chapter 6

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So this is kinda the part 2 to the bal wedding (I forgot about the talk between Hadyes and Evie Whoops!)

A couple days after the wedding:
Evie and Doug sat at the park waiting for Haydes, since Evie had to go home before she got the chance to talk to him on Mals wedding. A few moments later Haydes showed up. "Hi, sorry again for having to leave the other day early." Evie apologized as Haydes sat down. "No it's fine, this gives a less public setting anyway." Haydes told her. "So what was it you wanted to talk about?" Evie asked politely. "Well, do you know why me and malificent got divorced?" He asked. "Well Mal said you and Malificent weren't getting along so you started seeing someone else." Evie chose her words carefully, as Haydes had a reputation for losing his temper. "And do you know who that person was?" He asked. "No" She said as she tried to figure out where he was going with this. "Well, it was your mom, which is why her and Malificent never got along very well. Surprise, I'm your dad." He said with a smirk as Doug looked like he was going to pass out. "Wh- huh?" Evie felt like she herself was going to pass out. "So me and Mal are half sisters?" She asked once she had got herself somewhat calm. "Yeah, and technically, your a demigod." Haydes answered. "Well all this explains the naturally blue hair." Evie couldn't help but laugh. "That's natural?" Doug asked. "You really thought that after all this time I never went to get my hair re-dyed and my hair stayed this blue, even though it was dyed?" She asked. "Well, I guess I never put two and two together." He answered. Evie got up to hug her dad. While Evie couldn't tell because of the hug, Haydes gave Doug the 'I'm watching you' sign. "Does Mal know?" Evie asked as she pulled away from her dad's hug. "Nope I actually was hoping we could go bother he about it over some lunch?" Haydes asked with a hand held out. Evie gladly took his hand and they went to a café. (For once I'm using a restaurant other than Tiana's yay!)

As the three sat down and waited for Mal, Evie and Haydes caught up a bit. "So, I know you pretty much just met your dad, but could I walk you down the Isle at your wedding?" Haydes asked. Evie gave him her winning smile and said "Of course!" Haydes laughed a little. "You definitely have your mother's smile." Evie chuckled back "Oh how dare you." She said in a playful manner. "See, we already have something in common, we think your mother is a little unbearable." Haydes said as he took a sip of his coffee. "Yeah, she does get annoying." Evie said as she took a sip of her own coffee. Mal showed up a few seconds later, along with Ben. "Hey dad, Evie. what's up?" Mal asked as she took a seat. "Well we both have something to tell you." Haydes said as he nodded toward Evie. "Yeah?" Mal said. "Evie is also my daughter." Haydes said nervously. "What?" Mal asked, not believing she heard him right. "Well your mother and me starting arguing so I started seeing the Evil queen and then me and your mom got divorced." He explained. Then both Evie and Mal got up and hugged, much to Haydes relief. "That explains your blue hair!" Mal said, stilling hugging Evie. "That's exactly what I said!" Evie laughed as she released her best freind from the tight hug. "We've always had a sister like bond but it's so much more real now." Mal said with a bright smile.

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