Chapter 28. Swimming!

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The night before*

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The night before*

All night was basically slowly dying, he'd shared his quirk onto Midoriya, and you wasn't the first to know that he was dying but you were the first to know that he'd shared his quirk on? Damn.

Well bakugo had known but didn't believe it.

"It feels good to have only less person to lie to." Izuku said, his head hanging.

"Your not lying izuku, it's not like everyone's asked you 'how' you got your quirk, so they just don't need to know, and don't worry, secrets safe with me." You smiled at him, pretending to zip your lips up and throw away the key, seeing he smiled back you winked and he began to blush furiously, making you laugh.

"Thank you, y/n. It's hard, not having anyone to talk to about this." He muttered loud enough for you to hear.

"Hey, I know the feeling." You went quiet for a moment, and he stared at you,

"But you've got me now, and can listen if you need to talk." You said to him smiling, but you were outside of your house now and needed to go inside, he blushed again and you said goodbye before all night continued to walk him, all might had stayed quiet the whole way.

Once you walked inside, your aunt came to you and hugged you,

"I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you sooner y/n, I wanted to, but I couldn't." She said, sadly. You just continued to hug her and let out a quiet 'it's okay'.

"I just didn't want you to find out from me, it was t my secret to tell, but now you know sweetheart, and I'm sorry."

The next day you'd slept into the day late, and you probably would have still been asleep if izuku hadn't came to your home to ask you if you were going to the pool, you were still asleep until you heard your gate buzzer ring a billion times.

You pressed the voice button,

"Hello?" You asked, with a raspy morning voice. It was nice though, raspy voices are actually really nice.

"Y/n? I'm sorry to-" izuku began to apologise.

"HEY Y/N? DID YOU JUST WAKE UP? COME ON SPIDEY, EVERYONES AT THE POOL!" Kaminaris voice spawned, literally out of nowhere.

"I'll meet you guys there okay? Just give me time to wake up and get ready." You said groaned out to them.

You ran back to your room and facetimed the girls gc and asked them about if they were going to the pool. They all said yes. You all decided to meet up before, and then walk together.

Once you were all changed into boring swimming costumes, a shame you couldn't wear the ones you'd recently brought, the boys had all met you there too.

You were guessing that everyone was going to be racing by the way they were stretching. Nobody wanted to play mermaids anymore like damn.

Kaminari and mineta had tan out of the changing rooms and been upset by the fact they weren't the only boys? They were a weird duo, but hey what could you do.

"Oh hey, hi mineta!" Tsu greeted him. And Kaminari turned around, almost defeatedly.

You and the girls were playing volley ball in the water while the boys were endurance training. But then they boys suggested something. A race.

"Iida, why don't you let us help you out with this?" Momo asked sweetly.

"Yes, please!" Iida answered.

"And quirks, are we allowed to use them?" Ojiro asked iida.

"We'll, we're at school so I don't see why not," he continued in answering but you caught bakugo staring at you, so you smiled and gave him a little wave, but he looked away, probably embarrassed because you caught him staring.

"Alright now, everyone on your marks, get set..." and momo blew the whistle, signalling bakugo, Kaminari, koda, mineta and tokoyami dove into the water. Well except from bakugo. He blasted himself to the other side?

You burst out laughing. That was the funniest thing you'd seen all day, he was in a swimming race and he was the only one who didn't actually swim, he just twirled in the air by his little explosions.

I mean, he made it. "HOW WAS THAT YOU SIDEKICKS?" He pointed at kirishima and sero


"ITS CALLED FREESTYLE SWIMMING!" Bakugo bellowed, once again.

"STOP LAUGHING WEBHEAD!" He then pointed at you.

"Okay freestyler" you laughed at him.

At this point nobody even swam, they pretty much all used their quirks. Apart from izuku. He dove in and won.

You'd walked over to izuku to congratulate him on his win and he thanked you, for a while you both chatted about little things before iida announced the last race. And you didn't know it, but they whole time bakugo and todoroki stared and watched as you conversed with izuku.

"It's time for the final race, bakugo, todoroki, Midoriya as winners of each heat you'll fight for first place, understand?" Iida announced to them.

"Got it!" Izuku replied enthusiastically.

"Yes." Shoto replied, monotonously.


"I will." He replied, and bakugo turned to izuku.

"YOU TOO, FIGHT TO WIN!" He angrily shouted at izuku.

"Yeah, I will, I promise!" Izuku nodded.

It was amusing watching the whole scene play out before you.

But as it started, and everyone thought they were going to blast through with their quirks, they fell into the water mid air.

"It's 5pm, your authorised pool time is officially over, hurry up and go home!" Aizawas hair floated as he removed their quirks.

All of that and for what.

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