Calypso's future

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Calypso was at the park buying ice cream and then saw one of her friends and that was Brandy Cattle she waved and she noticed her and waved back

Brandy: g'day Calypso how's it been?

Calypso: oh you know the usual and of course the trouble of taking care but it's fun too

Brandy: well it's nice to see that you're doing well Calypso

Calypso: say where's Mixie at?, is she with you?

Brandy: oh yes she's playing with the other kids at the playground

Calypso: say how old is Mixie now?

Brandy: well her birthday is coming up next week so she's.. 14 today

Calypso: wow she's 14 and your still looking good this day

Brandy: thanks but im not that good in just a 42 year old mother

Calypso: and im 41 but you still look we both still look good

Brandy: hm i guess you're right

Mixie: mom!, hey mom i wanna show you something!, oh hi auntie Calypso!

Calypso: hello Mixie you've grown so much bigger

Mixie: thanks auntie Calypso!, come on mate m i wanna show you this cool place!

Brandy: heh alright we'll go see ya Calypso! *Waves*

Calypso: *waves bye you two!

???: mom!

Calypso: oh!, Pearl

Pearl: mom!, can we play together?

Calypso: of course we can play Pearl

Pearl: hooray!

Calypso: where's you father at-

???: *lifts her* yeah!

Pearl: heheh there's dad!

Calypso: *puts her down* Oof!, well your being cheeky today

???: heh sorry but i can't just resist it!, that was pretty funny

Calypso: hm yes it was

Pearl: hey dad!, can we play monsters?

???: sure thing sweetie

Pearl: hooray!, im going to play first with my friend before we play monsters!

???: okay have fun Pearl!

Calypso: im still happy that we're together and we made her, made this family together.. Evan

Evan: and im happy that i met you that day too Calypso-

She then wakes up from her bed in a cold sweat and she looks at her alarm clock and it says 5:04 AM and she laid back on her bed and looks up her ceiling and a small tear slides from her eye "it was just only a dream..."

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