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"Hey Katherin, wake up already or we will be late for school!" My twin sister Erin yelled at me.

"You idiot, you do realize that summer started last week right?" I questioned her. Although it's a wonder that she can understand me at all since my face is pressed into my pillow. 

"Oh, right I forgot to turn my alarm clock off again." She replied sheepishly.

"Really, this has been happening since last week. Oh I have an idea, why don't I realize my dream of breaking an alarm clock. You will get my alarm clock that is still in it's box and you will be my alarm clock when school starts."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'll go turn it off now. Get up soon we are going to the mall today!" She shouts at me while leaving my room and texting one of her shopping friend.

I guess this would be the perfect time to introduce myself. My name is Katherin, I am 17 years old. I have nice clear blue eyes, and I have slightly curly blond hair that reaches my mid-back. My twin sister Erin, on the other hand has straight midnight black hair, which is the only difference in our appearance.

Let me tell you something, my sister is the girly type. While me, well I am not a tomboy nor a girly girl. The disadvantage of having a girly sister is that she loves to shop. Also she is at the top of the popular ladder at school, so it is only logical that she would spend her money on clothes. The bad thing about that is that I am the one that has the drivers license.

*four hours later return from the mall*

"Why do you always have to spend your money on clothes, what is wrong with the ones in your closet? Also don't you want to be able to drive yourself wherever you want to go so that you don't have to be seen with me?" I questioned my sister.

"You don't get fashion at all, do you? Also, why should I get a drivers license if you have one? Until you find some friends that you can hang out with this summer you have to drive me wherever I want." She replied smuggly while carrying her bags to her room.

I head downstairs to my own room and I lose myself to the beat of the music. I wake up with a jolt from the sound of screams and gunshots. I tiptoe to the stairs and listen in because I am just that curious.

Suddenly I hear my father scream. "You damn bastards, leave my family alone. This whole thing is between your race and my co-workers!"

"You're trying to tell us that your own family doesn't know what your job is? Pathetic!" Replied a raspy unknown voice.

"What's going on dad? I'm scared. Hey! Let go of me that hurts" Erin questioned while screaming at whoever is holding her to let her go. Wait a second, your trying to tell me that these maniac captured my whole family without me?! I have to get a closer look.

With that stupid decision I start climbing the stairs. When I get to the top I silently tiptoe towards the kitchen. When I get there, everything was set for diner. Is that blood? I guess dad tried to protect us but that dosn't surprise me since he is the only one that knows how to defend himself.

"What the hell do you want!" My father questioned them, while struggling from the stranger's friends hold on him.

"Isn't it obvious? You and your co- workers have been trying and succeding in killing my race. I won't stand for it any longer, therefore I will kill any of your co-workers and families to make sure you can't train anymore than there already are yourselves." Replied the same raspy voice, and the next thing I hear is the screams of my family.

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