chapter 2- the meeting

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"leighton everybody is waiting for you downstairs" roman continues to knock on the door

"ugh go away roman"

after that lady left my room i fell asleep accidentally for i'm guessing 10 minutes, i mean i've technically already met her what else is there to know at this point

"lele cmon please."

i get up annoyed and open the door


i see a smile get put on his face as we begin to walk down the stairs. we walk past the foyer and past the living room so i guess we are going to my fathers office.

we continue to walk until we end up where i guessed, my fathers office.

roman knocks but i lean over and open the door myself. i walk into my father and mother sitting across the woman i encountered before.

i roll my eyes again at her and she just smirks making me want to gag

"leighton lovely for you to join us" my father speaks

"michael." i keep my tone steady while i keep my eyes fixated on the woman that sits beneath me as she stares up at me blankly not breaking eye contact

"this is juliet, juliet cabania the new ceo of my company. me and her fathers are, 'he pauses' let's just say we don't like each other very much and turns out juliet dosent like them either, family drama am i right."

juliet chuckles slightly at that comment breaking eye contact.

she looks back up and reaches out a hand for me to shake until somebody else shakes it for me, i look behind me and see altair with a huge grin on her face.

i take a seat next to juliet and cross one leg over the other placing my elbow on my knee while looking at her

"so michael it looks like you have a very lovely family here i would like-"

i cut her off

"yeah michael this family looks really lovely"

i roll my eyes over to him not bothering to even take a glance at my mother, he gives me a stare of "aggression" you could say but i just smile

"so instead of giving your company to one of your children and to be honest i'm surprised it wasn't altair this time-"

"leighton just shut up your opinion is not needed" altair adds

"don't fucking cut me off again altair." i dart my eyes to her as i feel the tension rise in the room

"enough both of you for fuck sake can we not just greet a guest who's helping us out." my mother speaks

"dont even get me started with you angelica"

i stare blankly at my whole family who's standing in front of me besides roman who's standing on the side, it's always been like this them 3 always take each others sides and roman who dosent want to get caught in the middle.

the secrets between this family are to much to express, my parents cheating on each other, them only paying attention and loving roman and altair and so many other secrets, nobody loves each other here.

juliet breaks the awkward silence

"so as i was saying i'm going to be hosting a welcome party at my house tomorrow night and you guys are welcome of course, and leighton i'd like to make a special announcement just for you."

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