Chapter 20

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As our lips met, time seemed to stand still. The world faded away, leaving only the warmth of his touch and the softness of his lips against mine. It was a moment filled with a whirlwind of emotions—desire, uncertainty, and a hint of longing.

As the kiss deepened, I found myself losing track of everything else. All the doubts and hesitations melted away, replaced by a surge of undeniable attraction and a sense of longing that I couldn't ignore. Despite my attempts to resist, I couldn't deny the magnetic pull between us.

But just as quickly as it had begun, Atlas pulled away, his eyes searching mine for a response. My heart raced as I tried to process what had just happened. Was this real? Or was it just a fleeting moment of passion?

"Timi, I..." Atlas began, his voice trailing off as he searched for the right words.

Before he could say anything else, the sound of my phone ringing interrupted us. I hesitated for a moment before reaching for it, grateful for the distraction.

"Sorry, I need to take this," I said, my voice trembling slightly as I answered the call.

As I stepped away to take the call, my mind raced with a million thoughts and emotions. What did this kiss mean? Did it signify something more than just a moment of spontaneity? And what about Kelvin?

After a few minutes, I returned to find Atlas still seated, his expression unreadable. The atmosphere between us had shifted, charged with a newfound tension and uncertainty.

"I should probably go," Atlas said, breaking the silence between us. "I'll see you later."

With that, he stood up and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts and a myriad of conflicting emotions swirling inside me.

As I sat there, I couldn't help but replay the moment over and over again in my mind. Despite my attempts to rationalize it, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted between us—that this kiss had changed everything.

But as the reality of the situation sank in, so did a sense of apprehension and unease. I knew that whatever had just happened between us would have far-reaching consequences, ones that I couldn't even begin to comprehend.

With a heavy heart, I realized that things would never be the same again. And as I sat there, lost in thought.

I knew I was betraying Kelvin, and the guilt weighed heavily on me. I was the one at fault in our relationship.

I needed to confront Atlas, to understand why he kissed me, to decipher if there was any genuine emotion behind his actions. My heart was in turmoil, lost amidst conflicting feelings.

Summoning every ounce of courage, I made my way to Atlas's house.

"How are you?" Mrs. Austin greeted me with a warm smile.

"I'm good, and you?" I returned the smile, trying to mask the turmoil within.

"I'm great. How are your exams going?" she inquired.

"Smooth sailing, as always," I replied, sharing a light moment of laughter with her.

"Thank goodness," she exclaimed, her smile infectious.

"Allow me to leave you to chat with Atlas before he comes down and devours me," she joked, and we shared a chuckle.

With Mrs. Austin's words echoing in my mind, I proceeded towards Atlas's room, my heart pounding with anticipation and anxiety.
Approaching Atlas's room, my heart raced with uncertainty. What if he didn't reciprocate my feelings? Shouldn't I be relieved? It would mean an end to the guilt of betraying Kelvin.

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