Chapter 6

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          By 230, Peyton had bathed, fed and changed Charlie, with the diaper bag loaded she yelled bye to her mother and got ready to go to the hospital. She made sure Jasper didn't want a drive to the hospital and was on her way. She pulled in the driveway at 245, and Charlie was still asleep so she decided to wait in the car until Jasper got there. She pulled out her phone and asked him where he was, he said he was 5 minutes away. She was nervous about seeing Jasper again. Last time she saw him was when he showed up at her house wanting to see Charlie. She missed him so much, and wanted him to be there for her and Charlie. Jasper pulled up beside her and smiled his beautiful smile at her. She blushed and smiled back. Hating the effect he had on her. He opened the passenger door and sat down beside her. "Hey" he said. Pushing his hair out of his face. "Hi" she replied. "Before you say anything about me being a terrible father i just wanted to say i am ready to step up, i got a job at my dad's garage, it sucks but its better than nothing. I know, you have done all of the work for the past year, but i am here now and i am not going anywhere." He said. Peyton wished she could hate him, but all she wanted to do was reach out and kiss him, And she did. Her hands came up to his face, her lips pressed against his. His hands found her waist and pulled her against him. His left hand found her face as she ran her fingers through his perfect hair. They broke apart, "Wow"he said. His forehead still resting against hers. She pulled away. "I am sorry, Jasper I don't know what is wrong with me." She said. "Don't be sorry, it's my fault we broke up, i was stupid. But i have changed, i promise. And i will be there for both of you forever." Jasper said. Peyton smiled and he kissed her forehead. Peyton got out of the car and went to get Charlie. But Jasper insisted on getting her. She was still asleep so she didn't whine when Jasper picked her up. He smiled, happy that his daughter didn't cry when he picked her up, i didn't tell him that she will let anyone pick her up while she is sleeping. Peyton had butterflies in her stomach, she was happy that Jasper was here. They walked into the hospital and the triage lady asked for our information. "My daughter's name is Charlotte Marie Kingsley. She is 1 year and 1 month old. She is here for a checkup but i also noticed she had a bit of a cough and her fever has been coming and going. "I need your information too dear." The nurse said. "My name is Peyton Rockwell. I am 18 years old." The nurse gave Peyton a concerned look and Peyton brushed it off, she had received various types of looks from people every where she went. "And the fathers name? If you know who it is." The nurse said. "Of course i know who her father is, what the hell was that supposed to mean." Peyton said loudly. Jasper came up from behind her and put his hand on her waist. "Im Jasper Kingsley, and im 19 years old." He said. Peyton was going to say something else about the rude comment that the nurse had made, when Charlie woke up and started to cry. Jasper handed her  to Peyton and they sat down.


 Piper got ready to go to the hospital. After showering and getting dressed and saying goodbye to Callie, she got in the car. By the time she got to the hospital it was 10 after 3. She went to one of the 2 nurses who were at the desk and gave her information. "Im Piper Rockwell, and im 18 years old." She said. The nurse told her to have a seat. She sat in the far corner of the room. There were not many people there. A little boy with his mom, who was getting more impatient by the minute. An older lady who looked very tired. Two teenagers and a little girl, who had just woken up, and a girl who looked about 12 years old sitting with her dad. After about 45 minutes of waiting, and after everyone except the teenagers with the baby had left i walked up to the nurse to see how much longer it would be. She told me not long and i went back to my seat. 2 minutes later a doctor comes out and calls my name. "P. Rockwell. Room 215." I got up and grabbed my purse. As i started to walk towards the room, so did the teenager with the baby. I thought maybe her name got called before mine. I turned around to see if she needed help with anything. She said no, but as she looked at my face we both stopped. It was like looking into a mirror. She dropped her stuff and handed the baby to what i assumed was her boyfriend. She stood up and walked over to me. My eyes widened in surprise. I couldn't believe it. I looked at her and she looked at me. I left my hair down, in wavy curls. But hers was pulled into a loose straight pony tail. I had on jeans a tank top and a light cardigan, she wore leggings and a baggy sweater. Her face resembled mine identically, and time seemed to stop. "Who are you?"Peyton said. Still not believing what she was seeing. "My name is Piper."she said. Piper picked up her bag and gestured for Peytonto follow. Peyton grabbed her stuff and motioned for Jasper to follow. They went into the room they were called into and set down their stuff. "What the hell is going on?" Peyton demanded. "Is this some type of sick joke?" She turned to Jasper. "Did you know about this? Is that why you're here?" She asked. Jasper looked confused. "What are you talking about, of course not. I am just as confused as you." He answered. "Look, My name is Piper Rockwell, i have been in foster care my whole life, and after my foster dad beat me so bad that i had to go to the hospital, i met our mother. Callie Rockwell. She has been looking for us our whole lives, your name is Peyton Rockwell, and when were born someone took us away from out mom and seperated us. I dont know why. I know this is a lot to take in at one time but you have to believe me." Piper said. Peyton looked at Piper. There was no way that she was lying about this. The proof was in their faces. "I didn't know i had any siblings, especially a twin. I have been in foster care my whole life too, and they have all been terrible except for my last one, i have been with Molly, my foster mom since Charlie was born." Peyton said. "Charlie is my daughter," she said gesturing to Charlie. "And this is Jasper, her dad." She said gesturing to Jasper. Piper smiled at Charlie and said hi to Jasper. "So, you know our parents?" Peyton asked. "I know our mother, and she is wonderful, but i don't know our father, and neither does she. Its a long story." Piper answered. The doctor came in, interrupting them. "Okay" he said. "Who is miss P.Rockwell." He read off of the chart without looking up. "I am" both girls said at the same time.      

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