Chapter 5

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Peyton walked around the park with Gillian until Charlie cried and Peyton decided she should get her to bed. "I really should get Charlie to bed Gill, i wish i could have stayed out longer but she's had a busy day". Peyton said looking at Charlie. Gillian nodded and said she understood. Gillian pushed the stroller the rest of the way, while Peyton calmed Charlie down. After 5 minutes of driving and many promises to call Gillian the next morning, Peyton arrived in her driveway, happy to finally be home. Charlie was being extra fussy and took an extra hour to get to sleep, Peyton thought she was getting sick and she would take her to the hospital tomorrow, she needed to get a check up anyway. After getting Charlie to bed and getting in the shower Peyton laid down on her bed and picked up her phone. She thought about texting Jasper, to inform him that she was going to take Charlie for a check up tomorrow in case he wanted to come. She almost deleted what she had typed and then decided to send it anyway, he did have a right to know about his daughter, even if he never asked. She was almost asleep when her phone chimed. It was Jasper. She was expecting a short response from him, maybe an 'ok' or even a 'whatever you decide'. But to her surprise he said; thanks for letting me know, ill be there, just tell me when. She felt an ache in her stomach that she dismissed as she locked her phone and rolled over, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Peyton woke up tp the sound of Charlie wailing from the next room. Just when she thought her daughter was on a normal sleep schedule, Charlie wakes up. The clock read 4:09 am. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, and walked to Charlies room. Charlie was standing up in her crib, holding herself up by the railing. Peyton walked towards her and Charlie stretched her little arms out, making Peyton smile. She picked her up and started rocking her back to sleep, she sat down in the rocking chair in the corner of the room. As Charlie fell asleep, she placed her back in the crib. Charlie woke up the second her mother put her down. Picking her back up and sitting in the padded chair Peyton fell asleep with Charlie in her arms and the 2 slept until 8 the next morning. Peyton opened her eyes to her mother smiling at the two of them. She glanced down at her sleeping baby and carefully placed her in her crib, and slowly crept out of the room, closing the door on the way out. "Why were you sleeping in there?" Her mother asked. Peyton had to think for a couple of seconds. "She woke up in the middle of the night and wouldn't go back to sleep unless i was holding her. She felt a little warm, i am going to take her for a check up today, i don't think she is feeling very well." Peyton answered. "Do you want me to come with you?" No, that's okay, i think Jasper is going to come with me, he said he wanted to." Peyton said. Her mother looked surprised, but somewhat relieved that he was starting to step up. Peyton kissed her mother on the cheek and went downstairs to get something to eat, She texted Jasper and told him she was going to the doctors around 3 and that she could pick him up on the way. He said he would just meet her there. She wondered why all of a sudden he was stepping up. Maybe he finally came to his senses. Peyton still had feelings for Jasper, but she couldn't be with someone who didn't accept responsibility, now that he was, maybe things would change.

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