First Day of School

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Kai's POV

Okay, what was Jason's home room? Did he tell me? I should have asked, but I'm sure I will see him around.

**Home Room, Mrs. Brown**

Wait, is that Seth and Jason? Are we all in the same home room? Hopefully they don't know eachother yet, if they do I hope Seth didn't say anything thing about us.

"Hey Jason, is this your home room?" I'm kinda hoping he says yes.


"Great now I can show you to your classes"

"No it is fine, Seth actually has the same classes as me so it would probably be alot easier for you if he shows me around."

"Oh.....Okay. Seth what is your home room this year?"

"It is actually Mrs. Brown. I'm guessing you have the same."

"Yes I do, and would you have a problem with that, if I might ask?"

"No I don't, and you don't have to worry you can ask me anything."

He trying to get to me I just know, he wants to scare me a way from Jason.

"Well atleast I know I can trust you," as I said staring into his eyes tell him to shut up. "We should find a spot where we can all sit together."

"That sounds get" Jason said. I kinda forgot he was here and I could tell that Seth did to.

**Bell Rings**

We all find seats next to eachother, with Jason in the middle. But before we could all talk again Mrs. Brown walked up to me and asked me if I could sit next to another new kid across the room, and show them around later. I had no choice but to say sure, only because Mrs. Brown if my favorite teacher.

Hopefully I have other classes with JUST Jason without, but if me and Seth have to become closer friends because of jason it wouldn't matter. One day thought Jason will find out about ms and Seth dating.....

Won't that be a fun story to tell


I don't really have much to say but I hope you like it so far, if you want to you can give me some tips or things I can in put in my story and I will most likely use it.


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