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"Do you hate people?"
"I don't hate them... I just feel better when they're not around."
-Charles Bukowski, Barfly


Her footsteps echoed as she walked down the long hallway. No one was loitering, it was bingo hour in the activities room. She was supposed to be there, but had escaped by hiding in the janitors closet like she did every Thursday. The lighting was blinding with a few flickering fixtures. Dust covered the empty reception desk on the left of her and the rolling chair was nowhere in sight. She kept walking towards her room, 248. It was identical to all the other ones at the facility, except for the few personal items, along with their clothes, they were allowed to keep when first admitted. She didn't bring many things, only a picture of her little brother and herself at a park, and a tattered yarn bracelet with her name on it. She would've also brought her trusty makeup, but that was also forbidden. She walked around looking like a zombie mirroring how she felt inside. Every day felt the same, as if she was on a routine. The monotonous lifestyle she lived was depressing. She had long lost hope that something out of the ordinary would happen.

She quickened her pace, making sure her footfalls were quiet, when she spotted an employee inside one of the of the vacant rooms changing the sheets. Her room was just two doors away, she could make it. She had to. Desperately had to. She leaped when the nurse emerged from the other room and swiftly closed her own door, making sure it didn't creak or slam. She waited, pressed against the door, for the woman's footsteps to recede. Her breath was held in, scared that any noise she made would end up with her being caught.

She released a long breath of relief once she no longer heard anything in the hallway. Her shoulders sagged and she let her feet drag along the floor, finally being able to relax. She turned toward her temporary bed that was covered in pearly white covers, save the splashes of carmine due to blood. It used to disgust her, but she'd grown used to it during the three months she'd been here. Pulling the covers back when she was in front of the bed, she collapsed with a huff. She stared with her lifeless eyes up at the ceiling, her arms by her side, legs crossed, like she had done so so many times before. She closed her eyes in hopes of getting a bit of rest.

As she was nearing a lucid dreaming state, her stomach grumbled, making her aware that it was nearing lunch. She sighed in exasperation, opened her eyes, and rolled herself off the mattress, literally. She hit the floor with a thud, her fall softened by the white fluffy rug next to her bed. She lay there for a few moments preparing herself to face the other patients that would surely crowd around her; she was the youngest here by at least 30 years and they wanted the "young" perspective on everything they did. It wasn't that she didn't want to talk to them, but if she became "too invested in their problems," she would be reprimanded. Her therapist didn't think it was a good idea talking to the others, so she stayed away for the most part.

However, when it came to Mr. OE, she didn't mind that she would likely be scolded. He was a handsome old man, like the one off of an old Western movie. He had a thick white mustache to go along with his thick flowy hair that he would always cover with his cowboy hat. He was very optimistic, which sometimes became annoying, and enjoyed making puns. This made her look forward to lunch and movie night, the only times she was able to see him, much to her disappointment.

Her stomach rumbled once more, making her snap out of her thoughts. She pushed herself off and walked to the cafeteria.


Like she did everyday, she patiently waited for OE in front of the glass wall at the far end of the cafeteria. Her eyes scanned the room for any signs of him. It was seven past two and she was getting antsy. Her foot continuously tapped on the linoleum floor and her fingers drummed on the wall. She made another quick check around the room, finally spotting OE coming in.

His strut was powerful, for a seventy-three year old. He stood tall, with his usual grin, in front of the door way. Once he spotted her, OE made his way over. He tipped his hat at the others as a greeting, being polite as ever. It struck her then, how normal he seemed. No one would guess at first sight that he was schizophrenic. She shook her head as if ridding the negative thoughts.

The old man stood in front of her once she looked up. He took off his hat, putting it against his chest, and bowed.

"Madam." He smiled his non-creepy Cheshire Cat smile, looking up at her. She responded with a curtsy and laughed at his antics.

"C'mon, old man. Let's go get food, I'm starving!" She linked their arms and led them to the section where the only good thing was served, sandwiches.

He flicked her head causing security to jump from their usual position around the perimeter. She shook her head and made a sit down motion. She turned to Mr. OE to see what she did to deserve the assault.

"Who you callin' 'old man,' Veda? I'll have you know I am very young." She scoffed at this in a playful manner, muttering a sarcastic sure.

They both excitedly grabbed their Tuna Thursday sandwich and drinks, and passed through the line without troubles. OE led them to a secluded table next to the glass wall so they could enjoy the food in peace. They sat and dug in without waiting for the other to settle down. Silence permeated the air until OE cleared his throat.

"Hey, Veda?" She hummed in response due to her mouth being stuffed with the excess bread.

"There was a pun competition yesterday."

Veda's eyebrows rose in surprise she quickly swallowed her food. "Really? Did you enter, did you win?"

"No. Be-

Veda interrupted a little anger filled her words. "What the hell? Why not? You make the best puns!" She slammed her sandwich down onto her tray making the table shake.

"Because no pun intended." At that she froze and just stared at the man across her. She didn't know how to respond. Veda looked down at her tray and sat quietly. Mr. OE looked at her with concern. He leaned over and poked her cheek, something she despised. With that Veda looked up and paused. Then she let out a loud laugh. She laughed so hard that tears started to form in her eyes. She didn't quite understand, though, because the joke wasn't that funny. OE just observed with a light chuckle and waited for her to calm down.

"God, you're lame."

"Don't hate, darlin', appreciate." He snapped in a z-formation as he said this, making Veda laugh again. They ate the rest of their lunch with minimal chatter. Once they were finished, they set their trays aside, having 20 minutes to spare before they were to be separated.

Throughout their conversation, Veda noticed that OE kept looking at something behind her. She thought none of it the first few times and kept talking to him. Around the eighth time he did so, she grew curious. She looked as well, but nothing seemed weird. Mrs. Ellis was talking to her husband, who was deceased, as usual, Tommy and Arty were arguing, as usual. Veda's eyebrows furrowed, a look of confusion was on her face as she turned back around.

"O' whatcha lookin' at? Is it your friend, Harry, again? Should we go tell Ms. Crane?" OE looked back at her and smiled.

"Nothin' at all. Plus Harry hasn't visited in a week, cheeky little shit. Eat your pancakes, Vay."

"We don't even have pancakes served here." he shrugged and stood up, stretching after he did so. Veda did the same, her back popping in the process.

"I thought I was supposed to be the one popping." She glared at OE and stuck her middle finger to which he tsked at.

"Alrighty diddle do, gotta roll, V. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"For sure. I gotta stay on your good side in case you decide to shoot up the place." For that comment she received a hard slap on the arm. She raised up her left hand to the tender spot and rubbed. "Geeze, okay. I'm kidding. I'll walk you out." The pair walked towards the door, passing by a table that had been unusually crowded with the other patients. Weird.


So that was it. I really hope you liked the first chapter. I spent maybe three weeks trying to get everything right, obviously not succeeding.

The song used was San Fermin - Emily. It's extremely amazing and you should definitely listen to it.

How are y'all?

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