Chapter 3

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As I strolled into the school, Atlas walked alongside me, and I couldn't help but notice the curious glances we attracted. It wasn't common for me to be seen with anyone, especially a boy.

"Seat here," I instructed Atlas, gesturing to the empty spot beside me.

"So, I'm just going to sit here and do nothing?" he quipped.

"What do you want to do?" I retorted, feeling irritation creeping in.

"Don't you have friends you talk to and maybe introduce them to me?" he inquired.

"Even if I did, would I want to introduce you to them?" I shot back, causing a frown to form on his face.

"They see nothing wrong with me?" he challenged.

"Mtchew," I sighed, retrieving my books from my bag.

"Do you know what I do at this time?" I asked him.

"What?" he queried.

"I read," I stated, flipping open my notebook.

"You read? That's boring," he commented.

"With your long hair, are you sure there is something in your brain?" I teased.

"Excuse me?" he responded, taken aback.

"Yeah, excuse you," I retorted sarcastically.

"Just open your book, and being the good person that I am, I'll fill you in on what we've learned for the past two weeks," I offered.

"Don't worry about that; I can always..." Atlas was interrupted by Kelvin's sudden outburst.

"So, it's because of this white boy that you don't want to give me your contact, right?" Kelvin accused.

"I don't even like any of you, that's just the funny part," I stated plainly.

"But why are you talking to him?" Kelvin interrogated, as if he had the right to question me.

"See, Kelvin, you're becoming possessive. Are we dating? Abeg, go jor," I rebuked him, feeling annoyed already.

"I see what you're doing, Timilehin," Kelvin persisted.

"I will slap you if you call my full name again," I warned.

"You don't have respect for girls, maybe if you were more respectful, I would have considered giving you my contact," I responded firmly.

"Okay, sorry. Sorry, I'm sorry," Kelvin apologized, then his gaze shifted to Atlas, who looked at us speechlessly.

"Next time, maybe next time," I dismissed him.

"Timi..." Kelvin attempted to continue.

"Kelvin, I said rest," I interrupted, giving him a warning glance. He hesitated before finally walking away. Turning to Atlas, who was studying me, he voiced his curiosity.

"So, that is your boyfriend?" he asked.

"It's like you have an ear problem because we were literally discussing how I won't give him my contact," I clarified, causing him to frown.

"Can't someone tease you?" he teased back.

"You're just too serious for a girl," he remarked. Mtcheww. Did he think his words were affecting me? I've heard worse.

"And you're just too annoying for a guy," I countered, returning to my book.

"Whatever," he muttered, ending the conversation.

"Timi," I turned to the familiar voice and wasn't surprised by who it was.

It was Chidera, popularly known as Dera. You know, in every school, there's always that one girl who thinks she has it all, with guys falling at her feet. Little does she know, she's just seeking attention and a whore. That's Chidera for you.

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