"

Speak of the devil.


I told the blonde girl no and started fiddling around with my phone.

"Come on Kiyotaka, she is just asking for your name."

Matsuo told me.

I reluctantly put my phone in my pocket and told her my name.

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka."

"Kushida Kikyo, nice to meet you!"

She answered.

It seems like she was expecting me to continue the conversation, but I had no intention of doing that. I took out my book, and went to page 177013800315.


"Why is that book so big!!?!?!??!"

Because of  Matsuo's useless remark, a lot of the people on the bus had their attention on us.

"Shhh. You are disturbing the passengers."

I told Matsuo.

"Well you can't just expect me to stay silent seeing that!"

He shouted.

good grief.

"The book is not that big, it only has 177013800315177013800315 pages."

"How is that not big!?!??!!"

I ignored the useless words from Matsuo, and continued reading.

This book was mainly about pokemons like lopuunny, vaporeon and gardevoir. It talked about their strengths and weaknesses. I personally was interested most on the Gardevoir line.

They were another pokemon which had a branch evolution, which I found interesting. The power of being able to choose what you have become, that was something I had gained only two years ago.

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