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I was pretty silent on the ride home, with James just chatting away. My thoughts were on Zee.

Suddenly, the car stopped. "We are at your place already? That's fast."

I looked out, and I realized we were at Zee's place instead. I looked over at James, who just smiled at me cheekily.

"Why are we here?"

"Because it's clear, you have unresolved issues with him, your thoughts have been on him 24/7 and whatever I asked you the whole ride here, you just answered "Zee I know" to all of my questions."

I was so mortified. I looked at James and kept apologising profusely. He laughed it off and told me to go sort it out with Zee. I nodded, patting James on his shoulders in gratitude and jumped out of the car.

I got to Zee's door and knocked. A little while later, I heard the shuffling of feet, and he opened the door.

"Net! What are you doing here? I thought you were going home with James."

"I was.. James dropped me off here. After I had replied to him with "Zee, I know" to all of his questions the last 20 minutes and I didn't even realize it."

Zee laughed but asked me to come in. I went in and shrugged my jacket off. Zee took it and hung it on the coat stand for me. He told me to grab a drink if I wanted, and I went over to the fridge. Zee was coming along when the doorbell rang again. I looked at Zee, who shrugged, confused at me too.

I continued getting myself a beer as Zee opened the door. But a little while later, I heard his usually soft voice turn really hard.

"What are you doing here? I don't want to talk to you. There is nothing for us to talk about."

I took my beer and walked over, realizing that Max was there. Max saw me, and he instantly walked in and punched me! My beer went flying, and it sloshed out all over the floor. I held onto my jaw as it was absolutely throbbing.

"What the fuck?!" I would have punched him right back but I tried to hold it back, wanting to take the high road.

Zee ran right over to me, asking if I was OK. I nodded. He held onto my face, tenderly holding onto my chin and studying my face.

"What the fuck are you doing here? And were you ignoring me because of him?" Max spat out angrily.

"What do you think you are doing? Punching him?! He didn't even do anything to you." Zee shot back angrily at Max.

Max gripped his hands tightly.

"I hate him. You are my best friend. I don't know why you keep taking his side every single time?"

Zee kept awfully quiet for a bit before he finally burst out.

"I have told you multiple times, I like this guy. More than a friend. I want to try and date him. And I need my best friend to stop trying to hurt him every single fucking time."

Max was awfully silent. Then he finally muttered, "No way. You have to choose. It's either him or me. You pick."

I was stumped by this idiot that Zee called his best friend.

"Are you for real? You are making him choose between you and me? Is there even a need for it?"

"Fuck off Net."

Zee went closer to try and talk to Max who wasn't hearing it. Max got angry and pushed Zee, who fell. Luckily, I caught him before he fell straight onto the floor.

I saw fucking red and that's when I lost it. I punched Max right back in his face. It was a hard one that left him bleeding. I would have thrown one more but Zee pulled me back!

I stared at Max.

"I had it enough with you. Just because I don't say anything doesn't mean that I am not pissed with you, the way you are treating Zee and how your irrational jealousy and delusion is just stupid. I don't fucking care if you want to be his friend or not. I know he wants you to still be his best friend and he has done everything in his willpower to be. But if you want to be a fucking douchebag, go ahead. I'm not going to stand here and let you hurt the guy I like, right under my nose."

I took a deep breath after that rant. I gripped my hands tightly to avoid myself from punching Max again. I thought Zee was going to shout at me or something but all he did left both me and Max stunned.

"I didn't think it had to come to this. But leave Max. To make it clear, in your words, I'm picking Net over you. Since you made it so clear that I clearly cannot have two people in my life that I can be close to."

Max was stunned but Zee went to open the door and made sure he left. I just stood there watching as Zee closed the door and stood there for a bit. But the slight heave of his shoulders, I saw it. The poor man was crying.

I went over to hold him gently in my arms and he turned to me. I held onto him tightly, assuring him that I had him and all will be ok.

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