Chapter 5- controlled

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i feel my head throbbing as i slowly get up off my elbows, a black haired girl staring right down at me.

"goodmorning princess, how are you feeling?"

"why the fuck am i in ur bed again, and what am i wearing. what happened." i keep my voice steady.

but what the fuck actually did happen.

"sweetheart, you got drunk like really fucking drunk and a guy who's now probably suffering will never be a problem to u again, okay?"

i feel my lip quiver, how the fuck did i let this happen again, again for fuck sake.

i keep my face still but i feel my eyes begin to get watery as flashbacks continue to play in my head, the thought of him touching me, i just can't, fuck i cant.

i feel a hand get placed on my thigh and i look up, my eyes meeting juliets. i feel her other hand trail up to my cheek and she cups it immediately.

i bring my face closer hoping for what happened a couple hours earlier between us to replay just to get these other images out of my mind.

i lean in but she pulls away, her grip loosening as she brings her laptop back to her thighs.

i scoff as i pull the blanket off of me and get up and walk towards the door, i reach for the door handle but a hand stops me.

"where are you going"

i pull my hand away

"why do you care, i'm just somebody for you to fuck then not feel anything about the next minute."

"you do realise that we just met yesterday, right?"

the realisation settles in, we did just meet yesterday but why does it feel like i've known her for so long.

"mhm right so let me go i'm gonna go stay with a friend of mine"

i pull away and reach for the door again but she turns me around forcing my back against the wall.

"there is one thing i should tell you before you leave though."

i look at her and roll my eyes waiting for her to speak.

"your beginning an internship at my new company, your dad has signed a 2 year contract and you start on friday."

i look at her and laugh before i realise she's actually being serious.

"yeah your funny i just won't go"

"but you have to, the contract states that if you don't show up legally your gonna have to undergo court and get sued or even do time."

"pfft your funny really. i never signed anything agreeing to that so no thank you."

i try pull my arm away but she grabs both of them holding it above my head, her grip tightens more.

"you didn't need to because your father already did, you come in after school from 4pm to 8pm from monday to saturday"

i clench my jaw, i knew i should of fucking put my auntie as my caregiver the first time my dad pulled the "guardian" card.

"your fucking ridiculous"

i push her back against the wall and open the door running towards the stairs.

i make it out to the front gate but it's closed, no way to get out besides if a guard opens it by juliet's permission.

i stand there and sigh to myself before putting my hand to my head rubbing it slightly out of frustration, why can she just fucking let me go.

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