Chapter 1

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I dedicate this chapter to BriannaBeauchamp since she edited this chapter and she encouraged me to actually write.

Chapter 1

*two years later*

Two years ago I witnessed my family's death. I was too much of a coward to interfere and was frozen on the spot. The first and last thing I saw was my sister, Erin getting her throat ripped out. It was only then did my flight instinct came full force and I ran away.

I keep beating myself up for that night. "What if" questions keep running through my head. The one that haunts me the most is "what if I had tried distracting them, would it have given a chance for my father to over power the people holding him? Or would it have caused me to die along with my family?"

Now I understand that whatever I chose to do my best choice was to escape. I understand what my dad meant when he said that it had nothing to do with my family. As far as I knew my dad was an employee of a small unknown compagnie.

The truth was that he hunted the supernatural. There are different branches, some hunted vampires, werewolf/shifters, witches, or other supernaturals that are less common. My dad was the best in his branch, hunting vampires.

After I ran away I was planning on going back to the house and calling the cops. But when I went back nothing was left but the outline of my house and the flashing red and blue lights of police cars. I had crept close enough to listen on their conversation without being seen. Which led me to learn that this whole thing was written as a house fire and they thought that I died with my family when the house burned.

If I had jumped out and screamed 'Hey, I am alive and a bunch of vampires broke my sisters neck, possibly murdered my whole family and burned the house down. No biggie though because there's a group of hunters that kill the supernatural, but they are social outcasts and never want to be found. So who wants to help me look for them?' I would have been sent to a lovely place where I get my own padded white room and a special jacket that lets me hug myself.

Ever since then I go to the cemetary to visit my families grave. Each time I go I explain my day to them, and laugh at my own grave. Mostly I think I am losing my damn mind since I haven't talked to anyone in a while other than grave stones.

So with that I decided to become a street rat and see if I could someday become a hunter, or at the very least kill the vampires that murdered my family. My first year alone was tough. I was so used on relying on my parents to get the essential things like food and clothing, but when you are a street rat it becomes a dog-eat-dog world. Somehow I managed to survive on my own (who would have thought it possible, I sure as hell didn't) and learned basic fighting moves from watching others.

Just my luck that by the time that I ain't half ass bad in defending myself, I encounter my first vampire in two years. I found him hunched over a girl, drinking from her neck.

I hid in the shadows and watched my surroundings. The first thing I noticed is that one of the shadows are moving. I try to decipher who that might be. Is it finally a hunter or a friend of the souless creature.

Thankfully, it's a hunter. How do I know? simple. She has a gun strapped to her leg and is holding a dagger. Holy shit a dagger?! Was it that easy that with enough training she could get behind a vampire and litterally stab it in the back?

I watched closely as the scene unfolds before my eyes. The hunter comes behind and throws the dagger in the middle of the vampire's back. The vampire drops the young woman he was feeding on, and looks around for the one that threw the dagger in his back. The vampire tries to pull the dagger out and starts screaming in pain.

Suddenly the hunter comes out of hiding and points the gun straight at the vampire. The vampire doesn't get the chance to pounce on her, for she has already fired the shot. She gets the chance of getting behind him and pulls the dagger out, then stabs him in the throat.

You can imagine my surprise at that but I guess that is the best way to stun him. She reloads her gun and empty her shots into his chest, throat and forehead. I guess she thinks he is dead because she puts her stuff away. That is exactly the moment I gasp and she looks directly at the same time she throws the dagger right beside me.

"Who the hell are you, how much did you see, and what the hell are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" She questioned me while coming closer cautiously while claiming her dagger.

"Umm, well, you see," I start off hesitantly and think screw it, I will just plainly blurt out. "Are you a vampire hunter?"

"W-what, what makes you think that" She stutters through her words.

"Well my father was one but my family was murdered by vampires two years ago. They said something about killing hunters before any more could join." I explain to her, even though I don't think that I am making a very good job.

"I think I should bring you to headquarters. They will know what to do with you. Were you living with anyone prior to the murder of your family? By the way the name's Kaelyn."

"Nope, ever since my family died I have been a street rat. Oh, and my name's Katherin."

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