Relax time.

332 12 4

Y/n Pov

I opened the door to the apartment walking over to the sofa and collapsing in exhaustion. Denju, Aki and Power walked in after me, Denju immediately walked over to me sitting comfortably on the sofa arm while Aki poured herself a cup of coffee. Power slowly entered the apartment keeping her head long as if not trying to draw attention to herself. Denju gave her a scornful look before returning her attention to my face. Aki walked into the font room standing Infront of all 3 of us. Her eyes were cold but I could tell she was pissed, Power made her way over to us standing on the other side of the sofa away as Meowy jumped off of her shoulder landing on my back.

Aki:So who wants to tell me what happened today.

Aki looked over at Power knowing she had something to do with the events that took place today. Thankfully there was only one casualty but if it got out that it was Power who caused his death then Power would be killed. Denju just folded her arms making sure to not make eye contact with Aki who was staring all of us down.

Y/N:*Sigh* Power told us that her cat had been kidnapped by the Bat devil. Me wanting to help her agreed to rescue her cat. We went to the house but were overwhelmed by the devil which led to a casualty, but after a bit of fighting we were able to kill the devil. Thats all that happened.

Aki's eyes drifted over to Power before landing back on me. A sigh escaped her lips as she sat on her chair turning on the tv.

Aki:If thats all next time call me for back up. In your condition Y/n you would of died. Dont ever make me worry about you again. Now then where the hell are we going to put these two.we only have two rooms.

Denju:I volunteer to sleep with y/n no problems there.

Thinking about it now I hadn't thought about that until now. Aki definitely wasn't going to have them in her room. I could probably set up a sleeping mattress on my floor for one of them although I wasn't very comfortable with either of them in my room while I slept. Denju looked down at me with a giant grin on her face, waiting for my response.

Y/n:I have a blow up mattress in my room they can sleep in. Each night they can interchange to make it fair on them. On can sleep on the mattress and the other can sleep on the sofa.

 Denju: But I wanted to sleep with you!

Power was still standing alone with her eyes on the floor. I sit up on the sofa making sure to put Meowy on my lap. Meowy began to headbutt my thigh before purring into a slumber .I sat in the middle of the sofa giving space for both Denju and Power to sit. Denju quickly took the opportunity to sit next to me, resting her head on my shoulder. I look over to Power, patting the side of the sofa that was free signalling her to sit down. She seemed shocked at me offering her a place to sit as he face turned a light red. She hesitated at first but then decided to sit down next to me.

Y/n:So Aki what we going to watch.

A couple hours passed as the day finally turned to night .Both Denju and Power were sleeping as they laid on my shoulder. Mid way through the movie Power had built up the courage to hold my hand before falling asleep. Ignoring what she did today Power looked really cute while she slept. Aki paused the movie, rubbing her eyes as it looked like she was also tired, Meowy noticing that someone had gotten up ran over to her with pleading eyes. We both looked at each other knowing exactly what Meowy wanted. Aki sighed walking over to the kitchen pulling out last night lefts overs and feeding it to Meowy who scoffed it down. A yawn escaped my lips, today really took a lot out of me.

I look at both Denju and Power as they slept peacefully on my shoulder,I thought about it for a second not believing I was about to do this.I picked up both Denju and Power, making sure not to wake them.I walked over to my room opening the door and placing both of them in my bed.I looked down at power who rested on my pillow, her hair slightly covering the red on her face.

A small smile formed on my face, even if Shade didnt approve of her I had to admit she was pretty cute

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A small smile formed on my face, even if Shade didnt approve of her I had to admit she was pretty cute. I pull the cover over them petting both of their heads before walking out of my room. Aki stood outside my room with her hands on her hips.

Aki: Are you serious why in the hell would you just allow them to have your bed. Where the hell are you going to sleep now?

Y/n: I mean the sofa isn't that bad, plus its only for tonight so its fine.

I started walking towards the sofa but Aki grabbed my arm and began dragging me into her room .Aki shut the door and began to undress into her pyjamas, her room was always tidy and looked kind of boring. On her bed layed the plushies I bought her for her birthday. After she got changed Aki laid down on her bed cuddling with the plushie. I took off my shirt laying down next to her, her arms wrapped around me as I closed my eyes.

Aki:So you going to tell me why Power almost got you both killed yet or you going to keep lying to me.

 Y/n:I really cant lie to you huh. The part about the devil kidnapping her cat was true but it turns out the devil and Power made an agreement that if she brought people for the devil to eat she would let Meowy go.The devil ate one person and tried to eat Denju but apparently her blood tastes weird probably cause shes some chainsaw thing.

Aki: Chainsaw person?

Y/n:Yea its weird i think youll see it soon. Anyways the devil ate both Meowy and Power and me thinking everyone was dead decided to 1v1 the Devil with Nue. Me and Denju killed the devil and rescued Power and Meowy, we got attacked by the leech devil and thats where you came in.

Aki pulled me closer allowing her to rest her head against my chest.We hadnt slept together in awhile, It only ever happens if Aki has a nightmare about her past that she needs me to comfort her.

Aki: I dont know why your protecting her, if that was me she'd be dead already. Your way too lost sometimes.

Y/n:Yea but thats why were friends. I'm the nice fun one while your the brutally honest one.

Aki nuzzled her head against me as she started to drift off to sleep.I wrapped my arm around her waist and closed my eyes.

*Shade*:Kiss her, Kiss her, Kiss her, Kiss her!

*Shade be honest is letting Power live the smart thing too do.*

The sight of seeing that man getting eaten by the Bat devil plays in my mind. I can remember his screams, how he begged to be saved, the sounds of his bones breaking, the stretching of his flesh and then silence. All while Power watched with no emotion. I still hadn't recovered from that.

*Shade*:It wasn't the smart decision hell if it was me I would of killed her.But it was the Y/n move.Youve always seen the good in people.Dont you remember how Aki was when she first met you and even after I keep telling you to stay away from Makima you still chose to be nice to her.And me.I tried to eat you and you saved my life.

*Yea well then you saved mine, but still.even after all these years we still havent killed the Gun devil.*

My whole body tenses up after even thinking of that thing, that monster who took everything from me. Aki even though she was asleep, instinctively help me closer to her to let me know she was there for me. My eyes opened to look down at Aki was just slept on my chest peacefully. She went through the same thing I did which is a main reason why we actually started working together.

*Shade*:Trust me. We'll kill it one day. Now get some sleep friend. I can already tell were going to have a long day tomorrow.

*Goodnight Shade, sleep well.*

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