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"20 minutes ago I got a DM from the clown

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"20 minutes ago I got a DM from the clown." Chris looks at his phone.

"Really?" Matt asks surprised Tanner was still bugging Chris.

"He was giving shit."

"He's still going?" Matt asks.

"Who?" Nick asks lost for a second.

"Dani's ex friend's ex boyfriend." Chris tells him, "He saw the clip from our last-,"

Matt cuts in, "He saw Chris call him ugly."

"He was like it's funny you called me ugly when you look like that." Chris tells the two, "And I only said he was ugly to get Dani to like me."

"He's delusional." Nick's eyes widen.

"I know." Chris agrees.

"I still get some from her as well." Matt speaks up.

"I don't know who has it worse. You get a loser and I get an asshole. Nick is lucky." Chris eats his apple.

"Take some." Matt tells Nick.

"Like you're Dani's best friend so why do we get all the messages?" Chris adds.

"Well for one he hates you and she likes you so..." Nick looks at the two.

"I'm not for violence but the way she talks about Dani..." Matt starts to get pissed a tad bit thinking about the messages.

"I've daydreamed about hitting his punk ass." Chris adds swinging his arms around.

"I do need to jump in because I can get them to shut up." Nick agrees, "They're insane."

"He stalks all of us online." Chris says before Matt changes the topic slightly.

"I wanna talk about Dani staying with us and how some people are reacting." Matt tells the two, "Like I know it's not everyone. It's the same people who have a problem with Madi. We're allowed to have close friends that are girls. People just-,"

"Like who are you?" Nick throws out there.

"Just get over it please." Matt adds, "Madi is like our sister and Dani is our new roommate we're getting close to. The two of them message each other so much which I love. I can see them becoming best friends as well. They already act like it."

"Madi said that too." Chris speaks up.

"Dani said talking to her is like talking to a sister she doesn't have."

"I just wanna tell people, Dani isn't leaving." Chris makes clear for viewers.

"We literally mad a closet by the front door into a room. We had people come in and work on the house to construct a whole room for her." Matt explains.

"Like the whole under part of the living room is a room now. The only sad part is she's gotta share a bathroom with Matt." Nick laughs.

"Yeah." Chris laughs as well.

"Hey, we created a whole system for our bathroom so shut up. At least ours will be the cleanest as well." Matt points his fingers at them.

Once they were done with the podcast they find Dani was no where to be seen in the house so they figure out she left for a bit. Which she did because she had to run to the store for girl stuff and things she just wanted.

"What did you bring home?" Nick watches Dani walk towards the bathroom.

"Stuff for myself."

"What kind of stuff?" Matt watches her take a seat on the toilet to put together a little storage for her stuff.

"Well, a place for my makeup, hair accessories, pain meds, and you know pads and tampons." She smiles at him.

"I was wondering when you would make a place for that kind of stuff." He continues to watch her, "Is it finally that time of month huh?"

"Obviously, Matt." She looks back at what she was doing, "So when I have my moments just leave me alone."

"When's the worst day?"

"Today because day two it's when I have the worst pains." She lets him know.

"Got it, don't push your buttons." He leaves her alone.

When she was finished they boys were doing whatever so Dani uses the living room tv to watch a show but soon Nick and Chris starts yelling playing around.

"Can y'all shut the hell up for one day?" She shouts pausing the tv to go to her room.

"What's her problem?" Chris asks Nick.

"Not a clue."

"She's on her period, guys." Matt walks out of his room.

"Oh, well best I stay out of her way till she's done with it." Chris goes to his room to play games.

"Sorry, Dani!" Nick shouts before going to watch tv on the couch.

Matt goes back to his room getting his keys leaving the house to get some food in hopes to cheer Dani up a bit. Take her mind off her cramps and emotions.

"Nick, where's Matt?" Dani asks after looking he wasn't in his room.

"Went somewhere. Why?"

"I just wanted to let him know I was gonna take a shower so if he comes back while I'm in there let him know." She says going to the bathroom.

"Yeah, okay." He waves his hand paying attention to the tv.

While Dani was in the shower, Nick rushes to his room to use the bathroom since he had to go. Sadly at that moment Matt decided to come home and he had to pee. As he walked towards the bathroom he heard the shower so he speed walks to Chris's room but he was using the bathroom as well.

"Dani, I gotta pee!" He knocks on the door before opening it shielding his eyes so he doesn't see her.

"Okay." She says not really caring.

"You're calm for me being in here."

"Well I trust you so but hurry up because I'm about done." She lets him know so he quickly goes pee.

"I brought you Taco Bell." He lets her know as he washes his hands.

"Just me?"

"And me too." He laughs drying his hands.

"Can we watch a movie too?" She asks rising her hair.

"Mine or yours?"

"Mine because the other two won't bug us and complain how you only got us food." She tells him turning off the shower.

"Smart thinking. I also got you a Dr Pepper so I'll be in your room." He leaves so she can get out.

Once she was done she joins Matt in her room jumping onto her bed ready to eat since she's been wanting their tacos, "What movie did you pick?" She asks since he had her remote in his hand.

"Shrek because that's what I'm in the mood for." He hands her the remote so he can get his food out of the bag.

"Be prepared for me to quote this movie." She gets her food out of her bag as well.

After eating they get comfy under the blankets and finish the movie then start the second one next. The plan was to binge watch all of the movies but they ended up failing since they both passed out during the third one.

Being the good friend Nick was he wanted to go check on her since she hadn't felt her room in hours. "Hey Da-," Nick opens the door gently to see the two fast asleep in bed. Matt was slightly sleeping on his stomach while Dani cuddled his back/side that was facing her. "You two worry me." Nick turns off the tv and lights leaving the room.

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