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I woke up next to a sleepy Scott, our legs tangled together under the sheets and with my arm thrown over his chest. I felt a smile creeping onto my face. Scott Hoying.

''Morning, Scott..'' I whispered with the smile still on my face.

''M'five more...'' he mumbled with his eyes closed. I let out a laugh as he cotinued. ''Too early, need...''

''Need what, Scotty?''

''Need... Need beauty sleep..''

''Okay, I'll let you sleep then,'' I said, slowly untangling my legs from his. ''But only for five minutes.'' I stood up from the bed and started to walk to the bathroom. I took my toothbrush from the counter and brushed my teeth quickly. I stood in front of the large mirror Scott had and lifted up the hem of my shirt slowly, making a face when I saw the scars on my stomach. Memories of Alex started to fill my mind and I quickly dropped the shirt back down. It wasn't the time to think about him. It was never the time to think about him, really. Alex was just another mistake I've made in the past but I had to get over it.

After I had washed my teeth and face I walked back into the large bedroom only to see Scott standing next to the bed. He turned around and smiled adorably when he saw me.

''Good morning, Mitch,'' he said, the smile permanent on his face. ''Did you sleep well?''

''Yeah, I did,'' I smiled back at him and sat next to him on the bed. ''What are we doing today? The sun is actually shining..'' He chuckled but raised his eyebrows a moment later.

''What time is it?''

''Uh,'' I said, reaching for my phone that was across the bed. ''Two to one.''

''That late? Should I drive you home?''

''Oh, no.. I want to spend the day with you. I mean, I told my mom that I'd be home today, but today still has..'' I counted with my fingers. ''Eleven hours and two minutes.'' Scott laughed at me and then stood up.

''Well, I will go and brush my teeth now. Then we'll eat breakfast and then we can make a plan for today. Does that sound okay?''

''Yeah.'' I smiled and he walked into the bathroom. I quickly pulled the shirt Scott had given me over my head and went to get my bag. I bent over and reached for it when Scott came back into the bedroom. 


Scott's eyes were wide when he saw Mitch shirtless, and bending over with his back to him. He tried to shake it off but it didn't work. ''Earth to Scott?'' Mitch laughed when Scott blushed. He was finally able to look somewhere else.

''Uh... Sorry, I-- Uh, I came to get some, uh, clo-- clothes'' He struggled ''Yeah, uh, clothes. I'm, uh, I'm sorry.'' He went back into the bathroom, leaving a confused Mitch Grassi behind him. Mitch shook it off and turned around, reaching for his bag once again. He got his shirt and put it on, waiting for Scott to come out from the bathroom so he could go in there and change. Scott seemed to take more time than expected so he decided to be fast and change there.  He quickly slid out of the large sweatpants and pulled his jeans on, having to wiggle into them. Mitch walked to the mirror and looked at the outfit he'd put on. Mommy looks good today. Scott came out of the bathroom, wearing a simple black t-shirt and a pair of blue denim shorts. His eyes landed on Mitch and when the small brunette turned around and their eyes met, he felt like time stopped passing. He found his legs taking steps towards the beautiful boy, his arms locking themselves around the small waist in front of them. Mitch slowly turned around in Scott's arms and felt the blond's fingers tracing his jawline, slowly lifting it upwards. He started to lean in. And so did the shorter boy in his arms. 

Scott had thought that nothing could make his mind blow the way it did when he got his first Toy Story game for Xbox, but the feeling of Mitch's lips against his was definitely winning. Fireworks flew through their minds as the brunette wrapped his arms around the blond's neck, pulling him closer. The kiss grew more heated, but as time went by, the lack of air was a problem. Mitch quickly pulled away and turned his back to the tall boy, beginning to panick slightly. He ran around the room and packed his stuff, running out of the room. Before Scott even had time to think, Mitch was gone. 

By the time his brain got back to reality, his legs were already running towards the door. When Mitch was nowhere to be seen, he ran to his car and started the engine, hearing it roar loudly. He pressed his leg against the gas pedal and took a right. He saw a figure walking down the road after a minute and sighed. It was Mitch. He drove past the small boy and stopped the car, opening the door across the car. 

''C'mon, Mitch! I'm driving you home.'' He said, waiting for Mitch to hop into the car. 

''Thank you. I didn't really want to walk. I just... Panicked, sorry.'' Mitch sighed, sitting on the bench of the Audi. Scott chuckled, taking Mitch's hand in his, pressing the gas pedal once again. 

''It's okay, it's okay... Did I do something wrong?'' Scott asked and his eyebrows furrowed when Mitch frowned. After a moment the brunette slowly shook his head. They both sighed and Scott drove straight until he didn't know where to drive. ''Okay... Well, could you tell me where to go?'' 

''Uh, just drive. I mean, go on. Like, straight.'' Mitch mumbled. ''It's that yellow house there.'' He said and then moved his eyes to his lap, playing with the hem of his shirt with his free hand. Scott nodded and drove until they almost passed the house. 

''Here you are.''

''Thanks,'' Mitch said quietly, trying to get his hand free from Scott's grip. ''Uh...''

''Oh,'' Scott said and let go of Mitch's hand, opening his door. He got out and ran around the car, opening his arms. ''Can I get a hug, please?'' 

Mitch nodded and smiled slightly. ''See you?'' Scott asked, his eyes meeting the brown ones.

''Yeah.'' Mitch sighed as Scott got back into the car. ''I'm so sorry, Scott.'' He whispered into the thin air when the car drove away from him. ''So, so sorry.''

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