Chapter One: No Beast

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First Person Point of View: Princess Vheneess Aethereon, the seventh (VII)

Along the peak of the High Keep - the greatest and tallest sanctuary of Grand Felidonts, a royal rider mounted on its gigantic beast sauntering towards the edge of the cliff, and ready to take a flight anew. The air is strong and flows quickly at these heights...a perfect current of winds for royal riders to roam over the mountain ranges. Such a grave task for every young lord, but this rider is not one of them. He is an old stager. A veteran, a king, and has matters to attend to beyond the vast riches of his land. It is a precious moment that only a few relishes, and only one name, beyond all others, is chosen of destiny to have control over the Aethereal skies...the Aethereons - the royal riders of the Grand Felidonts, dwelling in the most powerful kingdom of Aetherea called the Deep Royal Palace - nestling at the zenith of the high Aetherean mountains, this colossal landscape is being occupied by the royal family and descents of King Vaeghor Aethereon, the present ruler and the purest ruling bloodline in all of the land...he is a great king, but he was not the one who united the three was another king before him.

At a time only Aetherean beings could remember, even before King Vaeghor succeeded his late-father and late-king, Rhaegon, there were the ancient-kings many centuries before them and the land was said to be in grave chaos. Draelaryons and Daerothrions, have been advesaries, locked in enmity that endures to this day. They had been fighting over Western Compass, a western strip of land stretching across both the paths leading to the two rival palaces. It was a prized possession of Draelaryons as they won a hundred of years ago with the help of the royal riders. However, it caused them thousands of brave soldiers and innocent's blood shed in the dreadful war, even their grand beasts...a River of Blood witnessed across the land. Only It was all because of Daerothrions. - sons of the conquerors who take anything that the wild winter touches.

The Western Compass is important for the kin in the name of prosperity and the land's strategic position, it likewise covers the path leading to the woodlands in the east providing them ample victuals harvesting before the coming of harsh weather storms and, perchance, unwelcome wild winters. However, despite Draelaryons voicing their claim, the land became a lone piece of great solid ice conceived as a wintry gift for Daerothrions. The Daerothrions believe all the freezing landscapes in Aetherea belong to their kin and they will never stop until they concur the last piece of it. Unfortunately, Draelaryons never thought their prized possession would be in such a plight.

They know it is the most unwonted tradition of Daerothrions, a domineering and selfish reasoning, as the Draelaryons whisper in their ears. It's a historical promise passed through Daerothrion generations, and for that reason, as long as there is a Daerothrion awaiting for the coming of a wild winter, a chaos is no different with a beast awaiting for its jaws to open and engulf everything on its path.
The ancient-ruler, King Arthemion would not prefer sacrificing innocent blood for the cause of one lifeless state, so he made an offer beyond anything else...a golden offer. And it was set forth in the Western Compass, a place that itself caused a dreadful war a hundred years before.

The Draelaryons and Daerothrions armies were about to march on opposite fronts, with the commanders readying the factions of their legion. The rays of sun dazzle the cold breeze embracing the mountain tops. A daylight and a foreseen sign of nature that means every soldier is up for battle and is only waiting for the horns to be heard.

As the war was about to begin, a loud strident sound came from the skies scent on the ground. The brawny Draelaryon commanders and the staunch Daerothrion men-at-arms stood their ground and are seen dauntless, a war pride, as they call it.

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