Chapter 6-new begginings

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juliet and i continue to stand in front of both of our brothers waiting for them to open their mouths and tell us what is happening.

"well, me and alvaro are um." roman stutters overs his words

"dating. me and roman are together wether yous like it or not."

"yeah well clearly we know" i add

it was obvious they were together because of roman hiding and because i saw his phone twice with his name on it.

"well we have to work so you can leave now."

i look at juliet's emotionless face and she stares back at me raising her eyebrow.

she walks into what seems like to be her office and she walks behind her desk, standing while scrolling through something on the computer.

i stand there with nothing to do, fidgeting with my hands.

"sit down leighton"

she doesn't pull her eyes away from her computer at all as i walked towards the couch.

"so am i gonna work or like what"

she looks up from her computer making direct eye contact with me as i stare right back at her.

she takes her hand off the keyboard and walks over to me as i feel my heart race as she stands right in front of me leaning her back to the desk.

"say that again princess."

i rest my arms on the arm rests while i cross one leg over another trying to avoid getting even more turned on just by her looking at me.

she gets closer and kneels down giving me a better view of her perfect breasts, i can't help but look and i feel her smirk.

"don't cross your legs, open them for me but not to much."

i do as she says as she stands up and reaches over her desk grabbing something out of her cup.

she walks back over to me kneeling down again placing a piece of ice on my thigh rubbing it up and down slowly.

i groan slightly at the cold sensation but enjoy it slightly.

"fuck no, i can't do this." i say standing up almost hitting her in the face with my leg

"what's wrong."

"i cant okay i can't do this, whatever this is because you can't even kiss me and your confusing the fuck out of me."

i make my way towards the door with my handbag in hand reaching for the door. i make my way out and get to the second set of glass doors that seperate juliet's office and the main offices. i reach for the door handle and pull but no luck, i turn around and see juliet standing there with her arms crossed.

"nobody ever said we are anything i though you wanted sex strictly so i gave that to you as it's what i wanted too but if you don't want it then in that case i will stop." i hear the serenity in her voice almost like she feels bad but her face remains cold.

"i don't know what i want but it's not whatever this is."

she nods as she begins walking back to her office and i follow.

"so the job you'll be doing is being my personal assistant, do you know what that is, leighton."

i stand there in silence after hearing the word "assistant" come out of her mouth, she already knows i hate being told what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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