1.2 | Hell's new bells are screams.

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"All you did is say you wanted
Now to doom your fate is planted
Easy it is to loose control
Of you destiny's parole
And now it is as heaven deems:

—CHARLIE makes her way inside the hotel with a grim looking expression that gave away how the meeting might've went. You noticed it.

Vaggie: "Charlie! How did it go, did they listen?"

Charlie: "Oh, they sure did hear it But—"

Vaggie: "Oh come here, we have something exciting to show you."

        Vaggie leads Charlie to the group. You were all sitting in front of the TV.

Vaggie: "Alastor pulled some strings and it's about to air."

Alastor: "I pulled a few limbs too, hahaha!"

        You snort and cover your mouth. Alastor seemed to have taken pride on that.

Charlie: "Wait, the commercial? You all made a new one?"

        "Sure thing, hon" you pat her head softly.

Angel Dust: "Yeah, one of my better performances if I do say so myself."

        Charlie beams brightly "That's... that's amazing..."

Angel Dust: "Sshh, it's starting."

        "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel—" Unfortunately, Vaggie's monologue was interrupted by Breaking News, causing everyone to groan.

Katie Killjoy: "Breaking news in Hell today! We have just received word from the Heaven Embassy that the next Extermination is happening sooner than ever before. Do you know what that means, Tom?"

        You frown and turn your head to Charlie.

Tom Trench: "No, what does that mean, Katie?"

        "It means we're all royally fucked!" Her eye twitches. Soon after, screams are heard all over hell as its inhabitants panic.

Angel: "Wait, what? Why?!"


        You were on the kitchen, preparing yourself some coffee. The sound of steps make your head turn around to see Alastor.

       "My dear! You seem to be taking the news with great levity" he chuckles and stands next to you.

       "That's what 99 exterminations experienced do to you" you softly reply.

        Alastor raises a brow. "You have been down here for longer than I was yet the only reputation preceded by you is being the head of The Land of the Dead and of course—owning the magnificent 'Tierra de los Muertos'... why's that?" He tilts his head and narrowed his eyes, still smiling.

        "I have no interest in showing off power and despicable behavior." You look down at him. He snickers as if what you said was simply blasphemous.

Alastor: "why not?"

You: "because I am not that type of soul"

Alastor: "But you still ended up in hell."


        Your actions halt. The silence was eerie while your expression was of little view to the Radio Demon.

"Careful Alastor... I am still the one who looks at you from above." That sentence had double meaning.

        Alastor's smile widens as if satisfied by what's happening before him. "Ah yes... apologies, dear Death." He places a hand his chest in a gentleman's manner. You narrow your eyes but say nothing.

—"Now if you excuse me! I am going to enjoy the sinners' screams over some coffee!"

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