0.2| P I L O T: The two helpers.

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"Two demons knocked on your door
Once you open it, you'll fear no more
Come take help from the elders!
For these calamities are THE TWO HELPERS"

—"WHAT in the nine circles makes you think a single denizen of hell would give two shits about becoming a better person??" Katie Killjoy questioned in a ridiculing manner. Charlie kept her head down. "You have no proof that this little experiment even works! You want people to be GOOD? Just... BECAUSE?" She laughs loudly.

        "Well... we have a patreon already." Charlie speaks up. "Who believes in our cause and has shown incredible progress!"

        "Oh? And who might that be?" Katie leans closer to Charlie.

        "Oh..." Charlie inspects her nails, "just someone named... Angel Dust."

Tom: "The porn star?"
Katie: "You fucking would Tom."

        "In any case... that's not even an accomplishment" Katie says, "I'm sure you can get that hooker to do anything with enough bugar sugar and a lube—

         "I beg to differ!" Charlie retorts, "he's been behaved, clean and out of trouble for two weeks now!"

         "Breaking News!" A man's voice interrupted and Katie pushes Charlie away with a big smile.

Katie: "We are receiving word that a new player has entered the on-going turf war! Let's go to the live feed"

        The feed showed a spider demon throwing an explosive.

Charlie: "oh shit..."
Katie: "Oh shit indeed! It looks like the one who just joined the battle is none other than..."

        She fake-gasps and image of the spider demon with censured dicks appears. You sigh and shake your head.

Katie: "Porn actor Angel Dust! What a juicy coincidence"

        Katie looks at Charlie, "You must feel really stupid right now." She and Tom began to laugh while simultaneously adding something in the end.

        Charlie gasps and tries to cover the video feed. "Don't look at this!"

        Katie smirks "Well it sure looks like your little project is dead on arrival... tell me, how it does it feel like to be such a total failure?"

        You frown at that. You couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards the young girl. Katie and some other demons started laughing, once again.

        "Yeah... well—how does it feel that I got you pen, huh? ...Bitch!"  Charlie grabs the pen. You place a hand over your mouth, mildly amused. There was a deafening silence as Katie launched at Charlie and a fist fight began.

        Your smile grows and you were set on a plan now. A new course was set.


You knocked on the door and after a few seconds, someone opens the door. Angel dust was that someone. You smile at the demon. "Good evening!"

Angel's mouth opens and he looks back inside the hotel. "Uhh... Charlie—you've got someone quite flashy over here!" he calls out while he lets me in. You disappeared and appealed inside as you wouldn't have been able to get into due to the hat.

Charlie runs to the door and her eyes widen when she sees me. "Oh my gosh... welcome to the Happy Hotel!! How may I help you?" She beams and gets close.

You chuckle and place a hand on your hip. "I am interested to help you with this rehabilitation program!"

"Wait—really?" Charlie looks confused. You chuckle and place a hand on top of her head.

"Why of course!" Then, a speak was swung towards your wrist which you quickly retrieved. A girl with white hair and a cross on her eye glared at you.

Charlie: "Vaggie! Don't do that!"
Vaggie: "Charlie, you don't know if she's dangerous!"
Charlie: "Yes... but we can't just suspect every demon that comes here!"

Vaggie sighs and nods, returning to the couch. Charlie smiles and turns her head back towards me. "Your help will be very much appreciated, miss... uh..."

"Call me—" before you were able to say anything, another knock was heard. Charlie goes to open it and a man in red was standing there.

"Hel—" Charlie shuts the door on his face. You tilted your head, confused. Charlie once again opens the door. "—lo!" She shuts it again.

"My..." you cover your mouth in amusement. Charlie goes towards Vaggie.

Charlie: "Uhh... Vaggie?"
Vaggie: "What?"
Charlie: "The... Radio Demon is at the door!"

'So that's who that was!' You've heard of the Radio Demon before yet didn't expect him to appear somewhere like this. You decide to walk towards the couch and watch what happens instead.

Vaggie: "WHAT?"
Angel: "Uh—who?"
Charlie: "What should I do??"
You: "Why let him in of course!"
Vaggie: "Don't let him in!"

Charlie goes to the door and Vaggie glares at you. "What? It's not polite to decline guests" you shrug and turn your attention towards what's happening at the door.

Radio Demon: "May I speak now?"
Charlie: "You mayy—"
Radio Demon: "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart. QUITE a pleasure!"

You were rather fond of the radio-filtered voice and the enthusiasm of his talk. Although, you also were aware of how cautious one oughts to be around demons.

Alastor: "Excuse my sudden visit but I saw your fiasco on the picture show and I just couldn't resist—What a performance!"

Laughter was heard on the background. "Why I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash on 1929!" He laughs and the background laughter follows him up. "So... many orphans."

"Stop. Right. There!" Vaggie throws her spear close to his nose. You tilt my head and squint one eye. Does she have a habit of doing that?

Vaggie: "Cabrón hijo de PERRA...! I know your game... and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here! You pompous, cheesy, talk-show, shit lord!"

"Dear... if I wanted to hurt anyone here..." he lowered her spear with a finger and tilted his head slowly "...I would've done so." Radio static and strange symbols appeared around him. That last part was rather intimidating, yet charming—in your opinion.

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